Another Crazy Medical Marijuana Lie From the Drug Czar

Presidents that abused,elected term after term.Of course once they reach office they either lie about it,gloat or just become hypocrites.The one thing they all have in common is their furthering of the drug war.A nation led by liars,leading by deceit and acting like their feces doesn't stink and imprisoning their fellow citizens for exactly what they were doing themselves.This has been done before.The Nazis were mostly addicts.It's nice to have an example to hold up for the law enforcers to aspire to.:peace:
Obama has bigger fish to fry right now. The fact that he directed the U.S. attorney general not to prosecute mmj dispensaries that comply with state law is huge all things considered.
when its legal in California we can all grow and exchange with our friends get out and register and if you don't live here you should move here register then vote and then you will have a reason not to leave :ganjamon::ganjamon:
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