Here's the down & dirty on the Bubble Hash run from yesterday...
So, it was honestly a trial run for me, I didn't take a bunch of pics or measure shit, I just wanted to see how it all worked.
So, I will definitely put together a proper tutorial when I make the next run...
I ordered a cheapo set of bubble bags from the Zon like 2 weeks ago. They are the 1gal size (I wish I had grabbed 5gal)
The micron sizes are
They go in the bucket sequentially by size... outermost bag is the finest screen, the innermost is the course mesh.
I prepared the buds by freezing overnight. Next step was to mix up "the mash". I used a 1gal pitcher, ice on bottom... bud/ice/bud.... but ensure to have ice on top. Fill with water and let sit in fridge for an hour.
I had to transfer my mash to a bigger container to make it easier to stir.
I stirred vigorously for 10 min, took a break, then did 10 more min of mixing.
Poured mixture into the stack of bubble bags (in a bucket), mixed for a bit, allowed 5 min to settle, then removed the top bag, wringing out the mash into the next screen.
After that, it's just a matter of slowly raising each bag, one by one. It's almost like panning gold. I could dip the bag into the water to wash the hash off the sides, then let it pool in the lowest point to scoop it up with a spoon.
Rinse & repeat for each bag.
This kit also came with a 25 micron drying screen. I just put some paper towels under it & scooped my hash out & piled it there to dry.
*lol, that's not my yield tho.... that's just what I've been too lazy to clean up yet.
I let mine sit a few hours, then got impatient. I just folded up the drying screen & towels to press out remaining water.
Again.... sorry for the half-assed tutorial. I'll get it right next time. LoL