Pass that pesky piss test?

Got a bit of KY's laws for ya on Drug testing....

It seems KY has no laws on drug testing as far as employment testing is concerned. I couldnt find any info on court ordered testing, sorry. I would strongly suggest calling the courthouse and just ask them how the deal usually goes. You cannot get in trouble for trying to get informed.

Hey, thanks! You're awesome. I appreciate all the help.
I think I'm gonna check out GNC for their cleansing & detox products. The synthetic urine sounds like the most sure way 2 go, but with my luck I'd get busted!
Going to take my test 2-day. I bought me some of that strip from GNC, got my fingers crossed, I'll let every1 know how it went. Wish me luck :peace:
:tommy: :headbang: Oh yea! strip works! I was sweatin' bullets 2-day! Last time I smoked was Mon. nite, drank the strip 2-day (Wed.) around noon, there 4 a minute I thought I might get out of the courthouse without the bother, but I thought wrong, they tested me around 4:00 p.m. & I tested neg. so, I shouldn't have 2 worry about that again. On that note I came home & celebrated! :rasta:
You can clean out in a week if you drink 2 2ltrs of water a day, I've done it many times. Especially if you eat light, not alot of stuff that will absorb the water, stick with a lot of fruit and veggies. Niacin helps too, don't go taking 6 like people tell you to though. Thats all I got for ya, check the FAQ's
You can clean out in a week if you drink 2 2ltrs of water a day, I've done it many times. Especially if you eat light, not alot of stuff that will absorb the water, stick with a lot of fruit and veggies. Niacin helps too, don't go taking 6 like people tell you to though. Thats all I got for ya, check the FAQ's

Aside from the test I had for the Marine Corps, I have passed several tests using this method - of course this is relative to your BMI (body mass index) since thc is fat soluble, the less body fat you have, the easier it is to flush it from your system.

at any rate, good luck on passing your test man!:bong:
Ok, I just came up on this thread and like so many have stated, If no one will be watching you, BE SMART!!! Take a friends, daughters, sons, etc. urine, whoever as long as it's clean! Fellows it's simple, take a clean spill proof container, duct tape(clear does not hold well, especially if you sweat) it to your inner thigh just under your nuts facing down... You want it to be as easy as possible.(no noise) All you need is 2 fluid oz. Facing it down insure's you are not leaking before you go, which could be all bad...:hmmmm: and simplifies the process. Go in the room, un-screw the top and let the "clean" unrine flow in the test cup and finish off by taking a healthy piss in the bowl.

Ladies, have it even easier... If you don't want to tape it to your leg, just place the 2oz container inside you. Really, the wife does it all the time!

Otherwise if you're scared or have someone watching you; I use a product call Sonie #7.(Military method) you can get it at any natrual health food store. Literally works in one day along with water! And I need to mention, I take my meds daily... :cool: Never failed one test in 7 years in the Air Force. Good luck everyone!:robgriffin:

DO NOT TRUST the 1hr, 2hr money back gauruntee BS... You'll be sorry!
I've used my best friends pee b-4 like that when I had 2 go 2 the dr. office & give them a sample, but I didn't know how they would do it at court, so I was a little afraid 2 try that there. All I know is the strip worked & I'm grateful! Have 2 admit I'd heard several people passing & failing on that stuff so, I guess it's just 1 of those hit & miss type deals, that & the bottle has no directions, I had 2 check it out online to know how 2 correctly use it. Does the synthetic urine work on tests they send out to a lab like Quest or labcorp?
Does the synthetic urine work on tests they send out to a lab like Quest or labcorp?

Oh yes. All the tests we've used urn luck in were sent off to private labs/facilities. Scientifically, it looks like piss. Physically, it looks like piss. The companies that make the synthetic urine test the samples themselves b/f they go out, now im no scientist but im pretty sure they go as far as to compare it w/ real urine side by side in all kinds of testing, even under a microscope it looks to be uringe. I think for the only way for them too know if its genuine urine is if they do a chemical breakdown and stuff which could get pretty expensive.
if ur using your friends piss would a p.o actually be able to tell if the temp is right? i get piss tests randomly so the only good option im thinkin is to carry a new bottle of piss around everyday but then the only problem is how to heat it or if heating it even matters? can ne one answer that 4 me please?
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