Oxygenating Reverse Osmosis


New Member
I have a question. Is it good to Oxygenate a spare 25 or 30 gallon reservoir with an air stone that has Reverse Osmosis water in it ? Or just leave it covered up undisturbed at 0 ppm :thanks: In Advance
Reverse Osmosis will purify the water but does nothing to oxygenate it. It is critical for your roots that your nutrient be well oxygenated. Whether or not this "contaminates" the water by bringing impurities from the air into the water is unknown to me. In my opinion it is a necessary risk. A very slight risk at that. Your already one step ahead of nature with the reverse osmosis treated water. Nature seems to be doing fine.
Thanks Stix :) I know that you must Oxygenate while you grow. That is a must. What I meant was to oxygenate a seperate reservoir with 30 Gallons of RO water that is standing by for water transfer.
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