Outdoor Grow - Og Kush - PermaFrost - Purple Kush

Heres an update on my plants i have put two in the wilderness in the woods check it out

this is the how the woods are looking like :D

here is plant one the biggest one growing >.<

this is the other plant that i planted in the woods too

here is the master kush putting it outside a couple off hours so it can harden for the outdoors

here are my others that im letting grow so they can get bigger for the wilderness


this one im having some problems with its wilting up and having some dark brown spots >.<

let me know what you guys think i will update some more soon(:
i have only 3 plants growing rest off them where found and trown away!:( updates will be up later today and i get sunligth from 6 20 am all the way till 8 or 7 30
here is an update on my plants i been feeding 4ml off vega for each gallon for 3weeks straigth and rhizo 10ml each gallon i have put a miniature fence around my plants to prevent rabbits from chewing on my plants

here is the oldest one looking beautiful

here is the second one next too it

let me k now what you guys think about my plants! till then :peace:
Plants are lookin good izzygarcia some one found your plants and threw them away that's a bummer hopein for the best for these good luck :peace:
Is this grow still alive?

If so, please update us with some pictures and info.

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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