I'm feeling really good about this, I mixed up 5ml of rosemary oil, a few drops of dish soap and then filled the rest of the 32oz spray bottle with water. I tested it on the AI and MK plants last night just to be sure it wasn't too strong to harm the plants. Afterwards, I took a leaf off the MK that had a significant amount of damage and had eggs and mites underneath, after I was done working down there, I inspected the leaf with my trich scope and looked at at least 5 of the little bastards and they were all curled up in a ball dead. Tonight I'm going to spray the rest of veg down and the flowering plants.
On another good note, I was able to take 2 cuttings from Aurora, Master, Cheese, and SLH. I have AK and OG to clone yet, but am waiting just a few more days. I will be transplanting the new strains into bigger pots just before flower.
Gave everything a feeding last night, I might as well post what I've been doing with my feedings. I mix up a big batch at the strongest strength my garden requires at the given time, let it brew with an air stone in a 5 gallon bucket. Right now my strength is 5ml G/ 30ml B/ 5ml M. When I need to feed the vegging plants, I take 3/4 gallon of the mix, fill the rest with plain water, then add another 5ml of G, and any additives I decide to use (I don't give the additives with each feeding). When I feed the blooming plants that are stretching, it's the same process except I add 10ml of G and an extra 5ml of Micro. When I feed those later in bloom, I add the kBud and other additives with each feeding, I generally mix it into the gallon I'm watering with.
I also harvested half of the smallest wonder woman I had going, and after trimming these sticky beautiful buds, I have to say, BPN is some serious shit. Considering I cut at day 45/70 (I have done this in the past and the buds weren't even close to being this developed), this stuff looks amazing. The entire cola is rock solid, extremely dense, the bud is a light green with bright orange hairs, and trichomes everywhere. I tried taking pics this morning but didn't have good enough light, when it dries, I will post some pics of what it looks like, it blew me away. I am drying it my normal way before smoking some, so it will be about a week maybe less before I post up an early smoke report of it.
But going by appearance, BPN REALLY stepped up my finished product. I am sold on how wonderful these organics are, and with practice, I'm certain it will get even better. I'm going to be using this line exclusively now.
Based on how amazing they look, I have decided to let the bigger of the two go it's entire 10 weeks. I'm phasing the strain out for a while, so I have to see what this will be like when given it's time to finish. The main cola is already as wide as a soda can, and they have as much as 25 days left.
If you haven't already, go get some blue planet nutrients and try it for yourself.