Pantagruel's Perpetually Home

Looks like the biggest two South African Kwazulu are males. Here is my new favourite.

Best news I've had in some time....the biggest of my South African Kwazulu plants which I though was male (I had already pulled it from the tent) turned out to be female. Upotted and heading back where she belongs now....
Just finished jarring my last harvest. Somehow I managed to miss an onslaught of thrips, figured it just a couple of days before I was supposed to chop. I doused everybody, treated the soil with BTI and gave them another week to clean up. The smaller plants all suffered a lot and I only got about 20 g from each them. But my largest South African Kwazulu fared pretty well and I got nearly 2 1/2 oz from her (big jar in the last pic).

First pic, my first outdoor plants, 3 Afghani x Green Crack.
Second pic, Blue Widow clones
Third Pic, a bunch of strains at various stages of flowering, from 0 to 4 weeks. South African Kwazulu, Blue Widow, Harlequiin, LSD, Neil Haze.
About to harvest 2 Harlequin and 1 LSD. One Neil Haze I'm going to let go another week.

Below, that, my outdoor girls, 3 Afghani X Green Crack. They are almost 6 feet tall now and about 1 week into flower. Hoping to get them to 7 weeks before the frost hits.

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I harvested just under 6 oz from the outdoor plants. Below is what will be my last crop for a while. We have a good cupboard and the wife wants tomatoes this winter. Anyway, these are a cross I did of two closely related landrace strains, Afghani and Pure Kush. I grew one plant of it while back and it is a pure sedative, so I'll be making some tinctures I expect. I will harvest these Sunday morning.
Winter garden of peppers and tomatoes will be done soon. I just picked up some new strains to add to my collection. I already have one Dark Angel and one Harlequin a couple of weeks old. One sad South African Kwazulu seedling that probably won't make it. My new strains, White Widow auto, Bruce Banner auto (freebies) and Laughing Buddha. I'm excited about the Laughing Buddha. The autos I got because I figure it will be easier to manage the flower cycle with our short Canadian summer. First purchase from Montreal Cannabis Seeds, very quick.

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In the last few pictures you can see the Optic 2 LED I bought in 2018. Initially I was very happy with the way the plants responded. But after 5 months I had to replace the entire bloom-enhancer LED array. 3 months later the timer board went. Now, a year later, it looks like both of those things have gone again.

I read that there were problems with early generation Optics, so I asked if I could arrange to trade-in for a different model, even offering to pay a percentage. Nope. They don't do trade-ins.

So, for what it's worth, if you're looking at Optic, look elsewhere is my advice. I wish I had.
Vegging under my crippled Optic 2.

The three bigger plants on the right (front to back) Dark Angel (f), Laughing Buddha (f), Harlequin (?).
The rest of the plants are my own Neil Craze hybrid (Neil Haze X Green Crack). I'm giving half of those to a friend.

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Turns out Spider Farmer ships these lights out set to half-power. Maybe they are trying to minimize the amount of warranty claims in hopes that a lot of people don't notice. When I finally did manage to turn the wattage all the way up this sucker gets really bright. However it also heats up quite a bit more.
Still under the Spider Farmer SF2000 for now. It's going back and I have a Bavagreen 240w coming which should be a little nicer. It has an external dimmer, UV, IR and Far IR lights, all switchable. Meanwhile the plants really seem to like the qb light more than the cobs I think.

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Just got some BavaGreen lights to replace the SF2000. Those are better, real dimmer switch and switchable IR/FarIR/UV on the one light. Meanwhile I up-potted using Happy Frog for the first time and it totally trashed my plants, I assume the PH is all fucked up. Tomorrow I'll repot everything cutting the HF with 50% Promix. I hope they recover ok.
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