Oldsmokey Goes Hydro

That's some funny shit I haven't seen either :rofl:
Thats from the guys that do Southpark. Its a wonderfully terrible movie too.

Or were you talking about Shakes the Clown?
Wow no color rendering? I mean, it’s obvious he’s looking a bit peaked. Get those goggles back on and get him back under those HPS lights again! Stat!
Yeah, he ain't done
I miss the orange glow!
Those were the days... his eyes were blue. Not the eye itself, but the skin around the eye. And the rest of his skin the color of Sunny D. He looked like a beautiful exotic bird... or something. Yeah, I hear you brother!
Those were the days... his eyes were blue. The the eye itself, but the skin around the eye. And the rest of his skin the color of Sunny D. He looked like a beautiful exotic bird... or something. Yeah, I hear you brother!
So beautifully and eloquently said. :love:

Dear Lordy, please bring back our beloved peacock to its full vibrancy! Make peacock vibrant again!!!
Wasn't The Apprentice on NBC, who's symbol is a peacock? That's some Illuminate stuff right there.
Yep NBC is a peacock! Though not as beautiful as our leader! :rofl:

Hmmmmm, I’ll be back in a moment. Gonna grab me tinfoil hat.
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