Our Ongoing Grows

Ok so Speaking of broken limbs, I have a grafting project that I have been trying to keep simple so my BIL can follow along as a noob...It has been almost a week since grafting the main stalks together, so this am we decided to start a little LST by tying down the mains and opening up a little.. Don't you know I was showing him the technique I use which is tying the limb off, and slowly but steadily lowing it into a position that is comfortable for the stalk.. Worked well, but wouldn't you know it, SNAP an agonizing sound, right at the graft spot... So I quickly made a splint/support with some heave gauge coated wire, and made it stable.. Then wood glued the outside to seal it, with some light sand/soil mix lightly tossed on the outside as a binder.. I didn't take the time to photo the break as it was, but a got a few after pics... I am with Cali on the limb breakage, I usually just get rid of it, but they are not my plants, and the BIL is a person of greed and such.. Sometimes he doesn't understand the long term goals for looking through greedy and over anxious eyes... Anyway, here are some after pics of the fix...

Green day Cali, and to all
I've had alot of damage over the years... Freak summer storms have killed as many plants as bugs have.... I lost count of how many times I've had to run out in the rain with the "Old Ladies' old pantyhose to tie branches that split together. BTW pantyhose work better than an ace bandage;;; This is from like 5-6 years back. Wasted that whole plant...

What happening Woody?

Ah your plants look good to me. They weathered the storm. They likely will see a few more. Just hope no more hail.

All part of the whole.

You ladies are getting big. By the time they have flowers your gonna need taller ladder.
It was sickening but is life;;

Fast update;;;

Keepem Green
Not only steeling pics, aren't those MY plants?? I saw them in my dreams last night. lol

Woody is building a forest again.

Name not Wood for nothing. Fvck yeah what I'm talking about.

Not for nuthing but gotta have some love for those soil containers. That takes some work right there. Props on the soil and the work Woody. :adore:

Ladies are greatful for your love. 420%
Funny thing,, they banned me from that thread.............. Because I posted pictures of wet buds and it was a what are you smoking thread'''..... which 'might' warrant a warning.....

Or was it because of my icon? BTW what's wrong with a Confederate Flag???????????

I also got banned from another,,, a policial discussion thread?????? I guess I didn't agree with them?????? I was called a nazi amongst other choice words.......

Must be that new English? Maybe they changed the meaning of discussion, since I was in Jr high school.......

Your either agree with them or they ban you??

They must not have me on the radar in the music thread yet. Or they wood've surely banned me after a long night of David Allen Coe..........

Hey,,, I did go the first day of high school too... The second day of school,, well,,,, the waves were too bitching to waste on going to school,,,,,, so school wood have to wait..... And still waiting..

But I did get my GED while in Sacramento County Jail.. Matter a fact I was in the first GED graduation class... And my job before taking the test was to tutor other students that needed help......

Mister @bobrown14,,,,,, I did cheat this year and reuse 1/2 the soil.. But did recharge with plenty of goodies... Now all I need is some bat crap,, and some soft rock phosphate for a top dressing to water in when they start transitioning into flower......... I did add minor amounts of triple rock phosphate in the mix......... And I did see alittle caterpillar damage so I sprayed with abit of that Spinopid, AKA Captin Jack's. Sad thing was I saw some damage on that big Gelato I drug in.. She got sprayed too,, along with the Grassfire OG I have in there..

The REALLY sad thing is that I didn't drive up that 100 miles to buy fireworks this year... The 4th is one of my favorite holidays. The only time I get to blow shit up. kind of legally like??????????? .
Nuremberg 2.0 will expose the real Nazis in America. My best guess is that will happen before the close of 2019. It's going to be a shitty year for the blue team, lol.
My X's father bought a goat in hopes it wood keep the weeds down in the yard,,, but them SOB's wood rather climb the apple tree, they ate everything cept what he wanted them for.. Ended up BBQing it.

I've had alot of damage over the years... Freak summer storms have killed as many plants as bugs have.... I lost count of how many times I've had to run out in the rain with the "Old Ladies' old pantyhose to tie branches that split together. BTW pantyhose work better than an ace bandage;;; This is from like 5-6 years back. Wasted that whole plant...

I was gonna guess lightning strike! :eek:

Plants look great, Brother! Yes, they have changed the meaning of words like "Nazi", "Homophobe", "Racist", and several others to be synonymous with anyone that doesn't agree with the far left who have basically been acting like what we used to call "Nazi's"! :rolleyes:
I hope everyone weathered out the 4th and still have all them digits..... I didn't do anything this year. It's a couple hundred+ miles round trip for them. I did miss my fireworks.........

@MaddHacker,, when I get a good sample of some finished product,, I use old Faimly Guys.. And rate it on the little laffs?

Hey @Skybound this is the year that has alot protesting. There is definitely''''' a dividing line in politics, most this year than in a LONG ass time.. People that never really got into it, and some peoples are getting seriously hurt,, ALOT of that in PDX area. People spraying pepper spray everywhere.. And chucking bottles. Still happens here all the time.

But thank god I wasn't younger I'd have shown support,, mainly the flat ass disrespect to the flag.. I think some jail time,, or at least an ass-whooping. 'they' don't even really know what they are doing this for. I think most were influenced in the schools. And others are wannbe gang members.

Yea @Mr. Krip That was a nice plant. it was a Church strain that was just like 3 weeks in and I wasn't ready. I had topped this plant acouple times really close to the ground and had like 8 main branches in the first 8" of the trunk and made a lot of stress there. I started tieing up the Cripit incase'''

But a fast update, excuse the lighting effect. I have this directly under that LED. But penetration isn't good so I had to do alittle''' defoliation. But I do have 1 HID going on the other side,, so she gets side lighting abit.

The plants on that side, one was a huge Strawberry Amnesia,, and a big ass puppy,,, well I take the blame that. Plants need water, and when they lack it,,, the leaves go first. But without healthy greenery, she's not going to be good... But I have to let em finish. I got acouple big jars and chuck it in the budder supply.

I'm babbling,,, but here's one I got going..

Well I'm outta here....Keepem Green
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