P9 Hunts For The Unicorn With Mars SP 250s

Lush, healthy, happy!
Looking great P!
Good to see ya growmie!

Appreciate the kind words... this group has been a rough one. LoL

Thankfully, the babies seem like they wanna take it easy on me. Things should be a bit more relaxed in a few weeks.
Here's the gap that fucked me up...


I was climbing around to the back side of the room to staple up the poly wrap on that little 3" lip next to the ladder chute.

I'll survive though, and the babies will reward me later. LoL

Here's the room so far...

Lights, fans, and door..... then I'll move some shit up.

On the bright side, you didn't fall on a pointy object and impale yourself. Despite your injuries, it doesn't look like it slowed you down much if you're back up there today taking pics. Must have that over active determination gene (aka stubborn).
Must have that over active determination gene (aka stubborn).

I'm gonna attempt to go to work today too, but only doing admin type stuff.

Both of the fractures were fairly minor, the shoulder being the worse of the 2. I'll keep it in a sling for the day.

Hip just feels like a huge bruise tho...thankfully lol
I got me some of that same gene. I'm a horrible patient. More like impatient. Broke my wrist trying to ride my son's skateboard (mid life crisis) and took 3 days before going to the doc. Then they casted it and I cut that off the next day. Probably why 3 years later they were taking 2 bones out of my wrist to reconfigure it. Not that that helped like they said it would. It's the same now as it was when it was broke. No real grip strength, very limited range of motion, and can't bear any weight on it. But the Dr got paid handsomely. Still ain't gonna stop me though. I may have some choice words when I'm doing mechanic jobs on our autos and something requires me to use my left hand and it doesn't work the way I want it to.
I know I get focused on the task at hand... Maybe out line you attic stairs opening with some bright tape if your running around up there. Something easily picked up by the eye, just a thought. Glad you are okay. Stay safe.
Ever consider pulling up the ladder when you're up there? Or hooking a net across the opening while you're working? I have a batting cage net sitting in the shed I can send you.

Coulda been a 4" lip in different boots...just sayin'.
Batting cage nets for Everclear.....two great tastes that taste great together.
Funny story.... guess where I ended up today at work? LoL

In a fucking attic space... all day. LoL

It had a rickety ass ladder too.... started getting flashbacks.


This is my life... there are many like it, but this shitstorm belongs to me!
Dohs bottom three feet doh! :eek:

I'm thinking you should always have Annette wherever you go.
Start wearing a damn climbing harness just to keep myself alive anymore. LoL

Got one laying around somewhere....


My next 2 weeks are gonna be pretty easy though... Today's job was a family friend. After it's complete, we're shutting down over the holidays. I'll just be "on-call" for any emergencies that come up while the boss man is out of town.

Today's job was bid out for 5 days of work. Complete "re-pipe" of an old lake house.

We were 90% complete when we left today. Tomorrow will be a "clean up day" then I'll be off thru the holiday.
On a positive note, all my shit for the new veg room are on the way.

Bought a fucking case of papers too!
Big ol canna-boner poppin' today! The UPS dude just made my day.
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