PB's Persistent Pot Condo: Established 2019

You guys motivated me but I petered out a bit and decided to roll with the same system in the pot condo. It works fine, I'd just end up spending more money. I'm going to focus on cleanliness! Cleaned and purged a bit, will do for this round. I still have gnats... I've sprayed 3 times with neem and made some pot covers but they are tough to beat! That's my next big battle. No gnats! no gnats! no gnats!

I'm super stoked about the @Vulx scrog, wow there is some serious tricome densness in the two outer plants and everything is fattening up, even the foxtails on the NY diesel!

The bug buds cleaned up nicely too. Dense buds, the washing with h202 and water gave them a different feel and they seemed to dry quicker on the rack, all jarred up!

Cheers mates happy Labor Day! :yahoo:



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Diatomaceous earth is indeed helpful for fighting gnats.It cuts up their bodies and they die from massive dehydration. You don't want to put it on thick, just a light dusting. It gives a slow release of silica as well. You may need to reapply.
Thanks for visiting y'all I always appreciate the encouragement and advice, it's been nothin' but a bunch of fun too eh?!

Their numbers are definitely diminishing but these damn gnats are resilient...a major problem I have is the drain holes on my cheap plastic 5g pots are about a inch square and couldn't be more inviting to them. I love the size of the holes though and don't wish to change, I use them to judge how wet the bottom of the pot is along with weight I guess I could just go by weight but I think I'd just rather figure out a way to eradicate them all together.

I've been covering the tops of the pots and that has helped but I see them using the side doors for sure still, which rules out any further horizontal application like sand or DE. I think I'm going to have to resort to some sort of feed additive. I read H202 will kill their babies in the soil, also my grow store guy mentioned a feed treatment of some sort so after some more research and council, maybe that'll be my next plan of attack. I'll keep you posted, as well as with my next little project...check out this freebie pile I snagged!

I read H202 will kill their babies in the soil,
The trouble with H202 is that it also kills some of the good microbes in the soil.

I use mosquito dunk treated water on my plants (the BT doesn't bother the plants at all)
And I haven't seen a soil gnat for months-if you keep your plant water in a bucket or barrel,just drop 1/2 a dunk in for every 5 gallons-24 hours later,the water is populated with the BT microbes-when you water your plants, the gnat larvae in the soil ingest the BT, and it kills them
quickly-once they die,you'll have the pre-existing adults buzzing around till they die of old age,(2-3 days) then your gnat problem is solved!
I just use the dunk treated water every watering, to keep them from coming back.
Hard to judge scale from the photo, but looks to be a bountiful harvest ahead PB.
What do the trichs look like? It’s just that they’re all still such a gorgeous shade of dark green (except for maybe one at the back, looks to be using up some reserves). Asking about the trichomes because I read somewhere that nitrogen deprivation for their last few weeks forces more resin production, and somewhere else that a nice dark green leaf is a sign of a nitrogen rich soil. If the trichs look ripe, and I’m not doubting you, I just think it means you’ve got something really good going on. Maybe it’s the vulx?
Thanks guys, I know falling over isn't a indicator, more of a emphasis statement than anything. I'd say about 20% amber on the outer plants. The NY Diesel in the middle could go a bit more for sure, others could go longer also. Honestly I'm kinda just tired of looking at them! Ill leave them with the haircut for now, but their days are numbered! :yahoo:
They look great,PB...it won't be long now!
I imported two ladybugs from the front yard, and while doing some pruning and watering I found this little squirmer...whadda you think that is?
Gotta be a worm of some sort. It’s honestly looks like a germinated seed, you know, like a tap root lol but too hard to actually see what it is :cheer:

Nice work on the lady bug!! They love aphids!!

Lady bugs like aphids, but the baby lady bugs eat aphids for breakfast. I knew a guy that breed lady bugs for the baby’s, because their appetites are ferocious!! :thumb:
Well @Backlipslide let's hope they make some babies, because one of my veggers is sporting some bright green crawly speckles! I found two more ladybugs this am, plopped them on my girl and they are going to town! I had to direct traffic a bit but I now have ladybugs over for breakfast! Cheers mates have a great day!
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