Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Orangehaze's Very First Grow - Indoor - Bag Seeds

Holy posts batman!

Ok dramatic lighting changes might cause it.. sure it sounds plausible. But I have made NO light changes. Same schedule daily. No light leaks. No added bulbs, and no bulbs taken away, and I'm seeing preflowers also.

Tugafox told me in my grow that some plants will show sex even before a 12/12 flip.

And you should be able to grow with either color, or both (like I use both) and have no issues, it's more about the length of the day, if I recall correctly.

I'm also going to wait until about 30cm before I flip to 12/12, but mostly waiting to see if my second FIM recovers. For you have 2 females so far is great news, lets hope for more!
LOL Dude look at my sig, I just barely finished my first grow :p I'm still a new grower too. I was just amazed how many posts I missed since I was out today lol.

You want dramatic? Talk to me over a bowl about how amazing it is that 1 plant can do so many things, I'll show you drama and excitement lol. I think my girlfriend wishes I had a mute button, she hears it so much.

I'd be a lot like this guy:
New pots for all of the ten plants! I can fit 9 of them in the 60x60x140cm tent. I had to macgyver a grow box for the tenth. The five bag seed plants look very healthy. They are not growing that much vertically, instead they seem to bush out. The five blue mystic auto also look well, with silky smooth leaves, very different from the other batch back when they were seedlings, way back in June. Boy oh boy how time slows down when you are growing for the first time.
They're looking really good man!

And yeah, for your first grow, time stands still some days. Once you get your first harvest dried and cured (which the drying and curing process seems to take forever also), and another grow started you won't be as impatient since you have a little Cannabis to use.

But trust me, it's worth the wait! There is no better feeling than sitting back and relaxing in the evening, and enjoying a little Cannabis that you grew from start to finish.
I'm trying my best to determine sex among the five bag seed plants. One girl was easy to spot. It's flowering like crazy even though they've all had light 24-7, go figure, leaving four unconfirmed. I've spent the last couple of days researching, looking at videos and botanical schematics. This stuff is hard. If you have the time, have a look at these close-ups. They are from one and the same plant. Sure, they kind of look like bollocks. Or maybe they're flowers just waiting to open and let out the pistils?

Group shots:

Also, I ordered another tent, the smallest I could find that can still be equipped with a hps and carbon filter (mammoth pro 40 - 40x40x140cm). That way I can have the autos on 20/4 and the bag seed plants on 12/12.
Blue mystic auto, 8 days ago:

Blue mystic auto, today:

The bag seeds (3 weeks in veg):

I killed two bag seed males. Also, I bought another tent and it arrived today. Good times! It's a small one, 40x40x120cm, 150w hps and carbon filter, but as of now it can serve as housing for the five autos. I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to do, being a noob, you know, spending a fortune on equipment long before I have finished even my first run. But, it's all good. If there is one thing I have plenty of, it's money.

That was a joke. I'm on hiatus. Til I run out of money. Which is pretty soon me thinks. I'll be fine though :)

So, tomorrow morning at 7 am lights are out for the bag seeds and 12/12 begins. Autos will be lit 24-7 til they are ripe.
Day 5 of flowering at 12/12 for the bag seeds.

I can only fit four autos in the small tent. The bigger tent holds three bag seed plants and one auto. None of the autos has shown sex. One of the bag seeds is lanky, wierd-looking and possibly male (not sure yet), the other two are females.

So, four of the autos currently get light 24-7 and one get 12/12.

I have been watering with organic tomato fertilizer (NPK 3-1-5) the last couple of times.


Blue Mystic Autos:
Oh yeah, I took four cuttings from the most mature of the bag seed plants (the one I call X1). So I guess I'm doing monster cropping now. I have no idea what to do with them if they survive, I have no room for them. But I just had to try :) In the news this week: southern Sweden is so flooded with guerilla growing the officials say we are now self-sustained. That cracks me up :D. If the clones survive I just might do the guerilla thing.

Thx :)

The soil is an indoor/outdoor type of soil, PH neutral, with organic nutrients that according to the instructions on the bag should last at least 4 weeks. I used 2/5 of that soil mixed with 1/5 vermiculite and 2/5 perculite. I will pick up some more from the same store, a well assorted gardening depot, and let you know the exact contents.

Yes, I think when it comes to growing in soil, the stuff you start with makes all the difference, at least for beginners like myself who doesn't want to fiddle around too much with nutrients.

I've been using an organic fluid fertilizer NPK 3-1-5 the last couple of waterings. Bag seeds like it but one of the autos started to kayak a little.
So, to recap once more, my largest tent is the home of three unknowns and one blue mystic auto. The bag seeds were vegged for three weeks and have now been flowering for 10 days. They are getting light from a 200 w hps and four 20 w cfls, 12/12. Temps are around 26-29 degrees C with good air flow. Humidity is around 50%. The auto is 15 cm tall. They are all looking pretty healthy.

The smaller tent holds four blue mystic autos. The greedy little bastard in me told me to plant all these autos. We needs smokez, it told me. Next time I will have no more than two plants in there. It's crazy crowded! I'm doing some serious leaf tucking to get the tops out of the shade. The greedy bastard had a suggestion: buy more light bulbs, so I went and did that. The small tent is being lit up 24/0 by one 150 w hps and three 20w cfls. Temps are around 25-27 degrees, great air flow, so we are alright I think. These autos are all around 35 cm tall. Hope the cfls down low will stop them from stretching this fast.

Big tent:



Small tent:

I measured the PH of my tap water today. It was a tad over 8. Not quite optimal. You might notice pale leaf tips on the autos in the pics above. They look like either (very slight) nute burn, heating issues or nute lookout. I have nutes under control (I'm not giving any) and heat is under control, so I bought Canna PH down online. Hope it gets here in time. Today vinegry water was on the menu for everyone. Except for me, I'm drinking a chilled chardonnay. Cheers y'all!
A faulty thermometer in the small tent was replaced and the real temperature was revealed to me: 40 degrees C. Nice and warm and I have an answer as to why the plants were stretching. The poor girls were totally stressed out. Before I added more lighting (like a fool) the temps were probably around 35 degrees. Out goes the cfl lamps and I'm cranking up the outlet fan. Damn you, greedy bastard!

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