Been a minute there
@Jaga hope life's treating you and the woman good????????
Yea I thought it wood be cool to have a social type room for instant chatting,,, till I seen the shit going on in them... Don't get me wrong,, I don't shy from a round or two of insults thrown at each other in good fun,,, but they were pretty rude on a constant. Me I 'MIGHT' get drunk, and get alittle outta line,,, imagine that???????? And enjoy alittle cardio and experience at learning to type abit faster than my normal hunt and peck shit.... But they can be 3rd world nations sometimes........ You figure out soon enough they are just punks. But it was fun having a battle of wits with bowling balls......... My Daddies always said stupid peoples shouldn't breed. But them kids got nothing better to do I guess.. Man, I think back when I was a teen,,, hell High Times wasn't out yet. I did buy the first issue,, and I think I still have every issue since.. JK Kind of.. I do have boxes of them in the closest...
Around here nothing much happening.. Just plants growing like the weeds they are... Cloner's ready to go. And Looks like both Puppies stopped limping and started running......... That's cool... I only have 8-10 good soft collars for the cloners left. My bad in the past got me filling the other holes with hard ones.. I hates them.. Unless You open a small hole in the center with a pencil or something.. Otherwise the hard ones kill my cuts.. Choke them Fer's to death. But I should be able to get acouple cuts easily off the six I got out there in veg.
Looking in flower... I only have 4,, 3 pups and a SA. The SA and 1 of the pups are pretty big plants..
I see a large yield coming off the Strawberry Amnesia this girl... After growing her acouple times,,, 6-9 oz's I'm thinking?
The other 2 puppies,, well good sized but not large,, and they are getting closer.... The pistils ar just starting to turn bright orange, but I know I shouldn't get the DEEP PURPLE I get in winter,,, but leaves are starting to turn alittle graper........... And extremely frosty.. I'll get a pic soon.. I just got to get up off my lazy ass and set up for it........ But I will soon.
I don't take alot of pic's off the vegs unless they get abit bigger.... As we all know,, veg plants tend to be,,, not all,, seen some really interesting ones, well dull... But I don't have any interesting one going yet,, but if I do''
But I will get a pic up in the next few days of one of them puppies........
Thanks all for driving thru.. Hope all's gardens are great and green... Keepem Green