Organic chem dog

Sorry bud I didn't mean to ignore your question. As far as kitchen scraps go for compost, certain materials work very well but when you use scraps there is a whole aray of different types of bacterial isssues to deal with that comes with it. If you are short on yard space and don't have room for a traditional compost pile there are some 25 to 50 gal compost drums that are manufactured that take up little space. I would recommend one of these because it seals the compost in preventing flies, maggots and whatever other funky things that might want to live in decomposing matter. BE VERY CAREFULL USING INDOORS OR NEAR YOUR HOME THE METHAN GAS PRODUCE CAN BE EXSPLOSIVE!!!! A small batch is all that is really needed just a handfull or two in a 3 or 5 gal pot mixed with a good quality potting soil can contain millions of benificial bacteria and fungi. A good compost pile will reach 180 degreees inside and kill most pests and harmfull bacteria. Once composted make sure to screen it to remove larger uncomposted debris and insects like cutworms. Place it in plastic garbage bags and leave in the sun to warm to at least 160 degrees to sterilize. It can then be used as a soil amendment or to make some good tea by soaking a stocking full of it in a 5 gal bucket of water. Composting can be dangerous for indoor gardens so be carefull. If your not comfortable with it use Outrageous Organics by Fox Farm its about 12$ a bag and it will last you all year indoors. Oh and by the way don't worry about being 100% organic it is extremly difficult to be 100% indoors. The principles of organic growing require many seasons of amending and feeding just not possible with most indoor gardens. The best way which most people don't have the space or desire to do is indoor raised beds. That way you can fill 10x10 or 12x12 beds at least 24" deep with soil and begin building an organic environment
I was wondering why i didn't get a reply? Anyways no worries, thanks for the lengthy reply. I had no idea a pile of compost could get that hot! Do you monitor the temps? I have a compost bin but its not sealed like you said. It also has to be bear proof, fucking bear!
Bear proof!! Hahahaha! I know what you mean though I don't use any fish products on my plants because of the black bears. It sounds like your on the right track. It does get very hot and will need to be turned. You don't have to moniter the temps during decomposition just make sure that when you sterilize it that it gets up to at least 160. Good luck and have fun:thumb:
Heat brotha. 160 to 180 degrees will kill about anything. But if your sterilizing to reuse old soil indoors or bring dirt from outside in I wouldn't recommend it
44 days of flower

Looking good can't wait to smoke it!!!

Birds eye
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