Outdoor Growing With BeezLuiz

Time for a short Father's Day update. Happy Father's Day to everyone who celebrates it. :circle-of-love:

The summer grow is moving along nicely, and by the looks of that picture, the Sensi Cheese is outpacing the China Cat. However, you can't really come to that conclusion just by this picture, because the Sensi Cheese (sip) is grown from seed and 62 days old. The China Cat is a dispensary purchased clone bought 26 days ago. Both plants, however, were put into their permanent homes on the same day - 15 days ago.
Here's China Cat on transplant day and 2 weeks later:
It's certainly growing, but kinda slowly, to be honest. I tried to begin some LST, but not much I can do at this point.

Here's the Sensi Cheese on transplant day and 2 weeks later:
Definitely a big difference! I topped it today for the final time - I snipped the 4 main stalks so they will become 8. Both plants are getting fed the same nutrients: Prescription Blend (Core A & B, Bio Si, and Kelp-ful). For the previous feeding, I also gave them a dose of Root Wizard from Emerald Harvest. I don't think I have enough PB to complete this grow, but when I run out I'll switch over to the Emerald Harvest line.
My res gauge says I needed to add, so I did - a little more than 1 gal.
Time for a short Father's Day update. Happy Father's Day to everyone who celebrates it. :circle-of-love:

The summer grow is moving along nicely, and by the looks of that picture, the Sensi Cheese is outpacing the China Cat. However, you can't really come to that conclusion just by this picture, because the Sensi Cheese (sip) is grown from seed and 62 days old. The China Cat is a dispensary purchased clone bought 26 days ago. Both plants, however, were put into their permanent homes on the same day - 15 days ago.
Here's China Cat on transplant day and 2 weeks later:
It's certainly growing, but kinda slowly, to be honest. I tried to begin some LST, but not much I can do at this point.

Here's the Sensi Cheese on transplant day and 2 weeks later:
Definitely a big difference! I topped it today for the final time - I snipped the 4 main stalks so they will become 8. Both plants are getting fed the same nutrients: Prescription Blend (Core A & B, Bio Si, and Kelp-ful). For the previous feeding, I also gave them a dose of Root Wizard from Emerald Harvest. I don't think I have enough PB to complete this grow, but when I run out I'll switch over to the Emerald Harvest line.
My res gauge says I needed to add, so I did - a little more than 1 gal.
Might as well keep the hose next to the SC as she's going to be a bit of pig for water (but in a good way. :laughtwo: )
Looking good, Beez!
They don't get much happier than that SC...:morenutes:
Might as well keep the hose next to the SC as she's going to be a bit of pig for water (but in a good way. :laughtwo: )
For sure! It's definitely starting to drink up more heavily than before.
Thanks Danish!
Nice start Beez! :woohoo:
Thanks Stone, summer is finally here and the weather is finally getting very nice!
They don't get much happier than that SC...:morenutes:
Watching everyone else's SIP plants do so well, I was anticipating some good growth, but I'm still surprised by how quickly the Sensi Cheese is growing.
That clone must be replacing all those old top water roots with bottom water ones while we wait for the great top growth of its neighbor!
The clone is starting to pick up steam, but the SC that's in the SIP is leaving it in the rear view mirror.
3 weeks into their final homes:
Plants are doing well. They should get a little taller before beginning to flower.

China Cat clone is finally getting a growth spirt and filling out nicely. Getting fertigated about every 3 days. I'm happy that it stayed in veg after bringing it home from the dispensary that had it on a 24hr light schedule.

Sensi Cheese continues to go "gang busters" in the SIP. It's now drinking about a gallon each day. I'm trying not to fill the reservoir to capacity so that I can maintain a decent air gap between the soil and the water. I'm finished topping this plant, so it'll be interesting to see how tall it eventually gets - currently 23 inches high.
I'm happy that it stayed in veg after bringing it home from the dispensary that had it on a 24hr light schedule.
Interesting that it did! I wonder if the all light and no dark did that? It sure doesn't work that way from different time numbers like from any combo of times, when you make more dark time happen, it makes them flower. Very interesting!
Well I spent about 4 days adjusting the lights before putting it outside. The first day I set my lights to 21/3 and then a couple days later set them to 18/6 for a couple days. After that, I adjusted them to match the natural light cycle of 15.5/8.5. The dispensary actually recommended making 4-hour increments each day, but I took a slightly more conservative approach. It seems to have worked. :)
Ugh. Probably going to be a bad season for those buggers.
I didn't end up using it last season. One plant got moved indoors for most of its blooming cycle, and the other got weekly sprays of BT, which worked very well. I haven't decided yet whether to pull it out for this season.
I didn't end up using it last season. One plant got moved indoors for most of its blooming cycle, and the other got weekly sprays of BT, which worked very well. I haven't decided yet whether to pull it out for this season.
I'm on the fence. Do I use the tree nets I already have? Or build a net garage similar to yours?
I may use the tree nets on the 4 smaller ones, but the two in SIPs are probably going to get too big.
Saturday update time! :cool:
Plants are doing great! The weather has finally heated up. 88F yesterday and over 90F forecast for today and tomorrow. Still no signs of flowering yet, so growth continues.

The Sensi Cheese that is in the SIP has really exploded. Since last Saturday, it's grown 9 inches and is now at 32 inches tall. It's drinking about 1.5 gallons per day! This worries me a bit because I'll be leaving tomorrow morning for a 5-day fishing trip in Montana. My wife will be in charge of plant care while I'm gone, but only so much as to make sure they don't dry up. I've mixed up 5 gallons of nutrients, but with this heat she will certainly run out before I get back. I told her to just give them plain water when the nutrients are gone. (Oh no, they may have to drink tap water for a day or two :laughtwo:.)

The China Cat clone is looking pretty good as well. Too bad it's always compared to the SIP plant. In the past 7 days it has grown 5 inches so pretty decent growth in my opinion. It's currently sitting at 17.5 inches tall.

I'll be excited to see their progress when I get back from my trip. :surf:
The China Cat clone is looking pretty good as well. Too bad it's always compared to the SIP plant.
She's doing great! It wouldn't surprise me if they both end up the same size, or close to it...🌳🌳
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