Organic Wars: Air-Pots Counterattack /Blueberry/MK-Ultra/TDream/L.A. Confidential

Mon, they're dead I checked.
I figured I should use a distilled or spring water for soaking from now on (some of them didn't develop taproot), then I might be mishandling when transporting into the soil (now only tweezers), finally I probably still bury them too deeply and maybe even overwater.. but growing is learning even for the price. I hope I'll do everything right with the new seeds.

Thanx for all your help guys, I really appreciate it!
Hmmm... i bought one gallon of purified water and sprayed some on my Blueberry. This gal is the only survivor now. I'll get stoned and check my new records waiting for the seeds :smokin:
Small update, gentlemen!
I just ran a ph test and my soil measured together with tap water has got 8.0+!!!

No wonder these seeds didn't want to germinate and my Blueberry is growing so slowly and looks like a mutant! I feel so stupid for not touching the first base before the second one! I guess I had to pay for my overconfidence and belief in microherd regulating ph by itself... time to revise my knowledge.

Tomorrow I have a new batch of seeds coming in and this time I'll do it properly! I'm using only purified water for my grow now and trying to lower ph of soil with a dash of vinegar. Hope it'll work. On the other hand it explains why my AK-48 suddenly started losing leaves, ph probably jumped too much.
Exactly, mate!
I hope my Blueberry will live to be witness of my ph enlightment :)
The problem is I did, but started experiencing problems at the end of veg stage. Thought it was N-deficiency, so just poured some organic fertilizer down, but it didnt really work :)
Guess I was just lucky to grow very resilient strains, which kept blooming even with this lockout :D

My problem is nutrient lockout due to alkaline compost and water. I'll try to beat it with mixture of vinegar and purified water, but I'm thinking about changing my compost too... new batch of seeds just came in, so it's time to make some wise decision.
OK, I had a moment of hesitation checking what I should actually do with my organic mix to lower ph (toss it? piss in it? buy non-organic one?) and then suddenly I recalled I had some coco coir stashed, which basically should work as wood chips or pine barks. It's ph is around 5.7-6.0. I soaked it with purified water, mixed it with my compost 50-50 and will measure a sample tomorrow before putting my seeds... which by the way just went into shot glasses with purified water, sterilized with boiling water and dried with a paper towel beforehand :)

Ufff... I need a decent smoke after all this :bongrip:
And another update, it seems like a rollercoaster of solutions here ;) I just decided to quickly take out Blueberry from my air-pot and add some coco to the soil, then quickly put it back. Hope, it'll work for lowering ph and that'll be the end of my problems. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger :tokin:
Mon, another run, sorry.
I got stoned a bit basically :Rasta: and and looked at my poor seedling and... it seems there's some agitation, leaves are stretching towards the light and I feel this familiar smell. Ok, fingers crossed :tokin:

I see my mistake quite clearly now. I didn't buy fckin' ph meter or test whatever and my organic compost was basically too "cold". It was served with a rain water and I added shitloads of stuff. should have added more perlite or sand and make it thinner, it basically looks like a pulp or something. But coco should work too I guess... :smokin: :wood:
Ok, I measured ph again and managed to beat it down in one of my air-pots, I'm still fighting with Blueberry soil, but I'm optimistic, cause it reacted positively :)

In the meantime I flushed the other air-pot with purified water + vinegar and got runoff ph around 7.0 finally! I'll never put seeds into my own compost without checking ph first! I'm just worried that I killed all my microlife :(
Mon, another run, sorry.
I got stoned a bit basically :Rasta: and and looked at my poor seedling and... it seems there's some agitation, leaves are stretching towards the light and I feel this familiar smell. Ok, fingers crossed :tokin:

I see my mistake quite clearly now. I didn't buy fckin' ph meter or test whatever and my organic compost was basically too "cold". It was served with a rain water and I added shitloads of stuff. should have added more perlite or sand and make it thinner, it basically looks like a pulp or something. But coco should work too I guess... :smokin: :wood:

Heads up on the coco - some brands are more salty than others - make certain you give it a good rinse before using. Just a suggestion.

I'm rinsing it with purified water and then flushing everything anyway till I get a good runoff...
I just looked at my plant and chlorophyll is coming back on all leaves, I think I saved her! My seeds will be kept in water till I come back from work and then probably sticked into soil - they cracked quickly and are growing rapidly. Hope this time it'll go smoothly... but I'll run another ph test anyway :)
I'm getting near to neutral with my Blueberry, but still too alkaline. It's a real fight. I measured my compost, which hasn't been treated with tap water and its close to 7.0, my tap water must have upped it too much.

My seeds are germinanting just fine. They've spent about 64 hours in purified water already. They are LA Confidential and Great White Shark. I flushed my compost with purified water, some piss and vinegar to cover it with rinsed coco in the end (just in case) :wood: They went into coco basically handled with tweezers...

I hope I'm taking over in my organic wars...
After days of struggle I had to rip my Blueberry and toss it... but I have my two seeds breaking the ground now in the same time. This is due to water germination method :) I'm germinating two more seeds (Tangerine Dream and Vanilla Kush) and will put them in my modified soil mix very soon :grinjoint:

It's good to be back on track! :high-five:
After days of struggle I had to rip my Blueberry and toss it... but I have my two seeds breaking the ground now in the same time. This is due to water germination method :) I'm germinating two more seeds (Tangerine Dream and Vanilla Kush) and will put them in my modified soil mix very soon :grinjoint:

It's good to be back on track! :high-five:

Bummer on the blueberry...good luck with the rest! :goodluck:

Hi conradino23

Is this grow still alive?

If so, please update us with some pictures and info.

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

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