Our Ongoing Grows

Thanks everyone for stopping by.. I'm sorry I got so far behind. Been a rough few days here.. But things are getting abit better.

Well for some reason,,, Sweet Tooth wasn't meant to be. All 5 seeds were a no go. So I'm going to add a Red Dragon and that DogmanXtrainwreck to the mix for my next grow. You can't go wrong with the Berry flavors. Least in my eyes. Well I'm going to TRY to get aew hours of sleep this morning. I do feel alot better. Goig to have to do a update soon. Not alot going on in there,, mainly puppies with afew others. GL All and Keepem Green
sorry to here that woody take care and get well!
Hi Woody,

Sorry I missed ya. I got sh*t drunk before I knew it and ended up playing the drums all night. Don't know how I got home but I woke up in Albany on Sunday. Anyways I can definitely come back this weekend if that is OK? I won't make any other plans this time...

These 2 dogs are looking tasty. Any day now I think I will see a few red trichomes and down they will come.

Sorry you have had a rough few days. I hope you are the up and up.

NP Lazy.. They need to veg a minute anyway. I got 4 puppies, acouple Plucking Genius, and a Dutch Delight all rooted and waiting. They'll be here. Yea I'm eeling better anyways. I might even pop a cork myself tonight. Keepem Green
Anyone seen Mister Krip??? Here's a nice thread for a laff or two. Is a Good read,

You Might Be A Grower If

Keepem Green
Thanks, Pastor and welcome.. You have any questions or anything feel free to yell out. Pot is just to pretty of a plant...

Keepem Green
All good here.............. I got my days,,,,,,, Still can't ind the primary cancer of mine..... Maybe the RSO???????? but Miss J is great. Thanks... She's about done with reconstruction. Unless she goes for new nipples........ I got a tattoo gun somewhere........ Keepem Green
Great to hear mate :passitleft:
Thanks, Gizzlyone. Could it be both Me and Miss J are both C free?????????? My Doctor can't call mine. Ghost Cancer... Doctors don't like that term.

But Thanks Keepem Green
Hope so mate :passitleft:
AB I cracked the seal on another bottle of that Markers Mark... Your welcome as all is to join me for a future headache.................... Rememeber a BIG GLASS of water before bed will stop a hangover........... Keepem Green
Why do I always forget to drink that big glass of water myself?????????? My head is like a football.....................

Keepem Green
Why do I always forget to drink that big glass of water myself?????????? My head is like a football.....................

Keepem Green

you just cant help it :rofl:
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