Thanks Lord.. I try. And keep trying. Well alittle has happened here. I took afew from veg and started them flowering. Here's whats up right now in there;;;;;;;;
That little board works perfect. Miss J dug it up out of the office somewhere. I like it myself.
Well Cripits starting to flower up abit. She's got a long ways to go if it's going to be harvest-able herbs in 35 days. And 32% THC levels. Sounds way to good to be true. I'm not counting on 35 days but maybe harvest-able looking herbs wood be a trip. I'm hoping for 45 days myself. Even that is great if the smoke works. Well I'm a going to find out. Here's the Cripit-3. She the one that stretched the most during the transition;;;;;;;
I also have Cripit 2 and 1. They kept the shorter stature. I could deal with these short little bushes easy;
I'll try to get a pic later of the little flowers she's putting on. Well I also put a #1 Skunk in flower Tonite. I have to putt em up on step stools for a min for the lights. Well here's she is first day;
I also started a White Widow. W-W use to be a great stand bye. But nowadays with so many vendors, it's hard to find the right one. But I'm a going to try. Here she is;;;
BTW that little plant is a bushy mfer. But here's one I kind of like the best coming outta veg, is Smile. Now that's a interesting name. Shes a pretty short bush with delicate leaves I like her look makes me and Miss J smile when we talk about her I hope she lives up to her name;;;
All three were giving a dose of bush master's and cloned.
Isn't alot else happening, Sour Cream is looking SWEET'. I hate HPS for lighting in photo's but here ya go;;;;
She looks Much better under normal lites or flash;;;;;;;;;;;
Thats a sample I took acouple days ago. Still wet and it's really dense with big calyx's and a high rate of calyx/leaf ratio. Each flower will make a good sized hit. I always love plants like this, if they are any good. Well I'll get afew more pic's soon.
Keepem Green