This strain seems to be a slow starter. I have always used basically the same genetics passed down, a strain strain that has been used and bred in this area for 35+ years with some variations that have been bred in over the years. Original phenotype still kept on some mothers, perhaps being as hardy of plants as these are is why they seem to be so much faster than the Strawberry Haze, Im not certain though.
Has anyone who has used the GH Flora 3 part or even 2 part flora nova have any further suggestions for additional additives? Or is the 3 part complete enough? I have only used it within soil and of course the soil has micro and macros plus natural bacteria. I am uncertain using this coco medium. With that said I sure am enjoying the basics of hydro.
Today now that the ladies are settling in I think I will up my dry periods to two 4 hour intervals when the pump is off, I was doing one 3 hour interval before but was wrried about completely drying things out without a decent tap root began. Green house seed company uses a technique similar by dring the root systems to a much greater extent and credit a great deal of their succes to it.
With that said I am not submerging the roots at any time, just having a continually running flood system flowing through the peralite the pots sit upon, seems to be working well. I will be building a larger system in a flood table I am constructing for in the future.
Affter reading yesterday that the optimal temperature for the Strawberry Haze is 27 degrees I brought it up an it didnt deviate more than 0.8 of a degree last night. I am using a Chaney instruments Acurite weather station, it is alot over kill but I have 2 remote temperature/humidity transmitters so it so I just look at my weather station and get a Outside, Inside, and Grow chamber reading tight there in my kitchen. Kind of convienient for anoyone considering something similar, nice not having to go into the spare room to check it out, just glance up and you know temps and hummidity is safe.
With hummidity brought up I think I will need to be purchasing a hummidifier for anything I start in my home. RH of the house is about 42% with the box being slighlty lower. Too low! Recomended for this strain is about 70% early development and veg. Any one have any suggestions regarding bringing hummidity up? I have turned my Zone control off in my house but the wood stove dries it out.
Pctures to come this evening.
Thanks you all for checkin in!
-Pacific North