Op-Ed On Medical Marijuana Fails To Document 'Facts'

Robert Celt

New Member
I know and respect Pat Prendergast, but his loose use of "Facts" without any citations is disconcerting (Montana Standard, March 21). You state that "Marijuana is NOT approved nor endorsed by the FDA, The AMA, etc."

FACT -- FDA website "The FDA also has an important role to play in supporting scientific research into the medical uses of marijuana and its constituents in scientifically valid investigations as part of the agency" drug review and approval process. As a part of this role, the FDA supports those in the medical research community who intend to study marijuana. Continued ..."FDA and Marijuana

FACT -- AMA website "(1) Our AMA calls for further adequate and well-controlled studies of marijuana and related cannabinoids in patients who have serious conditions for which preclinical, anecdotal, or controlled evidence suggests possible efficacy and the application of such results to the understanding and treatment of disease. (2) Our AMA urges that marijuana's status as a federal schedule I controlled substance be reviewed with the goal of facilitating the conduct of clinical research and development of cannabinoid-based medicines, and alternate delivery methods. Continued ..." Policy Detail

I could go on and on but the real FACT is most medical associations call for marijuana to be removed from a schedule 1 listing so more scientific research can be conducted.

In 400 words I cannot address each "Fact" but you state "20 percent of crashes in the U.S. are caused by drugged driving" and ignore that 40 percent of Montana traffic deaths are caused by drunk driving. MADD - Montana

Public Service Announcement from Attorney General Tim Fox states that prescription drug abuse is 15 times more deadly than Meth, Heroin, and Cocaine combined. But then Pat Prendergast states "In comparison, most prescription medication contains a single compound in a standardized dosage. Type, frequency, dosage and duration are all determined by medical doctors for each individual based on his/her Situation. Prescription Drug Abuse - >> Attorney General Tim Fox

The fact, Pat, is from 2011 to 2013 prescription drug overdoses (where no substances other than Rx drugs were present) were responsible for at least 369 deaths and more than 7,200 hospital inpatient admissions and emergency department encounters in our state according to the Montana Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Epidemiology and Scientific Support.

I would call on everyone to find out that facts rather than repeat unsubstantiated hyperbole. That includes both you and I, Pat. We can agree to disagree, but let's argue facts, please.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Op-Ed On Medical Marijuana Fails To Document 'Facts'
Author: Brian Bossard
Contact: Montana Standard
Photo Credit: None found
Website: Montana Standard
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