OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

Hey wingman good to see you.:cheertwo:

Thanks for the advertising and for your support :thankyou::ganjamon:

Is that Falcon on your Avatar one of yours? Sure is beautiful. :surf:

Always thinking of you Buddy. :peace:

OMM you are the BEST in The WEST! No Doubt

Yes the Goshawk was mine not anymore though. I Breed and Train Falcons, and some Hawks, to hunt and return.
I also Breed Racing Pigeons that race thousands of other birds from distances of 100mi to 600mi away, they fly from 40mph to 90mph and I can let out to fly 200-400 birds at a time to fly freely and call them in, in seconds.
Had to get rid of everything in recent divorce it hurts my heart not to have birds this very second but I got my children, home, land, and lofts back with all the aviaries and pens all set, just ransacked for valuables. Lots of $25-$100 stuff that my dad and I had for generations and I still have lofts with birds in Florida but NO MMJ in FL so I stay in RI
I've been doing it since I was very small been in the family over 100yrs :peace: Thanks OMM I know you are the Best!
Gotta love that good smoke when it's been a while. It's like being 17 again:rofl:
Looks like lots o members are planning on movin to your place. The Real One will be pleased.:rofl: I'd be there too but last time I tried for a US visa they wouldnt have me. :rofl::rofl: It has been a long time sine any charges. 10yrs +
Maybe I should try again but it's $200 a shot and thats a few seeds or most of a 600W HPS . It's still bloody raining here. If we're not in drought half the bloody place is flooding.:peace:

Head north groover. Canada would :welcome: an immigrant that speaks the Queen's English. No pecks or bushels for you my mate. Just straight on hectoliters and drams. Straight forward 10 base arithmetic is the rule of the day. You do know that last in is first served in the military? Royal Canadian Cadet you'll be. I've still got my old US Air Force issue British .303. I wonder if the ammo still works?

Great fun in the barracks. Singing ditties like this . . .

There once was a Major McNair,
Who nailed a young maid on the stair.
In the midst of his stroke,
The banister broke,
and he fired his last shots in the air.

What's not to love? :peace:
OMM you are the BEST in The WEST! No Doubt

Yes the Goshawk was mine not anymore though. I Breed and Train Falcons, and some Hawks, to hunt and return.
I also Breed Racing Pigeons that race thousands of other birds from distances of 100mi to 600mi away, they fly from 40mph to 90mph and I can let out to fly 200-400 birds at a time to fly freely and call them in, in seconds.
Had to get rid of everything in recent divorce it hurts my heart not to have birds this very second but I got my children, home, land, and lofts back with all the aviaries and pens all set, just ransacked for valuables. Lots of $25-$100 stuff that my dad and I had for generations and I still have lofts with birds in Florida but NO MMJ in FL so I stay in RI
I've been doing it since I was very small been in the family over 100yrs :peace: Thanks OMM I know you are the Best!

That is so . . . Cool. The depth of feeling you must have with those birds is just . . . Cool. I just can't think with my limited experience any other to describe it. I've always loved birds of prey and have never molested them. Even as a child with a BB gun I could never bring myself to shoot a hawk or eagle. Starlings and crows were my targets, but I always marveled at the flight of falcons or their ilk.

That is a very unique and precious gift and well worth preserving in this glam and glitter world.

Thank you for sharing that with us. :peace:
Gotta love that good smoke when it's been a while. It's like being 17 again:rofl:
Looks like lots o members are planning on movin to your place. The Real One will be pleased.:rofl: I'd be there too but last time I tried for a US visa they wouldnt have me. :rofl::rofl: It has been a long time since any charges. 10yrs +
Maybe I should try again but it's $200 a shot and thats a few seeds or most of a 600W HPS . It's still bloody raining here. If we're not in drought half the bloody place is flooding.:peace:

You got it, 17 again and just as dumb :grinjoint:
You know I've been thinking about that... I could get maybe 20 really uncomfortable folk in the house and then about 24 in tents in the backyard.
All the food I have is Insure, so that would be a problem, there are few coconut trees close by. :ganjamon:

But the biggest problem would be the neighbors. They would all get high from second and smoke.:smokin2:

Then they would be bugging us for more.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Thought you'd wanna know(if u dont already) BAS will be back on monday to explain:rofl: Check the New Intro threads. I was startin to get worried that somthin bad had happened. Damn overactive imagination.:rofl:

Yeah! I saw that. I am excited to see our girl back.:grinjoint:

Hasn't been the same without her. Happy :cheertwo:
OMM you are the BEST in The WEST! No Doubt

Yes the Goshawk was mine not anymore though. I Breed and Train Falcons, and some Hawks, to hunt and return.
I also Breed Racing Pigeons that race thousands of other birds from distances of 100mi to 600mi away, they fly from 40mph to 90mph and I can let out to fly 200-400 birds at a time to fly freely and call them in, in seconds.
Had to get rid of everything in recent divorce it hurts my heart not to have birds this very second but I got my children, home, land, and lofts back with all the aviaries and pens all set, just ransacked for valuables. Lots of $25-$100 stuff that my dad and I had for generations and I still have lofts with birds in Florida but NO MMJ in FL so I stay in RI
I've been doing it since I was very small been in the family over 100yrs :peace: Thanks OMM I know you are the Best!

Hey Thank You Wingman Man that sounds fascinating . :grinjoint:
I would love to see you working with them and The Racing Pigeons.
Pigeon racing, I would have to see it first hand, especially the start. The air filled with birds.:clap::clap::clap:

Your divorce sounds like a flood and allot of valuables were washed away, but the very best things were saved, family, land and lofts, and the important 100 year old family tradition. Great! :cheertwo:
Gotta love that good smoke when it's been a while. It's like being 17 again:rofl:
Looks like lots o members are planning on movin to your place. The Real One will be pleased.:rofl: I'd be there too but last time I tried for a US visa they wouldnt have me. :rofl::rofl: It has been a long time since any charges. 10yrs +
Maybe I should try again but it's $200 a shot and thats a few seeds or most of a 600W HPS . It's still bloody raining here. If we're not in drought half the bloody place is flooding.:peace:

groover I can't believe that they wouldn't let you in!

No offense Buddy, but they let everyone else in. :cheesygrinsmiley::rofl::cheesygrinsmiley:
Gotta love that good smoke when it's been a while. It's like being 17 again:rofl:
Looks like lots o members are planning on movin to your place. The Real One will be pleased.:rofl: I'd be there too but last time I tried for a US visa they wouldnt have me. :rofl::rofl: It has been a long time since any charges. 10yrs +
Maybe I should try again but it's $200 a shot and thats a few seeds or most of a 600W HPS . It's still bloody raining here. If we're not in drought half the bloody place is flooding.:peace:

No! The beautifully flowing Pipers River flooding. How terrible. :hmmmm::straightface::hmmmm:
Groover - just sew some explosives in your underwear and get your family to complain to the US embassy that you've been hanging with terrorists... and you'll get right in! :hmmmm:

Your right OBX:grinjoint: They would let him right in:peace:
Hey OMM, are you going to start another journal for the next grow?

I sure am. I've been spending most of my time lately getting ready for it.
I have had a few problems as far as deciding what I want to grow. I started
a Columbian Gold and a Church, but they had problems. Poor things came right up then fell right over, barely touched them and out they came tap root and all. So I have germ'd some more. One Hawaiian Snow, another Church, and a Lemon Skunk. I also have 5 Bubblelicious started. They are not fem'd so I hope one or two will be female. I went by the pots today which I had left the other failed ones in and they are growing too. So now I have too many started. I do like Setting Sun does. Put them in pots and put light on them. I planed 10 total and they have all germ'd. To be legal some of them have to go. Ops! :grinjoint: Since I have a little time before I harvest my last girl,
I have time to figure something out. I hope.:ganjamon:
That is so . . . Cool. The depth of feeling you must have with those birds is just . . . Cool. I just can't think with my limited experience any other to describe it. I've always loved birds of prey and have never molested them. Even as a child with a BB gun I could never bring myself to shoot a hawk or eagle. Starlings and crows were my targets, but I always marveled at the flight of falcons or their ilk.

That is a very unique and precious gift and well worth preserving in this glam and glitter world.

Thank you for sharing that with us. :peace:

Hey Thank You Wingman Man that sounds fascinating . :grinjoint:
I would love to see you working with them and The Racing Pigeons.
Pigeon racing, I would have to see it first hand, especially the start. The air filled with birds.:clap::clap::clap:

Your divorce sounds like a flood and allot of valuables were washed away, but the very best things were saved, family, land and lofts, and the important 100 year old family tradition. Great! :cheertwo:
Labrat, and OldMedMan, I thank you both and always look forward to our 420 experience. Yeah the Racing Pigeons are picked out in the loft location where they live with birds of the same age and sex, (I also breed them) and are entered logged and placed on a truck that is specially outfitted driven hundreds of miles where the driver meets up with a judge of sorts they liberate 1000's of the birds at a marked time say 6:30 am and they all race to their own home where they are "clocked" recorded, fed, watered and rest.
When the birds come home you can now buy a system that "scans" them in wasting zero time or the old way (i still do and win) of physically taking a rubber band that is coded off the leg, placing and locking the coded rubber band into the "race clock" where it is timestamped and saved for identification/verification.
It is a process breeding, training, racing, training this is the first year in the past 25 I have not done this. Yes my divorce wiped me out financially and materially but I have the kids and my home so we start again. I'm getting tired tho. I am truly grateful to the solid people here at 420 for always being cool and willing to share their individual and collective expertise, talents, and info, about Quality Friends and Medicine.
I sure am. I've been spending most of my time lately getting ready for it.
I have had a few problems as far as deciding what I want to grow. I started
a Columbian Gold and a Church, but they had problems. Poor things came right up then fell right over, barely touched them and out they came tap root and all. So I have germ'd some more. One Hawaiian Snow, another Church, and a Lemon Skunk. I also have 5 Bubblelicious started. They are not fem'd so I hope one or two will me female. I went by the pots today which I had left the other failed ones in and they are growing too. So now I have too many started. I do like Setting Sun does. Put them in pots and put light on them. I planed 10 total and they have all germ'd. To be legal some of them have to go. Ops! :grinjoint: Since I have a little time before I harvest my last girl,
I have time to figure something out. I hope.:ganjamon:
I haven't germinated any of my seeds, and all have came up, but 1. That was bag seed over the summer and seedbank seed. I think straight into the soil is the best, fail safe method.

I can't wait to see how those strains work out for you! Did you get a Great White Shark too?
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