Our Ongoing Grows

Thanks Ya'll. They do grow fast. And stranger things have happened. Anyone remember me posting this pic awhile back. It was a pure AK that ended up neon purple. But I got up one morning to this and freaked me out;

Of course upon closer inspection found a miniature morning glory had got wrapped around the main stem and look like that. I thought I had a real freak. Oh well.
Hey Sisco I'm using technaflora fert's. I use them every other watering with a flush about every 5 weeks. I make mine Strong. I'm using Happy Frog Soil for these and the fert's are running about 1750 ppm. I use 15mils boost, 15 bloom, 5 awesome blossoms, 5 cal-mag, and molasses. I also dose it afew time with fox farms supplements, Once at start of flowering I add open sesame. At about 3-4 week one dose of beasty blooms, and at 6 weeks one dose of cha ching. Them the last 4-5 days I flush with a dose of clear-x than all molasses. The morning I decide to cut I throw it in a dark closet for another 12 hour shift and then trim.
Once more Jon, Lord, Miwa, IGrow, Notta, and Mark thanks for commenting. I sure thought it was worth posting. She got trimmed today and looks like a great yield. Another 5+ maybe 6 I'm a thinking. Well see final wieght was just over 6 oz's of Star Trek and tomarrow I'll have a soild one on the first Vantage. Star Trek is stoney ass weeds for sure.
Keepem Green
Thanks Lord.. I try. And keep trying. Well alittle has happened here. I took afew from veg and started them flowering. Here's whats up right now in there;;;;;;;;

That little board works perfect. Miss J dug it up out of the office somewhere. I like it myself.
Well Cripits starting to flower up abit. She's got a long ways to go if it's going to be harvest-able herbs in 35 days. And 32% THC levels. Sounds way to good to be true. I'm not counting on 35 days but maybe harvest-able looking herbs wood be a trip. I'm hoping for 45 days myself. Even that is great if the smoke works. Well I'm a going to find out. Here's the Cripit-3. She the one that stretched the most during the transition;;;;;;;

I also have Cripit 2 and 1. They kept the shorter stature. I could deal with these short little bushes easy;

I'll try to get a pic later of the little flowers she's putting on. Well I also put a #1 Skunk in flower Tonite. I have to putt em up on step stools for a min for the lights. Well here's she is first day;

I also started a White Widow. W-W use to be a great stand bye. But nowadays with so many vendors, it's hard to find the right one. But I'm a going to try. Here she is;;;

BTW that little plant is a bushy mfer. But here's one I kind of like the best coming outta veg, is Smile. Now that's a interesting name. Shes a pretty short bush with delicate leaves I like her look makes me and Miss J smile when we talk about her I hope she lives up to her name;;;

All three were giving a dose of bush master's and cloned.
Isn't alot else happening, Sour Cream is looking SWEET'. I hate HPS for lighting in photo's but here ya go;;;;

She looks Much better under normal lites or flash;;;;;;;;;;;

Thats a sample I took acouple days ago. Still wet and it's really dense with big calyx's and a high rate of calyx/leaf ratio. Each flower will make a good sized hit. I always love plants like this, if they are any good. Well I'll get afew more pic's soon.
Keepem Green
Hey Dan Welcome. I think ya will like the place once ya figure your way around. Alot of help here with alot of growers. From closets up to warehouses. Anything if I can help. I always like seeing 'newbies' get going.
Well this is a ongoing grow. Going on 25 years give or take afew. I have acouple strain I know I wanna see perform. Here's one, it's called Berkley Blues. She is a Solid Indo look. Talk about fat leaves. I started 4 plants and three have the same leaf. One of them has that hybrid look. By the width of the leafs anyways. But here's what they look like
Berkley Blues-I-1.;;;;;

I myself don't mind afew extra days in the veg tent so I top fast. Sometimes right after the first single leaf comes out. Kind of depends on what they look like if I want the first set or the second. I have had afew strains that didn't take well to being tops. Kind of stunted the plant or the leaves get way toooooooooooo thick. I mean so thick it's unhealthy. And I cut them down if I remember right. Well here's when I try to top mine this is on the second leaf;

Well the Cripit clones are doing fine. Well the clones from the indo looking one are. I think the S ones are history. These didn't skip a beat thats for sure;;;;;;

Ok here's a pic of the 'Kids'. 5 Vantage clones waiting for teir place in the flower room. I might have to prune these back aways because of space. I don't see a need to fire up the lite rails and do the room. TOOOOO much work. Besides, I love to be able to walk around in the room. Guess I'm just tired of that much work anymore. Ok here they are under 24/7 lites due to the temps;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Well to update the Cripit's. I took those clones from her and the taller of them's clones didn't care to root. I hold out little hope for them. One maybe??? MMight make it. But the indo all made it. And they didn't slow down from what I see;;;;;

And the 'Mothers' well as known they suppose to be well 'fast' This will tell. They are pretty plants. Nice happy healthy little girls. Ok here she is;;;;;;;;

Ok I'm not sure if showed these plants lately but it's Swiss Cheese I'd have to look at my chart for the dates but she's on her way. I'm impressed, but like with all hybrd you really never know what ya can get. Here's a gander;;;;;;;;;


Well guess that's about it for a minute
Everyone Keepem Green

Late, but I'm here! Berkeley Blues... I'm way behind, where are you at with her? This is the plant I'm most curious about on the whole site! I was wowed by the insanely fast flower times you shared... Really curious about that one. I need to get caught up - maybe you've mentioned it...?

Edit: Ah, I see - you have them featured right above - Doh! I'm definitely gonna keep tabs on that one. Those leaves are some fatties alright!

Best to you and the Missus!

Plants are looking good. I've got plenty of winter projects to follow along with.
Naw Miwa they were under a dome till rooted. I use that anti wilt stuff at cloning because I'm cloning in the closet of my flower room. And I keep humidity levels kind of low in there I keep flower room at 40%. Temps stay pretty constant at 80 in there under a 2 bulb t-5 unit. I been using rapid rooters and vita grow cloning solution and vita anti-wilt. Seems to be working good. I had one plant the Cripit-s didn't want to clone as easily most. But other than those 2 I've been getting 100% for the last 6 months on cloning. And I'm cloning every plant I'm growing just about. Those Indo's seem the fastest cloners.
Hey OG13 good to hear from ya. I hear ya winter is for projects. Myself I love growing inside in the winter. Temp's are manageable with that cool winter air. I'll have to see what ya got going on OG. Well for now nothing new. Was a long late nite last nite so I think I'm off to take a power nap.
Keepem Green
Don't wear yourself our BC they grow slow. And welcome FNCG Welcome. I do have a plant that is suppose to be fast. Berkley Blues. If true BC these might keep ya jumping. 32 days till finish? GOT TO SEE THIS. Well I will say the babies I sprouted are exceptional. I've never had this fat of First leaves in my life;;;;;

This are some others from the same vendor and for anyone interested in the Cripit;

These are on day 14 of flowering. She's fast ok;

She's not far behind my Yumbolt-47 in size of flowers. And the Yumbot has been in since the 31st of Jan. I wood guess she, 'the Cripit-i' is 75% of the size of flowers, as the Yumbolt. She is fast. Oh well I'll update in abit. Keepem Green
Sorry I'm late, Norcali, but I'm in now and all caught up. Nice work! :welldone:

I'm very anxious to see how that Yumboldt does...I have that strain on my "wishlist". :yummy:
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