Outdoor 2014 Worldwide

This is just a test spot , it is in city limits far from kids along my friends field. It is right at the end of a fly by zone for our local airport , planes slow down directly above this spot to turn and face the run way. It is a heat bag spot lmao... I have permission so it is all good.
Test complete.... Deer ate my plants root and all! When I check on them this morning saw the mulch holes were empty and investigated , I found the bag for on ripped up on the fence (deer grabbed the whole thing and ran with it) other bag sgredded in thorn bush next to mulch hole. What gets me is they ate the roots right? I could not find even one perlite granule! Damn Mule deer..... lol
Sounds like you have some pretty crazy and hungry deers out there ;) I'm sorry for your loss though. Maybe you could find a deer repellent or piss around more. F..k, man! These setbacks are quite common in gorilla growing, and the only way to get around them is to put as many plants as possible in as many spots as possible.
Perhaps put some deer food too next time :( poor things must be starving

This entire area is like a grazing run for a huge herd of mule deer. Reason is because we have so much grain kicking around that spills over and silage and a lot of alfalfa. During winter they roam through town like they own the place and eat from bird feeders and stuff. They love garbage with apple cores and such but when that junk food is scarce they hang out at the grain yards in town and eat tons of good grain off the ground lol some of the bucks are MASSIVE non typical as well. They are a sight to see for sure :) it is nice to recognize them year after year as well. I am a hunter but the deer in our county are very well fed and very protected as their is no allowable hunting land in the area unless you know the hunters who own the land personally. Even then it is sketchy , deer are well revered here despite being pests in the agricultural field they are a good indicator that the land is fairing well. One thing that got me this morning was watching them spray chem trails this morning. A few jets made lines along side each other and they curved perfectly then crisscross patterns it was strange.... Not sure what they exactly they are doing but I know for a fact that the crops out here are gmo varieties so perhaps it corresponds with something like that? hmmmmmmm need answers lol
Update for outdoor 2014 medicinal grow....

Had a look at spots chosen closer , after scouting determined some ideal locations. Easy to haul bomb water in one location , this is good makes me want to dig some 10 gallon holes HAHAHHAA.....

Anyways , tonight I will test myself and see if I can dig a couple holes for some autos. The first autoès I want to have hugemongononous holes. wipes nose
I reckon the pre work out with making a fence in clay the other day diggin them 6 foot holes will pay off , 2-3 foot deep holes should not be a major poo right , well out here 2 feet could mean water and almost any elevation too!
Sounds like you have some pretty crazy and hungry deers out there ;) I'm sorry for your loss though. Maybe you could find a deer repellent or piss around more. F..k, man! These setbacks are quite common in gorilla growing, and the only way to get around them is to put as many plants as possible in as many spots as possible.

I got a simple solution that makes them shit their pants , 20Lbs test fishing line , little bells from dollar store and create a minor perimeter around plants , when they touch fishing line it makes bell ring they run away. They remember that spot and avoid it. Also as they encounter me on a regular basis they will taper off their activity in that area. I might borrow my buddies dog too piss and shit around the areas too lol myself included on the defecating thing , maybe even bring a case of beer n do it a lot hahahaha
Sounds very classy, man ;)
I got 9 plants out tonight 7 planted 2 others still need to select spots to dig holes.
Saw a lot of deer in the fields doh.... Have a grabage bag of used kitty litter it stinks so bad ewwww I hope it helps!
So fricken tired now >< Next step my pillow ;)
Hope this stink helps, what about electric fence? :)
Hope this stink helps, what about electric fence? :)

During winter I looked at some almost got a solar kit. Mentioned it to my friend , he would prefer I not use a electric fence. That would be perfect though eh? lol

I must be crazy , just the day before yesterday I was in 2 er's for emergency procedure that saved my life , next day in the bush working lmao 'feels own head......
It's kinda weird but you are third 420 grower who had an accident in the last month or so :) hope everything's ok though. For me tha hardest part is almost over. Plants survived 2 first weeks in the jungle and things are lookin up.
Being a good gardener you gotta be hard on yerself from time to time.... I was too tired to roll out last evening to put the last 2 plants in ground and water them. I planned to wake up this morning before dawn to do it but I slept in! I feel useless today tryn to get motivated to go out now. Coffee don't fail me now!

Also it been hot past few days and those 2 plants are in 1 gallon planters so I pray the roots are not cooked or over dried out. My worse fear is deer and dead fall trees. I would like to go back tomorrow to feed my outplants some nutes as well. Thank GOD I got Growology and not using a complicated mix of nutes that I could botch in the bush while fighting skeeters. I also screwed up and left my skeeter repellent in the bush so I gotta endure being eaten before I can apply it. Then I gotta figure out how to wash my hands before handling my plants while in the bush.... grrrr I am so disorganized it is stupid! This is not even a guerrilla grow why am I rushing myself so much? I mean it is guerrilla to avoid rippers/trespassers who might be sneaking around but I am allowed to do this so why do I feel crunch? Well temps get intense during late morning 11 am to about 7 pm in the evening , during this time humidity drops to 20% and feeding water during those times will cook the roots a bit. I can not dig deeper than 2 feet at any location here so the roots are a little shallow and for the rest of the season I gotta pay attention to that! Fortunately the black dirt under and around the holes is the richest dirt in North America. PH tested at 7 'fist pump , nitrogen tests mid range on meter where I compared to other locations the levels were lower and PH was very acidic 6.2. THose locations I would use bags to line holes but decided not to use them. I got a few more plants to get out after a week longer hardening. I will try to find a all day sunny spot for them.

Onyx plants sorta look like the Maple leaf lol

Im still groggy this morning , maybe it is the spray from all the chem trails lately wowsers this is weird feeling.... sorry for goofy post I will review later if it strikes me as stupid I will report it and delete it. COffEE!
WRB, at least you still have a list running in your head and you are able to keep your thought process clear & tend to the issues left un done. I commend you for staying true to your work, your hard work will pay off :Namaste:

Thanks and I hope my thoughts are clear , been real fuzzy lately...
Here is a pic of the plants in bush before I dug holes.


This is my auto's on the balcony hardening off past 3 days should outplant them within the week before they stunt from root bounding...

PhOtO bOmB!


All plants took to new homes extremely well! I got 2 I put in same hole they are same kind PPLR X DCLR. The large plant is Romulan and she started vegging the side branches! All plants are not topped.
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