PC Grow - TLO - LED - Lavender - Hash Bomb & THC Bomb

Morning Scousemouse! Hope you are well!

You've been busy hey! A few congratulations are in order I believe :party:
Awesome news about the light leaks, always a struggle, as for your poor air flow, that's something you'll need to fix. Have you considered maybe making a light trap? Is there any way you could have a fan in there to, to circulate the air? Maybe just a hanging computer fan?

Making seeds!!! Now you don't hear too many growers wanting males! But awesome plan bro, your set up will pay for its self in no time!

Quick question, did I read that your about to flip them?

As for the Scrog or LST question, I'm my opinion I would LST, this gives you the option to move the plants, like take them out if they need a flush etc. I just feel as awesome as scrog is, you need a room to do it, I debated my self on this topic for ages ha-ha but went with LST, and I got a pretty damn even canopy that has now turned to a sea of tops!

Everything is looking boss in here, as usual bro!
Congrats on all your good news!!

And have a blast in Amsterdam, gosh I'm jealous..
Thanks for the kind words WS. Indeed I am going to begin 12/12 either today or tomorrow, I need to keep these plants under control.

I think I agree with you about the SCROG/LST question I was tempted by a screen to keep it looking neat and to try and fill the box as much as possible but I think I'd struggle to actually fill the screen while keeping it really short and it'd be a pain to install now. Seeing as there's three plants in there it's somewhat of a SOG anyway, aggressive tying down it will be.

I've got a few 90mm fans and I was thinking of putting one in the middle but I'm scared of the plants growing into it. Although, I just had an idea, I could position it horizontally between the two pots having it draw air upwards. Kinda like this \_/ |```| \_/ (pot - fan - pot).
Update: 12-12 begins
My timer arrived today and I finished the light proofing so tomorrow will be the first day of 12-12, let the stretch BEGIN!

I'm pretty excited at the moment seeing the new little leaves each day. The THC Bomb is taking off nicely.

I know it's I've just started and it's early days but I think I'm going to ask Bomb if they'll sponsor my next grow with some of their seeds.
On another note, the THC Bomb buds tend not to be massive but they are dense and I found the stems weak for the weight of the buds. You may want to give them some silica and/or be prepared to stake her :)

I think in a few weeks there's going to be bondage all over my girls and with them being small I'm hoping they can support their own weight fairly well.

Bomb seem to have awesome genetics, if Hash Bomb turns out to be male I'd be tempted to make a Lavender Bomb and THC/Hash Bomb.
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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