Pat Gets Hairy With A Gorilla

Yo. So today I just did a bit of training on the girls as they were pointing to the light


Before they received some additional bondage


Afterwards they seem to be taking it quite well :passitleft:

Big girl has no new photos. Will take some tomorrow to show you peeps what's going on there.

Blessings :ganjamon:
Oh yeah . . . all potted up, nice fabic pots. how long you plan to veg these girls for?
Yo. So today I just did a bit of training on the girls as they were pointing to the light


Before they received some additional bondage


Afterwards they seem to be taking it quite well :passitleft:

Big girl has no new photos. Will take some tomorrow to show you peeps what's going on there.

Blessings :ganjamon:

That's a boy tie them beaches down lol

Looking on point bro...
Good day all. I have been a bit quiet the last few days on the forum as I've experienced alot of shit at work. I've been a bit stressed out and just needed some me time. I'm back now and will do a proper update on the big girl and my clones :passitleft:
Thank you love! :Namaste:
Looking good in the garden Pat
Appreciated brother :passitleft:
Oh yeah . . . all potted up, nice fabic pots. how long you plan to veg these girls for?
Shot Iti. Yeah these pots are glorious, a little bit more challenging for doing LST but heck yeah! They drain really good and helps roots self prune. I have absolutely no idea how long they will go bru but they'll stay in the mini tent still a while :passitleft:
Very nice Pat. Your girls are doing great my friend.

Mr Ditch! :passitleft: thank you brother. I am in love with this soil. It's so easy atm :rofl:
Looking good Pat, nice job on the LST. Your bondage skillz are evident
Caco bro :passitleft: shot man, I do love my bondage, we're only starting with this sexyness so stick around for more crazy bondage and wiener stifflers :ganjamon:
That's a boy tie them beaches down lol

Looking on point bro...
LoL you know it bru we get rekt!
Look at you Pat!! Doing your thang!! Looks great mate!!
Van Stank, oh gosh you! :rofl: love it bru, appreciate the kind words!
Looking good Pat!
Yar Dobe! :passitleft:
Where ya at Pat, where ya at?!
Hiding from your sickass clown shit :rofl: get your dimply balloons outta here manLoL!
They look great brudda!!
Dankness bro :passitleft:
We lost pat to another sabPATical...
I'm so lost they made another season of Lost, just on me
Sorry to hear about life troubles bro

Good thing we have this wonderful medicine to help us cope better
Sorry to hear about life troubles bro

Good thing we have this wonderful medicine to help us cope better
Yeah man it's a real bitch. Like I'm wanting to move forward with my career and currently I'm being kept in a place I can't grow. Only to find out people would rather talk shit and not help me and get upset about it. Anyway bru it's just assholes making my life difficult. This medicine sure helps alot man :passitleft:
Good to have you back Pat
Glad to be back brother. Stick around for a nice little update coming in the next few minutes
Yeah man it's a real bitch. Like I'm wanting to move forward with my career and currently I'm being kept in a place I can't grow. Only to find out people would rather talk shit and not help me and get upset about it. Anyway bru it's just assholes making my life difficult. This medicine sure helps alot man :passitleft:

Glad to be back brother. Stick around for a nice little update coming in the next few minutes

Keep your head up man

Float under radar and keep your sanity man

Don't let them get ya the better of who you are .

You have more respect for yourself then that homes .
Yo. So last time I did an update was from the 9th. We will see how the big girl was looking on the 10th


Here we have some buddage forming. Hopefully we can keep her going a while still for a decent batch of butter to be made. I'm definitely making me muffins afterwards :rofl::rofl:


Moving onwards we see some dankness coming from the 11th. By this time the clones needed more bondage to keep things sexy AF :party:




This was before any bondage, then I got in there with my magical fingers and made them moist






Look at these tiny ass leaves :rofl::rofl:

Moving onto what we had for the 12th :party: these are without any filter and the morning of the 12th bouncing back from that bondage





120w of blast your cock sideways power it's like taking it in the butt

By now you're supposed to have a bong ready for today's photos :rofl: we start with the big girl showing us her frosty side coming out slowly to play




Keeping in mind I never do much work on this girl anymore, don't check pH, don't check ppm. Wing it and dip it!

Here we have the clones looking tasty and starting to settle in with the newer soil, think the leaves got a bit nute burn because of the soil being new





This is all I have for a cock warmer this pleasant evening :rofl: oh no my roosters have escaped out of my bedroom!

Thanks for stopping by. Stay blessed friends :passitleft:
Keep your head up man

Float under radar and keep your sanity man

Don't let them get ya the better of who you are .

You have more respect for yourself then that homes .
Yeah man but it's sad because someone at my work will actually give a bad reference even if it's all false to a new job calling to enquire about me, making me instantly not viable for the job. Now I'm hearing the other operational manager is angry because I want to leave, however I'm stuck in this fucking awful place. Coming to work sucks dick, I fucking hate it bro. It just adds another reason to justify me leaving this place
Yay pats back! It will turn around for ya bud.. just keep doing the right thing and be yourself. You are good at that lol.
Yo Toast :passitleft: I hope so brother. I got an interview Monday with a recruitment agent and would need to explain to her everything that's happening
Yaaaaay, you're back. I missed you soooo much. BIG HUG. :love::Namaste::love:

Your clones are gorgeous, you would never think you had any struggle. And that is how life is. We make growing look easy sometimes when shit is going down in personal life. Whatever you do, don't surrender who you are at work, but get by enough to protect your true passion in life, growing. I loved KJ's advice too.

PS...why are you blasting your rooster sideways anyways??? hahahaha
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