Clones have been taken and they haven't got roots just yet, they are looking, they have not wilted and they are staying stiff like, so they are surviving I'll be keepojg a close eye on them because I want to make sure I have another apple betty I'm in love with her
Thanks mate perfect advice, about an hour ago I have added some of the Dutch master flower A and B (in preparation for Flipping to flower) to the tank at 100ml each for around 30l, I checked the PH after doing so it was 5.84 without the need to PH up or down
You right about the swift grow I will do exactly that by hand feeding it once a week, I'll prob cut down on it since I'm adding the other nutrients in the tank
OK I'm gonna flip to flower in a couple days maybe even tomorrow
Yeah I'll flip to flower and I'll have a look on what to do,
I was gonna leave most of them but you giving good advice and I'll look into removing what I can, the net I gonna order Tuesday should come this week hopefully
Your a legend thanks for your advice it is very helpful thanks for taking out the time, we gonna get good results
Just a friendly beginner. But thank you so much.
Another question is about the 12/12 can I just pick any time for on and off? Or should I stick to the time its doing and decrease the hours
I would pick the most expensive hours for my 12 off. Electricity cost $$
But remember you need lights on for an hour or 2 before you feed.
So what hours your available may come into it.
Some go gradually.
I find the easiest and very effective way is to turn your lights off for 24 hrs COMPLETE DARKNESS.
Then start your first 12 hr lights on and run your 12/12 from there.
When you turn your lights off your ladies start producing a chemical that makes them flower.
It takes 12 hours to build up enough of it to convince them to stay in flower through the light period.
I find a 24 hr build up to start gives them a real great start out of the gate.
Also about humidity Temps, I've been keeping it pretty high up to 80% RH and 86°f and they have been loving it but I'm worries about the humidity in flower, what range should it be and what's a good way to decrease the humidity with what I have
86 is good for your temp.
You will need to get that rh down to 60's when you start flowering.
Then 50's after 3-4 weeks.
There are all kinds of charts and grafts I don't recommend you look at.
Follow the feed chart for your formulas Week by Week exactly, don't add stuff just because.
Keep your temp in the high 70's low 80' and drop your rh.
Once you trim underneath rh will drop.
Add lots of air circulation under there, lots.
And you will blow your Dads and your Uncles minds.
Don't get carried away with extra stuff.
Just watch and learn the stages as they change.
Learn that and the rest will come easy.
Thanks for your reply mate you have gone into details and taken time to help me out with your knowledge so I appreciate that a lot
Thank you
Thanks for your advice I pretty much going with everything you said
There are lots of great growers here.
Follow there threads and chat, friendly people.
But they will teach and help as well.
Here is a link you should check when you have a minute.
I'm sure there are Scrog/net tutorials in there.
All your questions and concerns about growing cannabis & medical marijuana answered in journals, pictures and tutorials from real growers
Also I don't know if you have seen the
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Lots to read in that grow link.
But remember don't complicate your first grow.
Talk soon.
Stay safe