Outdoor flowers, let's see 'em!

OK, I guess I've got a few to share. Here's Blueberry Muffin, grown this season and harvested late August.

OK, I guess I've got a few to share. Here's Blueberry Muffin, grown this season and harvested late August.

Unknown strain of Jamaican vacation bagseed stavia
heya friends,, one outdoor plant only,, a lemon skunk,, but have been having a blast with it,, there was some early cool temps and the cool temps made a cool plant,,

so dern perty

cheers friends,, the overnight temps lately have been below freezing but this one is hangin on, and i am hoping for a week of warmer nights to let it finish, tho it stopped growing a while ago
All done--everything's chopped, dried & curing. But here's the bygones...
Purple purple goat:
White pheno of the purple goat
and "El Chuy" (lambs breadxsour diesel), which is the stinkiest plant I've ever grown...only grew the one, but over the last 2 weeks, I could smell it a block away
and this is how I feel about this years flowers...
I typically get close to 3 oz in each of my 1/2 gallon jars, so I'm guessing you might have more than a pound there! :welldone:
All done--everything's chopped, dried & curing. But here's the bygones...
Purple purple goat:
White pheno of the purple goat
and "El Chuy" (lambs breadxsour diesel), which is the stinkiest plant I've ever grown...only grew the one, but over the last 2 weeks, I could smell it a block away

Nice pics! I especially like El Chuy. My neighbors will probably appreciate it when I finish the harvest of my Sour Diesel - also quite stinky.
Thanks! El Chuy was a great plant to grow. And I expect it to be quite stony.

Though I really liked all the ones I grew this year--all quite different morphologically and in flowering time, which, as a gardener, I always enjoy.

I'll be posting some smoke reports in about a month...

Those Diesel's are def. smelly. I love almost every diesel I've ever tried. I'm sure yours will be great!
Did El Chuy yield well for you, and how long did it take to trim?
My Diesel is the heaviest yield of the bunch that I grew. I've got about 10 hrs of trimming so far and I think I still have 1/2 the plant yet.
Did El Chuy yield well for you, and how long did it take to trim?
My Diesel is the heaviest yield of the bunch that I grew. I've got about 10 hrs of trimming so far and I think I still have 1/2 the plant yet.
It yielded pretty well for where it grew (I give equal priority to my peppers & maters & I've got ltd sun) in a less-than-optimal spot in the garden. So it's really got nothing in common yieldwise with your beastess. Mine kicked out about 8 oz + an oz of frost trim...

plus El Chuy was a real mongrel: LambsBreadxSourDieselxTrainwreckxJesusOG Went w/ the seeds because they dirt cheap from a local med breeder.

BTW I torched some of the frost leaves last nite & it torched me...bone rattling mind bender (& vice versa) buzz that lasted about 4 hours! Definitely gets the AndIhalped Seal of Upheaval!
This is the last of my GG4 outdoor grow that I'm jarring up this morning. I should have jarred them up on Thursday, but I worked so long, I didn't feel like doing anything when I go home. Lol. But it's good smoke that really kicks your ass

BTW I torched some of the frost leaves last nite & it torched me...bone rattling mind bender (& vice versa) buzz that lasted about 4 hours! Definitely gets the AndIhalped Seal of Upheaval!

LOL. Sounds like a winner! Too bad we're not close enough to trade samples! :ganjamon:
Beautiful color on her. Looks like it could be in the Blueberry family.
Wow! 12 feet tall is more like a tree :bravo:
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