PCaddict's 1st Grow Journal

PC, why aren't you drying in your tent? Please do not dry in your garage if conditions are not good. You spent all this time and effort to this point and this is probably the most important step.

I will be drying in the tent once I harvest the ones that are in the tent now. The tent is the only place I can keep the plants so I cant hang anything in there until the two that are in there come out to get harvested. Kind of catch 22 .
I hope he gets a handle on it today!
I pretty much have to get it done today so I will be focusing mainly on the fan leaf's and any dead tips on the sugar leaf's so it should go much quicker today. If I get all three plants done today I will hang dry in my tent
Good deal PC! Let us know if you need tips on hang dry.

I could defiantly use some tips. I have no ide what the temp and RH should be, Not that I have much control over it , even in the tent. Our house stays 69 or 70 degrease and the RH stays in the 30 to 40% range in the tent
I could defiantly use some tips. I have no ide what the temp and RH should be, Not that I have much control over it , even in the tent. Our house stays 69 or 70 degrease and the RH stays in the 30 to 40% range in the tent
hey pc you have a window you can open in there make sure theres no heater vents open in there keep the door closed that will help for temps.50 is good enough less is better r/h you can adjust with your dehumidifier,
hey pc you have a window you can open in there make sure theres no heater vents open in there keep the door closed that will help for temps.50 is good enough less is better r/h you can adjust with your dehumidifier,
I don't have a dehumidifier but it satys in the 30 to 40% range in the tent with the humidifier running outside of the tent. What should the temps be, Dam I wish I had another fridge and a place to put it
I don't have a dehumidifier but it satys in the 30 to 40% range in the tent with the humidifier running outside of the tent. What should the temps be, Dam I wish I had another fridge and a place to put it
just get the temps as low as you can 40s is best but low 50s are good and those r/h are good its going to be better than the garage good luck buddy the first few days are crucial. :)
It's been a while since I hang dried but pretty sure rh was higher than others are suggesting, in the 50-60 range with temps around 60-65. Exhaust fan on but other fans off as that will dry them too quick. Can you put huey in tent? 30-40 is going to dry quick which we really don't want. @neikodog goes like 10 days but I've never gone more than 5 days.
If you have bovedas, the early dry isn't that important. On the string, the outside will dry faster, so once the moisture goes out of the sugar leaves, you can jar them up and the moist stems will circulate into the sugar leaves and dry everything uniformly.

At least, that's been my experience. I've dried in the winter at desert humidity, and once the sugars go crumbly and the stems kink but don't snap, I jar 'em up and within a few days the terps are fabulous. That first dry can be as quick as 3 days, and within a week of monitoring and burping, the jars are stable.

Well my buddy is late he had something to do this morning and was going to be here at 12 and the wife will be home early today.
If you have bovedas, the early dry isn't that important. On the string, the outside will dry faster, so once the moisture goes out of the sugar leaves, you can jar them up and the moist stems will circulate into the sugar leaves and dry everything uniformly.

At least, that's been my experience. I've dried in the winter at desert humidity, and once the sugars go crumbly and the stems bend but don't snap, I jar 'em up and within a few days the terps are fabulous. That first dry can be as quick as 3 days, and within a week of monitoring and burping, the jars are stable.

I have a few jars and Bovida packs, 58% and 62% so if the dry a little too quick and can use the Bovida packs to bring the moister back up. I also plan to use turkey baking bags for curing
Another question I have is on the big colas is it ok to just open the buds up so that air can get down in to the bud or should I break them up into small buds ??
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