Opinion cont

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for taking the interest and time, responding to my issue
To those interested, let's just say, the mole is no more! Won the battle,but, it's looking like I'm losing the war. Yes,it chewed through the bottom. I washed out the dirt from under the bag and exposed the hole. It cost a lot of little roots when the bag shifted. Screen cloth under bag now. Plant looks terrible and is yellowing off all its fan leaves. We'll see what happens.
This is why I never grow just one!
To those interested, let's just say, the mole is no more! Won the battle,but, it's looking like I'm losing the war. Yes,it chewed through the bottom. I washed out the dirt from under the bag and exposed the hole. It cost a lot of little roots when the bag shifted. Screen cloth under bag now. Plant looks terrible and is yellowing off all its fan leaves. We'll see what happens.
This is why I never grow just one!
Sorry man those things are a pita......I sure hope it can recover, it will set it back but heck give it a chance and if not than you for sure can cull it
Another opinion: where do you weigh in on how dark is dark enough during flowering. Is it relative to the surroundings you're growing in? Or does it have to be dark,period.
I have no control over light pollution so this is more curiosity then problem.
Smoke, converse. No smoke, quiet. I'm terrible this way!
Another opinion: where do you weigh in on how dark is dark enough during flowering. Is it relative to the surroundings you're growing in? Or does it have to be dark,period.
I have no control over light pollution so this is more curiosity then problem.
I figure your question is: "When is it dark enough to grow a decent sized harvest?". Or is it something else?

Outdoor growing in a modern world does mean that light pollution is just about everywhere, even out in the woods. If the buds form on schedule and continue to grow then it is dark enough that the plant is producing the hormones or whatever it needs to produce the flowers, etc.

There is a decent sized parking lot behind our back yard and some of the lights stay on all night. My plants produce decent sized buds. No worry there.

In the basement room the tent door is left partly open for cooling. The lights over the vegetating shelves are on for several hours after the tent lights turn off and I know that it lights up the inside of the tent a bit. Then the vegetating area lights come on two hours before the tent lights switch on. No problem there either. Not even problems with the plants developing male flowers.
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