Outdoor cannabis


Active Member
Thanks, I'm new here I will keep posted my ladies on flowing stage for 5 +weeks they do llok good and have a pungent smells that I just love it, I will post more pictures and videos if the allow me thanks eve

Beautiful garden. :bravo:
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Welcome to 420 Magazine @Bellaxan

Nice looking outdoors grow you have going there.
What nutrient line do you use?

Here's some helpful info: Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link.

This is where you place your grow journal.

Journals in Progress: Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contests to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests: Win Cool 420 Prizes

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

Also, we now have a Fungi section if you would like to grow mushrooms.
I will let you k own later, I'm working I have the products at my house it's my first time growing weed I have done a lot of research makes my mistakes and learn from, I'm using smart ph chem, the product is at my house I'm glad do you guys like, it's a tremendous chalange grow weed in the wild 😁I will keep post more pictures
Gday bellaxan, welcome to 420 mag! :welcome:
Beautiful looking garden!
If you need any help with anything, please don't hesitate to ask :Namaste:
I won't I may need same help or ideas I consider wash them up with 1 apple code bucket, 1 water and baking soda powder, or just hung upside down and wait for the best, thanks for the help I won't hesitate to ask it's my first time growing weed I'm a quite impressed so far thanks
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