Oldsmokey Grows Blue Cheese & Blueberry With Promix

Looking at the bright side, while you may not get the yield, the buds will be very good quality oldsmokey!

plus if you want to feel better then just look at the thin yields I’m looking at. Doubt my triple cheese even nets 2 oz..:rofl:
Thanks Dusted I am disappointed at how this grow is ending. It was going so good but thats growing. I have a good supply of meds from previous grows I will smoke the good bud use the rest for edibles topicals and hash so I won't be left short. Also I have been thinking about hydro and this was the little nudge I needed.

Have you looked at this journal that intheshed posted? I am on about page 40 it's one hell of a grow show
@oldsmokey i clicked the linked a few days ago when she’d posted it but I skimmed through the first few pages. Man that dude is brilliant!

I can see why you’re going back to hydro and I’m happy to see what you can do in water. I’ve been following @roamingstoner progress in rdwc and he’s killing it. You guys are really making me think about a change. :thumb:
Hey oldsmokey just doing a drive by . This broom weed there growing here is getting fried by thes 105-108 degrees heat . Not a one is growing for oil . I didn’t want to hear a disappointing grow . You know me I love hydro.
Looking good oldsmokey! How much longer you think they will be?
Not really sure how much longer. I am ready to rip them out now but am going to wait to see if they are going to ripen up for me. Maybe a couple more weeks. After all the troubles there not yellowing much at all.
Nice update Smokey. I still lug the 5gals up and down the stairs. Going up is easier since they're empty :p
Thanks Mr.S with me planning to go hydro next round I thought the water tap would be a smart move.
Looking good OldSmokey, think i'll pull up a seat and watch the ending of this love story! :yummy:
Hello and welcome Farthestnort
The tent is nice and small but kind of a pain, always pulling them out, like my last grow with three man it was hard to keep them from crowding each other. But my tent is small to, one plant is perfect as I am finding out this go.
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