Opinions and advice are welcome


Well-Known Member
Hello friends.
Does anyone have any idea what this could be? Discoloration on random leaves.
In soil, 2nd week in flower. No other plants in room exhibit the same symptoms.
I checked thoroughly for pests with magnifier app. Under damaged leaves it almost looked like larvae, but I could not find a single moving ( or not moving) insect.
The plant is healthy otherwise.





Hello friends.
Does anyone have any idea what this could be? Discoloration on random leaves.
In soil, 2nd week in flower. No other plants in room exhibit the same symptoms.
I checked thoroughly for pests with magnifier app. Under damaged leaves it almost looked like larvae, but I could not find a single moving ( or not moving) insect.
The plant is healthy otherwise.





Hello @Gabby987 sorry about your troubles.
Have you been feeding her every other watering?
What nutrients?
How is your ph around 6.3?
You sure there are no pests?
Hello @Gabby987 sorry about your troubles.
Have you been feeding her every other watering?
What nutrients?
How is your ph around 6.3?
You sure there are no pests?
Thank you Bill,
I am feeding every other watering. General Organic nutrients, follow manufacturer reccomandation for bloom. ( they recommend feed every watering, but I found that it's way too much.)
Ph 6.3 to 6.5 all liquids.
I looked at many leaves, stems, soil. I could not see a single insect, webs, or eaten leaves, but I have not discarded the idea. I will look again today just to make sure.
Ok judging bu group pics looks like a simple potassium def.
Close up looks like bugs.
If your 100 % sure you don't have any pests.
I'd recommend a flush of your pot.
Can you put it in a laundry or bathtub and run 3x pot size of luke warm water through it?
Then refeed.
Make sure you are letting it dry thoroughly between watering.
I don't see recognizable deficiency damage. This looks very much like spider mites to me. Most people can not spot their spider mites at first... they are that tiny. Look at the base of the plants, in the first notch or two, for webs. Stare at the trunk near the soil line for 20 minutes until you can see the little specks moving.
Hello Emilya,
Thank you for getting involved. I stared, magnified, and moved some of the soil next to the stem. I also rubbed a bit of alcohol diluted with water on the stem to see if anything stirred.
At this point I would like to do some preventative treatment anyway because I have 18 plants in the room. What is the best thing to use? I am willing to treat each leaf manually so I don't spray anything on the flower.
I should also mention that I use DE liberally on the soil when it's dry. I replace as needed after watering
Ok judging bu group pics looks like a simple potassium def.
Close up looks like bugs.
If your 100 % sure you don't have any pests.
I'd recommend a flush of your pot.
Can you put it in a laundry or bathtub and run 3x pot size of luke warm water through it?
Then refeed.
Make sure you are letting it dry thoroughly between watering.
If it's not bugs, I will flush.
I put plant on toilet and use hand held shower to flush.
It's literally flushing. Lol
Spider mites munching the veins of the leaves - I hate these with a vengeance and chop off any affected leaves and burn them immediately. Some people try neem, insecticidal soaps etc and try to battle them but that will be an ongoing battle
If you can nip it in the bud and just cut the invaders out it's kind of absolute and will at least interrupt their exponential multiplication. Then it's easier to deal with any individual patches by hand with soap/neem or whatever

Calcium issues.... NOT Spider Mite Picture.
This picture shows general mottling/rusting of the leaf tissue, not tight individual clusters of spots around the veins, which OP has shown
Spider mites munching the veins of the leaves - I hate these with a vengeance and chop off any affected leaves and burn them immediately. Some people try neem, insecticidal soaps etc and try to battle them but that will be an ongoing battle
If you can nip it in the bud and just cut the invaders out it's kind of absolute and will at least interrupt their exponential multiplication. Then it's easier to deal with any individual patches by hand with soap/neem or whatever
I have removed the affected leaves and examined them all individually. There weren't that many and the neighboring plants seem ok. Sprinkled DE on soil.
I still have not seen a web or anything move. I will check again later.
Is there a time of day when the little critters are more active?
Hello Emilya,
Thank you for getting involved. I stared, magnified, and moved some of the soil next to the stem. I also rubbed a bit of alcohol diluted with water on the stem to see if anything stirred.
At this point I would like to do some preventative treatment anyway because I have 18 plants in the room. What is the best thing to use? I am willing to treat each leaf manually so I don't spray anything on the flower.
I should also mention that I use DE liberally on the soil when it's dry. I replace as needed after watering
I still stick with the bug idea because of that one picture of the underside of your leaf.... but it couldn't hurt to treat for calcium deficiency too... add a little calmag to your water... lets go after this.
I have removed the affected leaves and examined them all individually. There weren't that many and the neighboring plants seem ok. Sprinkled DE on soil.
I still have not seen a web or anything move. I will check again later.
Is there a time of day when the little critters are more active?
Don't know - as soon as I see those spots/eggs on leaves I torch them
If they get a foothold in your grow room it is a major headache so I'd rather toss an entire plant than risk it
Looks like you've caught it in time though, well spotted
Struggling with this one, the underside looks like mite damage, but the distribution of the damage is not as random as spider mites usually are, and with that much damage you should see some live ones under the leaves. I've battled "The Borg" several times, and usually the leaves get yellow spots, but not the more reddish/brown spots (but there are other kinds of mites besides spider mites). At this point, as far into flower as you are I would try just removing damage leaves as they appear, control vs eradication. I don't like to spray anything on developing buds. Not totally convinced it's mites, but it mite be (LOL).
Struggling with this one, the underside looks like mite damage, but the distribution of the damage is not as random as spider mites usually are, and with that much damage you should see some live ones under the leaves. I've battled "The Borg" several times, and usually the leaves get yellow spots, but not the more reddish/brown spots (but there are other kinds of mites besides spider mites). At this point, as far into flower as you are I would try just removing damage leaves as they appear, control vs eradication. I don't like to spray anything on developing buds. Not totally convinced it's mites, but it mite be (LOL).
Thank you for the assistance.
To be honest with all, I have in the past, long time ago, seen what looked like eggs under leaves, but I never had any bugs other than fungus gnats. Would they do that? I do have a few if those, but totally under control.
I did add Cal Mag to water. The plant was due for a watering.
I was thinking of applying Neem oil under each leaf and on stem with a cotton ball or q tip. I know crazy tedious, but when it comes to " The Borg", I say: " Resistance is futile"
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