I just mentioned the reparations bill so I could get another 12 hundy. If it makes 5% of the people of color happy great its gonna make a helluva lot more people of all colors happy. Then we can move the fuck on and deal with other stuff.
I saw the Portyland mayor getting gassed by the feds. That was actually entertaining. He had painters goggles on and a mask of course. I didn't catch anything after that other than that kid getting shot in the face with a rubber bullet. That hadda hurt. If that was me ..... well I'd have looked good at the video of the shooter and of course make reparations.
Pretty soon the protesters gonna start throwing bombs or molotov back at the feds for throwing tear gas and snap bangs. Then shit gonna get real.
We are getting past politics here with this bs. This is like the what the Nazis did in the 30s. Just bypass the local police and storm troopers on in. Those were the SA. To "clean house" Hitler called up the SS to clean out the SA. The leader of the SA was assassinated and then it was total dictatorship after that, then wwII. History is what happened and why they teach it in school so we are NOT damned to repeat our mistakes.
Hoo-man dont seem to learn much. Get caught up in the moment make the same mistakes over and over.
Problem is we got the 1918 Spanish flu at the same time as the Nazi and the great depression all at the same time.
Not the best time to be us.
I'mma gonna go get me another shot of Te-qill-me and call it lets get drunk.
I saw the Portyland mayor getting gassed by the feds. That was actually entertaining. He had painters goggles on and a mask of course. I didn't catch anything after that other than that kid getting shot in the face with a rubber bullet. That hadda hurt. If that was me ..... well I'd have looked good at the video of the shooter and of course make reparations.
Pretty soon the protesters gonna start throwing bombs or molotov back at the feds for throwing tear gas and snap bangs. Then shit gonna get real.
We are getting past politics here with this bs. This is like the what the Nazis did in the 30s. Just bypass the local police and storm troopers on in. Those were the SA. To "clean house" Hitler called up the SS to clean out the SA. The leader of the SA was assassinated and then it was total dictatorship after that, then wwII. History is what happened and why they teach it in school so we are NOT damned to repeat our mistakes.
Hoo-man dont seem to learn much. Get caught up in the moment make the same mistakes over and over.
Problem is we got the 1918 Spanish flu at the same time as the Nazi and the great depression all at the same time.
Not the best time to be us.
I'mma gonna go get me another shot of Te-qill-me and call it lets get drunk.