Here it is...Ive been a pot smoker on and off since i was 13 im now 26... Ive been smoking one or two hits a day for two to three years . Now alla sudden im in a position i MUST GET A JOB. and almost all teh shit my resume sucks in requires a piss test. I have attempted at clearing my system. I quit on Tuesday night (Feb. 1) and last night after three near misses, I finally gave in an barely hit the pipe at a party. So basically one hit in the last five days. I would like to take the test on Monday...but its really my choice when i go down to the staffing agency. First and Foremost...lets get apoll going here...
Whats the most effective, no fucking way in the world ANYONE would fail type of masking agent that staffing agency sponsored tests wont catch? Im willing to spend up to fifty dollars. and where can I get it? My local head shop? GNC ?
Does me just calming down on smoking help? Cause since I moved to where i am (almost a month ago) my weed smoking has increased three fold...I am no longer a one or two hit a day person Im more like one or two bowls a day person...So now that I quit whats my THC level like and how many days before I can piss clear?
Can I in conjunction with my almost 5 days sobreity and a thing of serto pass a test on monday?
Please anyone who can offer advice Im in dire need of a job, I can only afford ot pay rent for the month... but the thing is I am dying to smoke...MY key focus here is ...How can I pass a piss test on monday with my own piss and still smoke a bowl tonight and tommorow?
Whats the most effective, no fucking way in the world ANYONE would fail type of masking agent that staffing agency sponsored tests wont catch? Im willing to spend up to fifty dollars. and where can I get it? My local head shop? GNC ?
Does me just calming down on smoking help? Cause since I moved to where i am (almost a month ago) my weed smoking has increased three fold...I am no longer a one or two hit a day person Im more like one or two bowls a day person...So now that I quit whats my THC level like and how many days before I can piss clear?
Can I in conjunction with my almost 5 days sobreity and a thing of serto pass a test on monday?
Please anyone who can offer advice Im in dire need of a job, I can only afford ot pay rent for the month... but the thing is I am dying to smoke...MY key focus here is ...How can I pass a piss test on monday with my own piss and still smoke a bowl tonight and tommorow?