Osmocote Plus Plant Food: Discuss Its Use With Cannabis Here!

Hey Rubivroom,

The prills never dissolve. They give up their nutrients slowly, over time....several months....and the empty spheres remain. Nothing to worry about!

Hey Doc, judging by the grow you have goin' now, you could use the spent prills as grow medium on your next go 'round!:rofl: Hell that just might work!:hmmmm:
Hey Irish,
Yeah I`m just about to order some up as well...What all products should I order from Dyna to make sure I got all of them..including the pro-tex is it??

Hey Irish,
Yeah I`m just about to order some up as well...What all products should I order from Dyna to make sure I got all of them..including the pro-tex is it??


pro-tek, and i think one could get away with just their veg formula, the 7-9-5 sounds like its can go all the way threw harvest, when added with the silica (pro-tek) its a 7-9-8 NPK.

i got the grow and bloom on ebay for real cheap, but going to try to just use the grow all the way threw bloom.
Thanks Irish,
YEah I`m tired of mixing all these other nutes..want something simple and want to get where one does NOT have to Flush period, by just cutting down on the amount of nutes etc..Flushing SUX!
Thanks Irish,
YEah I`m tired of mixing all these other nutes..want something simple and want to get where one does NOT have to Flush period, by just cutting down on the amount of nutes etc..Flushing SUX!
water, feed, water,feed and not need to flush until harvest, unless ur using real salty nutes
Hey Irish, have your tried GH's Maxi series of nutes? If you are headed back to conventional nutes I thought I would ask. I am always trying new nutes and I think Maxi-grow and maxi-bloom might have been the simplest regime I have ever followed and my plants never looked better. It is about the cheapest stuff i have used too as it is extremely concentrated powder. If I ever get tired of trying new stuff, this is what I would go back to.

With that said, I have never heard a bad thing said about Dyna-gro. I am lucky that my local hydro store carries it and it is on my list to try. Seems popular with the old-timers I know.


yup used the maxi and didnt care for it, way too much salt build up for me, it did great in veg for me, but i couldnt get my girls to flower until i changed my nutes then they flowered, cant say 100% its the maxi but it was enough where i did use it again. lots of people like it, but the mix isnt always the same in every bag from what GH told me and maybe thats what happen to me?

ive only heard great things about the Dyna-Gro, its has the best micro profile, and ive read some side x sides and talked to dude and he says every time its out done his GH plants, enough where he is throwing away his 5gal of GH.. i had great results with the GH flora series in the Lucas Formula ratios, so if Dyna Gro can match or do better then i am all over that
Hey Irish, have your tried GH's Maxi series of nutes? If you are headed back to conventional nutes I thought I would ask. I am always trying new nutes and I think Maxi-grow and maxi-bloom might have been the simplest regime I have ever followed and my plants never looked better. It is about the cheapest stuff i have used too as it is extremely concentrated powder. If I ever get tired of trying new stuff, this is what I would go back to.

With that said, I have never heard a bad thing said about Dyna-gro. I am lucky that my local hydro store carries it and it is on my list to try. Seems popular with the old-timers I know.


I've been using the Maxi dry nutes, with OC+, and now without it.

The maxi and OC+ plants came out well, but the straight maxi with the White Russian is growing much better. The Jack Herer is is taking longer to start budding... but they may have Irishboy syndrome 😄 Might have to look at Dyna Gro.
TRF's are cool but they have to touchy with temps and ive learned 1st hand once something goes wrong they can be a monster.. lots of people say the got clean smoke, lots of people say they didnt, i was one of the ones that didnt, the smoke was very hash and burnt black ash. not saying it was the TRF's but ive never had harsh smoke until that grow, can flush things and i dont like that. OC+ IMO should not be mixed heavy. ive seen others get great results with 1/2 dose and some mater magic. OC+ works well but you have to have thongs dialed in. its just not my cup of tea.. MountainHigh has the best TRF grow ive ever seen, dude pull some fat buds all day, with a little OC+ like a 1/4 dose OC+ abd full dose mater magic with a good soil

just look how complete and perfect the NPK is on the dyna grow Grow 7-9-5 , they use the right Nitrogen, been making nutes for years, won awards its cheap and their products have a meaning not just snake oil. IDK never used the grow or bloom but i am about to find out, everyone seems to love it. its just not hyped up like the bigger companies, but ive found these company's work the best most times. its like eating at a mom and pop shop over a chain restaurant, they but more love into their food for the most part.
Ya know, I can't figure out why sometimes Lowes/Home Depot even Walmart carries OC+. and sometimes not...couldn't find the + this week....they had other OC stuff....
i taled to Dyna-Gro, and these dudes are smart and arnt into saling all kinds of crap ro you. they told me to just use the silica (Pro-Tek) and their foliage pro witch is a 9-3-6 witch come out to the loved 3-1-2 ratios. said use this threw out the whole grow and you will see how other company's BS you with these crazy high P nutes for flowering. they said P is the 4th most important thing needed for our plants from the tissue samples they had done. N is needed in flowering more then P and calcium is one of the most important things. give these guys a call, they are some of the smartest ive talked to and really do know their stuff. they pretty much told me the reason they had to make they bloom one was because everyone wouldn't buy anything because they are so confused of needing such high P in flowering. but the grow will do it all the way threw. they were also talking about different forums of N and how some will hurt the roots and some will make ur plants more stretched and some will keep nodes more compact. i am going to use it on my next grow and see what happens?
i taled to Dyna-Gro, and these dudes are smart and arnt into saling all kinds of crap ro you. they told me to just use the silica (Pro-Tek) and their foliage pro witch is a 9-3-6 witch come out to the loved 3-1-2 ratios. said use this threw out the whole grow and you will see how other company's BS you with these crazy high P nutes for flowering. they said P is the 4th most important thing needed for our plants from the tissue samples they had done. N is needed in flowering more then P and calcium is one of the most important things. give these guys a call, they are some of the smartest ive talked to and really do know their stuff. they pretty much told me the reason they had to make they bloom one was because everyone wouldn't buy anything because they are so confused of needing such high P in flowering. but the grow will do it all the way threw. they were also talking about different forums of N and how some will hurt the roots and some will make ur plants more stretched and some will keep nodes more compact. i am going to use it on my next grow and see what happens?

The Dyna looks good. As a matter of fact, I was just checking out the Cannabis Plant and Pest Solver here on this site and it was saying the same thing about N. It was saying to avoid the ammonium nitrogen because too much can cause your plant to stretch and and delay flowering. Here is an excerpt of that article....the main point is in the middle of the passage...

Nitrogen (N) Mobile Element and Macro Element

Benefit: Nitrogen plays a very big role in your plants; this one element is directly responsible for production of chlorophyll, photosynthesis, Amino Acids, which are the building block of Proteins. The myriad of enzymes which help the plants growth in leaves stems and the how well the vigour of your plants is.

Nitrogen is the biggest mobile element meaning it can travel anywhere on the plant.
Usually the def will start on the lower to middle part of the plant, and then will usually happen to older leaves first. Then the deficiency will work its way up the plant. Your plant can be green on top, then yellowing on the lower leaves when the deficiency is starting out. Yield will be greatly reduced without good amounts of nitrogen in your plants. Sometimes in bad cases the leaves will turn a purplish colour along with the yellowing.

Unlike a magnesium deficiency, nitrogen def will start from the tips and work its way back to the leaf node. Nitrogen and Magnesium get confused. The best way to tell them apart is, nitrogen deficiency starts around the tips and works its way to the back of the leaves, where a magnesium deficiency will cover the entire outer part of the leave and make the entire leaves yellow leaving the veins to stay green. If your plants are having a slow growth rate and have yellowing of the leaves, then most likely it’s a nitrogen deficiency.
Towards the middle to end of flowering stages, the plant will show a nitrogen deficiency almost always. This process is completely normal and just let the plant naturally yellow out as it uses it's stored nutrients. This actually helps you by getting ready for final flushing and then harvesting. At this point DO NOT not use nitrogen to fix the problem. The yellowing leaves will then eventually drop off after the plant is done with them.

Parts affected by a nitrogen deficiency are: Older foliage, going to whole plant, Petioles (rare) cases.

Now for having too much nitrogen in your growing mediums or soil. The plant will have like an overall DARK green look and have delayed maturity. Due to Nitrogen being involved in vegetative growth, to much nitrogen will result in tall plants with weak stems. New growth will be very lively and plant transpiration will be high, but not always. Nitrogen toxicity can be seen when there are very very dry conditions almost as if there was a drought, which may show a burning effect. If you give your plants ammonium based nutrients they may show NH4+ toxicity, which will show a smaller plant growth and lesions that occur on stems and roots, leaf margins that will roll downward. Also the big fan leaves will have “the claw” look. The tips will point down but the leaves will stay up as if when you bend your fingers downwards. Leaves can be twisted when growing… mainly new growths. Roots will be under developed along with the slowing of flowering. Yields will be decreased, because to much nitrogen in early stages of flowering slows down bud growth. Water uptake is slowing down from the vascular breakdown of the plants as well. Too much potassium and nitrogen will lock out calcium as well.

Solution to fixing a Nitrogen deficiency

Avoid excessive ammonium nitrogen, which can interfere with other nutrients. Too much N delays flowering. Plants should be allowed to become N-deficient late in flowering for best flavour.
A goof solid N-P-K ratio will fix any nitrogen deficiency. Any chemical or organic fertilizers that have Nitrogen in them will fix a nitrogen deficiency., Peters all purpose plant food 20-20-20 is good, Miracle grow All purpose plant food, Miracle grow Tomato plant food, (Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients, or it will cause nutrient burn!) as well and blood meal! If you need to give your plants a quick solution to nitrogen and you want to use blood meal, I suggest making it into a tea for faster use, where blood meal is slow acting, but when made into a tea it works quicker! Other sources of nitrogen are dried blood, Cotton seed meal which is slow acting, Insect eating bat guano which is fast acting. Bone meal which is a gradual absorption when not made into a tea.( also excellent source of phosphorus). Fish Meal Or Fish Emulsion is a good source of nitrogen and is medium acting. Worm castings, which is gradual absorption. Seabird guano, All purpose Millennia Seabird guano, Original Seabird guano All Purpose, Crabshell ,which is slow absorption. Fox Farm Grow Big, which is fast acting. ( can bring down your ph as well)

Anywho...something to consider. The OC+ is on the high side of the ammon N but there are some great grows going on with this product so idk, just throwing it out there for our beloved plant to be the best that she can be :yummy:
Yeah, I've been contemplating that high ammoniacle Nitrogen. There is something called Flora Nova Bloom by GH. I've seen a single plant in a small cab, under a 400w cmh, in a waterfarm, yield 11 oz's using this stuff alone! It has an ammoniacle N content of only .25 % with the other 3.75% being Nitrate.
Yeah, I've been contemplating that high ammoniacle Nitrogen. There is something called Flora Nova Bloom by GH. I've seen a single plant in a small cab, under a 400w cmh, in a waterfarm, yield 11 oz's using this stuff alone! It has an ammoniacle N content of only .25 % with the other 3.75% being Nitrate.

That is interesting. I like organics and soils for the dank qualities and would like to stay in that direction but I think it doesn't hurt to try and add some of that stuff to see if it adds anything to the grow. The Nova Bloom is a recommended product according to what they listed in the problem solver link I read to use as a source of N. Dyna was also recommended and is a very complete fert with all the extra goodies. Sorry to say OC+ was not on that list for whatever reason. So many options, so many choices lol...things that make you go hmmm!!
That is interesting. I like organics and soils for the dank qualities and would like to stay in that direction but I think it doesn't hurt to try and add some of that stuff to see if it adds anything to the grow. The Nova Bloom is a recommended product according to what they listed in the problem solver link I read to use as a source of N. Dyna was also recommended and is a very complete fert with all the extra goodies. Sorry to say OC+ was not on that list for whatever reason. So many options, so many choices lol...things that make you go hmmm!!

OC+ isn't on the list because as far as I can tell, I'm the first to document a grow using it.

And it works very, very well, if used properly.

The main thing here is to think clearly and logically about our plants. Dyna Grow, Scotts, Nutricote, Jack's.....all long time, established plant food manufacturers....all with better products at a fraction of the cost when compared to Cannabis nutes.

They all work. Some are easier than others, while other folks prefer messing around with potions and powders.

I currently use OC+ as a supplement to organic soil.

BTW, regarding ammoniacal vs nitrate sources of N.....don't get all worked up over this! Most plant foods have equal amounts of each, because Ammoniacal sources tend to acidify the medium, while nitrates tend to make more alkaline. Urea (piss) can be viewed as an ammoniacal source.

Back to the thread topic, I'll probably use OC+ a bit more on the next grow....and you an deal with the N by flushing every other time you water.....leeches right out.
Do you think IF ya water feed, water feed, and keep the nutes on the weak side say after the 3 or 4th week of flower, that one MAYBE might not have to Flush at the end at all???

Seems alot of the old growers NEver Flush, but they know how to keep the nutes down, So no need to flush at all???

Flushing for me SuX... And I`m OLD so I like to be like the rest of the old timers LoL...!

BTW...This is with using the Dyna Products, Wonder what their ideals are on that!
Do you think IF ya water feed, water feed, and keep the nutes on the weak side say after the 3 or 4th week of flower, that one MAYBE might not have to Flush at the end at all???

Seems alot of the old growers NEver Flush, but they know how to keep the nutes down, So no need to flush at all???

Flushing for me SuX... And I`m OLD so I like to be like the rest of the old timers LoL...!

BTW...This is with using the Dyna Products, Wonder what their ideals are on that!

Flushing came from Dutch growers who over feed their plants. It's another Cannabis myth.....

Think about growing vegetables....have you ever gone to a restaurant where they boast about serving vegetables that were flushed before harvest?

Overfeeding is where the problems come from. As long as your temps are under control, you won't overfeed with OC+ and you certainly don't need to flush!
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