Our Ongoing Grows

Also I do alot of what I call figure S'ing. I think plants fair better with this method than super cropping. These are Vantage that got away alittle on the height. Using them twist wire you get at the hydro store, or where ever ya find it, and tie over the top branches till the tip is lower than the rest of the branch. You get this kind of effects;


Works real good. You get light to all the lower bud sites with this method.

That looks to me to be a variation on the "J Bend", a type of LST. Basically you just pull down on a branch until the tip is damn near horizontal, and tie it off, the tip turns back up forming a "J". It works very well for keeping the canopy level and for arresting vertical growth of those that shoot above. Just my 2c. Very nice grow and nice and green. Great job.
OK well another day. Hope everyone out there is feeling up to snuff. Well here they just got hit by a pretty good storm on the coast. I'm glad me and Billy got to go to the coast last week instead of this one. 90 MPH gust on the coast. And SNOW. Well hello Mother Nature. I 'was' thinking of spring myself. Whats what for the yard. Tomatoes, peppers, sweet pea's, and of course alittle herb plant or two, or three, or,,,,, well y'all get the idea.
Well Quixilvir, that WW is from NIRVANA SEED. They put a 8 week flower on her. Maybe it's a strange one but she's over 6 weeks and looking 100% cloudy already. They also recommend acouple weeks in darkness. Acouple weeks? Well I'm give her a extra day in dark then scope her and see if I can see anything. If not I'm going take her down. I did a sample bud that was decent weed. Even tho it was faster dry ed '2 days'. She's been on straight Pineapple Rush for acouple waterings. I really think I can tell the flavor from it. General Hydroponics product. I use them if and ever I do another hydro project. I 'Still wanna do my Buck Rodgers one day. That's the one with the dutch leach trays and droppers. I see your is coming along nicely also.
Hey IGrow. Man you got alot of things going on in your world. Way cool a free ballast. You got afew good strains going and I know you'll filpem them over with minimal problems. Don't let your guard down once you get the room 100% mite free.
Hey Sisco, well I'm 51 and started my first grow back when I was 17. Kind of helped out a older friend with some grows. Liked it for sure. But I have grown alot of plants, and sure had afew fertilizer burnt plants, webbed over, mite infested, and rotting on the stem buddage, plants in my life. Live learn. I still got to figgure out the best things to help with PM up here. I just started adding silica something or other to my fert regiment. Like 10 mills per 5 gallon. Suppose to help resitance to problems. And I've had my share.
253 Looks like you got yours enroute. I got to say this pic's always make the plants look good. I'm not trying to take anything from the beauty of a pretty Marijuana Flower, but they are really photogenic plants. I guess it's the crstals all shining in the flash.
Jandre2k3. Yea J bending whatever one calls it works great. When you tie the termal tip lower than some of the lower nodes on that branch, the plant stops making stuff called auxin, and auxins are what keeps the tip growing fastest. When the plant stops making auxin's the side branches or as in this case buds, can take off also, once those side branches start growing in earnest you can release the tie and get some Monster Bud's. Or you can tie it back down and get a figure S. That's just a name me and afew homies been calling it forever. It works. It also let great lite on the lower buds. Just another couple cents. Least all that is pretty much the basic's as I understand. Always welcome to put it out there. I need to make a drive bye again at your grows. I been wanting to throw a Lambsbread in myself.
Well like I said weather had me thinking about what I wanted to grow spring time. I just went out back to smoke a cig and, look at the work me and my Lady have ahead and;;;;;;;

Cool the think the Green house is down rite cold. Well speaking of colder weather plants, I have some ondeck to put out already. Check this out, I hope to keep this baby growing till spring. Then she goes outside. I see a monster plant here. She's that Berkley Blue, suppose to love cold weather. And finish fast enough for Oregon I been working on her. She's been topped retopped and retopped so far then topped again. You can see how that first early topping is the best. Unless ya want a x-mas tree;

And she looks like she 'might' be a purple to boot. I was impressed by their 'Cripit'. It's killer pot. This is suppose to be top end also. Kind of looks alittle purple huh?

And here's what she looks now and I just topped every branch she has showing;

Whew ok one last thing. Miss J was slaving last nite over a warm crock pot for 8 hours.
She has like 3 oz's of bud put in this bottle. Maybe I can try something and feel it. I haven't ever gotten high off eating thc. But I'm always game to try again. Here's what here cooking oil looks like;

OK Y'all I'm done in tonite hope are doing great
and Keepem Green
Yummy! I love edibles. Nice tip on the S bend thing - I did that a bunch with my Lavender last grow and it gives you a lot of nice "side" tops. +rep for sharing that great idea.

Hope you are well - looks cold and snowy!
I remember growing a plant once that I wrapped around a railing banister once. It looked real cool from the front. I was staying in a old farmhouse south of Little Rock and the back yard had a wrap around porch. I use to have raised beds all across the front of the porch. I had one that was alittle leggy so I tryed to train it up the banister and across the handrail.. Trouble was once it hit the top of the banister it didn't want to train the deriction the rail was going. It looked pretty cool for awhile. Back then you didn't even want to get caught with a picture of you and a plant let alone the real mcoy'. Like 1978. Use to raise some pretty good herbs back then if' you can find the rite stock. Nice thing being able to get some gentic from breeders on the net and get 'away' with it.
Well I'm not compalining but the house is starting to get a smell of herbs pretty heavy. It's not enough to have to warrent a carbon filter but, Jeremy's, ,Miss J's son, Pobation officer smelled it on his clothes. Anyways I figgure I'd cut back some with some Ona Block. I use to use these back in Mo. when I was growing there. You can put acouple holes for lite oders or take the top off for more. I placed it close to a air vent behind the couch. Seems to be helping alot. It's not a strong smell, it's really a nice clean smell;;

Ok Hey Pop's when you drive thru I found a jar full of just the tops off a AMS I grew out. I thought its had some seed in it but these tops really don't show seed. I'll sample some when I get straight. IF. But I was going thru the canbinets and found this;

I didn't even find a seed in the bottom of the jar. It was one I had out back last fall. I was looking for something to make oil out off. I still have alot of premature bud in jars from last fall. I plan on making hash and BHO out of. Herb looks great under the scope. I need to find someone to sample it. There is like 2 Oz's there. I about frogot all about that jar. Hope you get yours up and growing. Please make sure I know when ya start up the thread.
Ok another quick pic of that Figgure S'ing J wantever you wanna call it. I'll stick with S cus that's what she's alooking like. I have been having to do alot more trying down because I'm vegging my plants so large. Larger plants = larger yield. Well a update of that branch;

I should get a filter for this camera. I hate HPS lite. But I was saying I veg alot. I just threw in 2 3' plus vantages. They been topped retopped then topped again. Of the Vantage I found 2 pheno's easlily. I'll call them i and s. But these are from the Vantage-i plant. And she becomes a monster when vegged out alot;

And this is their mother;

The Skunk is at 7 weeks tonite I think. In the Book of Buds Sensie recomends 45-50 days. But she's just now clouding up. I wanna let this one get 25% amber. Anyhow;

and another of Skunk;

I also have a pic of the Smile;

and another;

Well that's about it in the flower room. Got to start thinking about replacements. I have some nice bushes I've been trimming back. Let me wander around the office and I'll come up with that answer. Keepem Green
Propa Gator said:
He did and I'll say it too, Ona works. It's not some make-me-sneeze artificial scent mess, it's nice.
Ona outside the grow room, carbon scrubbing inside :)

I'll third that! Ona is about the only smell cover up I've tried that is really effective (no sub for a filter though). Good secondary measure for sure.
I am using ONA pro gell is fantastic! I use it for the time being as my only smell controll... Ehh ya I will be buying a carbon filter when I have the cash, but as for now ONA it is! I have a DIY ONA bucket conected to my exhaust. I will say it does work and most of the time you can not smell anything except for smoked herb...( I do have to add about a tsp a day but it works! I do recommend adding soil moist to the bucket not sure why but it seems to help.)
Thanks everyone. Just another day in Paradise. I wish but things here are growing right along. The White Widow is over and being trimmed. She started to show a spot or two of the dreaded PM. Rather than battle it, she was well enough along might as well take her. I put 2 others in at the same time and they have been sharing the same place with the WW and they don't show any signs of PM'. Smile is a very pretty plant IGG. I got a feeling she might make a good plant. I'll have to see. She produces alot of long buds that really fill in the stem nicely to produce one main bud. She has fine delicate leaves that are very beautiful.
Thanks for the kind words there Propa. nd I do see ya going with that vertical grow like IGG. Gl to ya'll. Vertical is a good way to use all the lite ya have. Height can becomes a issue. Remember Wheel of Fortune? I wonder if he ever got that rotor wheel going again? From what I remember he had alot of problems keeping plants uniform in his grow wheel. I guess using am clones from the same mother can fix alot of that problems. I myself use Bushmasters. And it does work, well too. I see some told about it having them carcinogenic in it, but then just about everything we use in the ground probably has them in it if smoked. But to each as I like to think.
Xlr welcome and thanks for those words. I seen you got yours up and growing also. Looks great Dude. Hey soon I'm going to throw in acouple auto flowering strains. I'm going to shoot for a end of July, Mid August harvest. Plan on using the full summer sun as the flowering lights.
Hey I just got a new micro scope off the net. I can't believe how good they work. But I can't really believe the price. Man they cost a dollar, and a dollar ships them to your mail box in about 10 days. All the way from China. Hey batteries included. LOL
I see the same one with just the made in America price tags pasted to them. Hey that could be a perk for a dispensary or something. Take a peek;

Well I know I've not been on much these last couple days. I'm just going thru a down last couple days. We all go thru them lulls. I'll update again in abit, till then
Keep em Green
Thanks Shottafire, and welcome to the 'Doghouse'. Feel free to shout out anytime ya want.
Hey Chief, nice thing about it, 'Ona Block' is you can even open the jar for max control. But if ya are a small time grower with a small problem, drilling holes is all ya need do. I place mine in the central air and heat ductwork. They don't have a over prowering smell just enought to knock off the edge anyways. They can last like 3 months for 10 dollars.
Hey IGrowGrass. I don't remember how long Cripit took to clone. I don't think it took more than 10 days 12 is about the longest I've been cutting. I'll try to get ya a number on how many it took. I should have it written down somewhere so I will look.
Hey Mark, I've been using Ona Block for years. If you put it in the heat vent the block put off alot of control with the heat. I only have to put 4 1/4" holes in top. They usually last about 3 months with the solids. I haven't used the gel or the liquid yet.
Xlr thanks. I just took the Skunk out for a 36 hour darkness cycle. I don't know if they help, but it works for making space in the flower room. This strain of Skunk they give a 45-50 day flower cycle. This needed afew extra day. Here she is in the closet for the first part of that cycle;


Man I love the old school smell coming from her overtime you brush up against her. Smells just like you ran over a skunk afew miles back down the road. I'll never forget once I was hunting back home in Arkansas with acouple little beagles. We were nailing some rabbit on the RR tracks when the dogs ran into a skunk. I was in a car at the time and the dogs were riding in the front seats on the way out, but coming home the pup's had to ride in the trunk on the way home. Man they stunk.
Well mother nature isn't working with me yet. I guess it is alittle early, the day light hours at just over 12 hours and increasing 3 1/2 Min's per day. I guess I need about 13 hours increasing before I put some out there in the weather. But this is what it's doing outside this morning;

OK for now I'm about done. The next plant to make the cut is going to be the 'Smile' plant. Shes got less than a week to go. I'll update on her later.
Till then Keep em Green
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