Organic Harvest: Not just for Meds


Well-Known Member
I expanded my grow space when covid locked us down last March. Half of the space for meds and half for some veggies. Space is approx 32" x 66". I have some Las Vegas Triangle Kush growing and lettuce, spinach, Bok choy and radishes. I just Harvested my second time. All grown in LOS "Coots mix". LVTK in 10 gallon pots and veggies in raised bed approx 9 cubic feet. Light are 3 - 260 watt fixtures HLG QB's. 780 watts max, I have the all dialed down to about 2/3 power. Sprouted LVTK are exactly one month since I put sprouted seeds in the soil. Veggies are also about the same.
Nice, iam doing exactly the same with LOS except iam growing microgreens.

Awesome! Yeah I've got a bunch of different seeds for micro greens as well, just need to take some time to get them going. Pleasantly surprised how well my greens are doing.
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