PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

Mostly Battlefield I like Battlefield 1 and 5 they are the newest ones. I also enjoy Mech Warrior, Its a free to play game. You are in these Big Mechs , Robot type things and you battle its a lot of fun, Do you play ?

The Mech Warrior, is it like the old Mech Warrior 2: Mercenaries? I loved that game lol

For the past 4 years, I’ve played War Robots
Once you water it, the mix will cake up a bit. It doesn't blow around.
Maybe I need to wait till they need watering so I can wet it down. Whats your thoughts @Preston9mm or maybe I can use a spray bottle to lightly spray the tops of the pots then add the Perlite and DE mixture on the top and wet it down with a spray bottle too. That would not be over watering I don't think
That sounds like a plan Preston Thank You. I cant handle perlite with my breathing problems so when my buddy comes over tomorrow I will have him put some Perlite mixed with DE in the tops of the pots. Should I get it wet so it stays. If not then I will have to figure something out because the fan will blow all the DE and Perlite off the top of the pots, Any suggestions ?
Another tip, when mixing it up...

If you have a bucket with a lid... pour in the bucket, cap it, then shake TF outta it.

Let it sit for 20 min, then pop the top & scoop out with a small cup. Dust will be minimal.

I actually use a 1-cup, measuring cup to top dress the pots. . :thumb:
You could top-dress the pots now & just mist the surface with water, w/ a spray bottle, that should help to form your barrier & keep dust to a minimum.

After you water next, you'll be solid!
The Mech Warrior, is it like the old Mech Warrior 2: Mercenaries? I loved that game lol

For the past 4 years, I’ve played War Robots
Yes it is just like that but Much better graphics and Much bigger maps. I will probably get my had slapped for this but This is the link to the game. It is a blast on my 34 inch ACER Predator 120hz. monitor
Follow that Hyper link and it will take you to the Game and it is a BLAST. Maybe we can get on team speak and play some. Or another voice com app if you use a different one like Over wolf etc. Let me know if you ever want to jump on and play a bit.
You could top-dress the pots now & just mist the surface with water, w/ a spray bottle, that should help to form your barrier & keep dust to a minimum.

After you water next, you'll be solid!
You'll notice, after you've watered through that top dressing a few times, it'll basically turn into a little patty on top of the soil. Kinda like a rice cake, or styrofoam.

Anyhwoo... it completely locks em in/out. I swear by it now. Everything that goes into my flower room gets top dressed as a preventative. Super cheap insurance.

It will take in water a bit slower.... but giving water at a slow pace is good anyhow. (You'll see what I mean)

When you're done, if you're worried about contaminating your LOS with a bunch of perlite, you can scoop the top dressing off & save to reuse before dumping your rootballs in the bin.

I save mine, hit it with DE again, shake it up well, then top dress the next group.
How do you use mosquito dunks ?
Worst outbreak I had here, I used those mosquito dunks to actually "dunk" my entire pots in the mix.

Filled a large basin with water & dissolved (ground) dunks in the water...warm water helps to dissolve it quicker.

Mixed well, then set the pots in, one by one, for a 5 min soak. Let them drip dry a bit & put em back in the room.

...I also cleaned TF outta the room while the plants were off bathing.

None of mine reacted negatively, at all.


All inexpensive, and a combo of a few of these methods is a recipe for success.
I will start with the Perlite and DE, I already have that then if they are still around I will add the Mosquito dunks. I may go ahead and order some from the Zon. Thanks @seedlingmtl for sharing that. I also ordered Natural Guard Spinosad Soap to try and have on hand. What other essentials should I have on hand incase I get other pest ?
Not sure if all you folks have heard about our Nevilles Haze grow End of July first of August. Not sure If anyone would like to join us in the adventure, but if so you are more then welcome to join in. Most of our seeds were bought from Seedsman. They are Fem seeds from Green House seeds I will post a link so it is easy to find. This is not a sponsored grow, It is just for fun and so we have some good head stash.

i got some bitcoin i been saving i about to get a few i think
Ahhh that reminds me PC and gang,
The Mrs okayed an expensive seed purchase this time around, so I picked up a pack of Terple from IHG. Unfortunately this means I won’t be able to get the Neville’s haze.

however I will be keeping an eye on a that thread come July!

edit: you know July is a long way away, and a 3 pack is only $26, it could still happen.
I used those dunks in my RO water buckets for a week or so 2 years ago for some gnats. Problem solved, though I did decide to spend an hour slow-rolling through the room with a swatter as a final, and at times dramatic "Basil Rathbone" style, contribution to the other passive methods already employed.

Might have shown my age there...lmao.
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