Outdoor Sativa Grown In The Ground First Outdoor Grow

Re: Outdoor Sativa grown in the ground (First outdoor grow)

Yeah Rooster, that girl has you high up there. After seeing the pics on Trichster's thread it was mandatory that I get subbed to your journal ASAP! I'm rooting for you with the fight against the insects. Man, outdoors is the shisnic grows.


Hay there BAR,

Welcome on-board it is an honour to have you here please feel free to make yourself at home!!!

Best and Blessed my friend!!!

:adore: :circle-of-love:
Re: Outdoor Sativa grown in the ground (First outdoor grow)

In all honesty, it isn't so horrible it can't be smoked. Ten minutes later I could not care less what the bud tasted like! The UP side of hooch.

Alright young lady (AKA Gardenfaerie) the only time I've heard the word hooch is when my lady is referring to Marijuana, I'll let her know it's ok to still use this word. lol long live hooch!
Re: Outdoor Sativa grown in the ground (First outdoor grow)

:adore: the Outdoor Master !!

I am not the outdoor master I merely listened to words of the elders who swooped on through with their knowledge that was passed to me in the winds of the west. If you really want to see the outdoor master than I suggest you sit down with a bunch of weeds and strap yourself in and read this journal, behold, James the Green This Year's Outdoor 2012 Garden Diary - By JTG & My Wife
Re: Outdoor Sativa grown in the ground (First outdoor grow)

Also Norcaliwood is a seasoned veteran for indoor/outdoor growing in the rainy part of Oregon. He has a lot of experience. Those two members have helped me a lot. Our Ongoing Grows
Re: Outdoor Sativa grown in the ground (First outdoor grow)

:lot-o-toke:Thanks for the info Insane Dude, you say you started using the spray 5 months ago? have you had any problems with bugs since then? Every time I see you in a picture, you remind me of a friend I had 25 years ago (cool dude). You also reminded me of the fact that the nutrient product sellers make it pretty easy on us sissies over here in the USA. Damn fine job Mr. InsaneRoast lol. I'm hoping in my future grows Karma will be on my side as for, when it comes to most bugs & spiders we catch them in a plastic cup and release them back outside, but if they get in my grow room it's going to be (Margaret Robert's) for them. NO MERCY!!!

:adore::adore::peace: & :circle-of-love:
Re: Outdoor Sativa grown in the ground (First outdoor grow)

Alright young lady (AKA Gardenfaerie) the only time I've heard the word hooch is when my lady is referring to Marijuana, I'll let her know it's ok to still use this word. lol long live hooch!

Heh, well, me and your lady are probably in the same age group. In Brooklyn, most people know a bit of Yiddish and in Yiddish I'd be officially called a budding alta cocker. How's that for a term?
Re: Outdoor Sativa grown in the ground (First outdoor grow)

Heh, well, me and your lady are probably in the same age group. In Brooklyn, most people know a bit of Yiddish and in Yiddish I'd be officially called a budding alta cocker. How's that for a term?

Why, that's mighty fine my lady. (West coast web feet)
Re: Outdoor Sativa grown in the ground (First outdoor grow)

:lot-o-toke:Thanks for the info Insane Dude, you say you started using the spray 5 months ago? have you had any problems with bugs since then? Every time I see you in a picture, you remind me of a friend I had 25 years ago (cool dude). You also reminded me of the fact that the nutrient product sellers make it pretty easy on us sissies over here in the USA. Damn fine job Mr. InsaneRoast lol. I'm hoping in my future grows Karma will be on my side as for, when it comes to most bugs & spiders we catch them in a plastic cup and release them back outside, but if they get in my grow room it's going to be (Margaret Robert's) for them. NO MERCY!!!

:adore::adore::peace: & :circle-of-love:


Just a correction it is 5 weeks not months ....sorry my bad if i got it wrong but yes is seems to have sorted my problem out but now Lester's got me worried about some other side effects it might give still looking into that.

Best and Blessed!!

Re: InsaneRooster gets huge REPS for a "MONSTER" share today!

InsaneRooster gets huge REPS for a "MONSTER" share today!:bravo::thanks:

I thanks you kindly Sir...

BTW love the picture with you on the boat!!! and the name of your boat kills me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Re: Outdoor Sativa grown in the ground (First outdoor grow)


Just a correction it is 5 weeks not months ....sorry my bad if i got it wrong but yes is seems to have sorted my problem out but now Lester's got me worried about some other side effects it might give still looking into that.

Best and Blessed!!


How did you find that LESTER? He is a blessing to me, too! Sorry, I'm still pages behind, thanks for all the :green_heart:

Does your lady like the new name for your plant?:passitleft: kill it :peace:
Re: InsaneRooster gets huge REPS for a "MONSTER" share today!

I thanks you kindly Sir...

BTW love the picture with you on the boat!!! and the name of your boat kills me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If your thinking the boat name refers to hair, you are not even getting warm, known only to a Grateful Dead fan!

(another GD song is LittleRedRooster) :thumb:

I have blonde hair (can't see the gray) and a rapidly expanding bald spot!
Re: InsaneRooster gets huge REPS for a "MONSTER" share today!

If your thinking the boat name refers to hair, you are not even getting warm, known only to a Grateful Dead fan!

(another GD song is LittleRedRooster) :thumb:

I have blonde hair (can't see the gray) and a rapidly expanding bald spot!

Oh no Greatfull Dead was the first thing that came to mind, In the Dark album...1987 i think it was?

:rocker: I know the rent is in arrears, the dog has not been fed in years, it's even worse than it appears but, it's all right :rocker:

Happy Grow and Smoke to you !!
Re: Outdoor Sativa grown in the ground (First outdoor grow)

God damn!!!!!!! My friend had to jump over and congratulate you on your girls as just tried to catch up on Trichs thread lol (no chance)
Your pics are stunning! I just cant wait to see you flux! :) Best of buds for gargantuan girls! :)

Thank you Sir Fluxalot...Best of Buds to you and your Girls!!
Re: Outdoor Sativa grown in the ground (First outdoor grow)

Why, that's mighty fine my lady. (West coast web feet)

At one point of my Long Island/Sheepshead Bay life I would have lusted after your Boston Whaler! Now Cris Craft, oh, say,a 1974, 60 foot Roamer.
Re: hope you have moth/ egg war under control



Great Day to you Rooster!:thumb:
Re: hope you have moth/ egg war under control


Great Day to you Rooster!:thumb:

A very good day to you too Lester, Hope all is well in your garden today.

Best and Blessed to you my friend!

:adore: :circle-of-love:
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