OldMedMan Goes Indoors Part 2

Another fantastic harvest is in the making here! :bravo:
I'm looking forward to seeing the topping demo! :popcorn:

Hi Mr. Krip. :high-five:

Believe me...the FIM is not much to see. Maybe in a couple of weeks, as I FIM more it will start looking good. HeHe! If it's not, then Topping will do it. Should be fun either way.:Namaste:
I only hope to have as much adventure in my existence as you have had overseas in other countries OMM!!! All the heartache and fun adventures you had abroad will always be great storytellers...It truly amazes me how much you did in such a short time capsule of your life...Your envied in a good way by me...Anyhow, the little one is still torn up about her dog but we are looking into getting her another Chihuahua...That is all she wants..I used to hate those dogs, but after having her little one that just passed...They are one of the most emotional, loving, devoted dogs on the planet!! I may get one too for little old me, dad!! To better days ahead my friend.....Take care:high-five:

Hi willoby....:Namaste: Actually I had some good times in Thailand when I was younger. Bangkok was wild in 1964.:adore:

Hey, that's great about getting a dog for your daughter (and you).
The Lady across the street has a Chihuahua and she loves it.

Amen...to better days ahead!:high-five:
The story continues..............................................................Disco

We just stayed at home for while and took care of things we had been putting off. I went with Tony's Mom to refill our medium sized keg of wine. We drove, Mom had a car, which I had never seen before. We drove up in the hills for bit and turned down a dirt road and there was the winery. It looked hundreds of years old and was over grown with vines and flowers. To me it was beautiful. This winery had only one kind of wine. A deep red Burgundy. It was great stuff...I had been drinking it, morning , noon, and night, since I moved in with Tony. It was just a matter of fact for them, it was served at each meal. Having lived in Napa a few years, I know a good wine when I taste it and this was wonderful.

I have never found a comparable wine in the US. Nor have I ever found roasted peppers
like they had either. Mom made each meal from scratch...nothing canned. Did, I say I gained a bit of weight there? When she cooked I was there helping and learning.....and sampling.

Tony was dragging around and was just blue and down in spirit. I had a big idea.
I said "It's Saturday night lets Go to the NCO Club on base and DISO!".
Tony said "Disco?" and brightened up. I said yes, but don't expect any thing fancy, it is the Army you know.
Tony was smiling as we got dressed.....she was beautiful.....I thought...I'm I making a mistake?

We actually took a cab that night. The music was blasting when we got there, the dance floor was crowded. The were playing "Three Times a Lady" and we danced. I danced one disco song with her. Hey, it was the late seventies and Disco had not died yet.
Like I said before I am no dancer.....I had the sense to tell Tony all the slow dances were mine..

Glad I did. Once the guys saw Tony dance.......they all wanted to dance with her. Which she loved by the way. The guys got in line...I just watched.....well...one lonely wife came over and we danced a few times.....her hubby was in the Tony line. Tony was radiant. When the music stopped.....Tony was surrounded......I walked over and took her hand. and smiled. "When are you coming back?" and many other questions. "Sometime she giggled ".

Tony, was renewed and happy again.......she thanked me that night until I couldn't move. What a woman!

To be continued............................................................................
"Thanked you until you couldn't move" HAHA!!! Thats why me an the misses got ANOTHER one on the way...Hope all is well my friend. Still smoke free here!!! My prayers are with you an Mrs. Jo..
"Thanked you until you couldn't move" HAHA!!! Thats why me an the misses got ANOTHER one on the way...Hope all is well my friend. Still smoke free here!!! My prayers are with you an Mrs. Jo..

She sure did my Friend!:love: I really wanted to ride off into the sunset with her for ever.....came close too. That is funny GT, I kind of thought that is what happened and why your having another one. This baby will be special for you two. :love:

I have quit smoking for good ! Gone! No More! :bravo:

Good for you too Brother! :welldone:

Hope your work situation is better.....sending good WORK vibes to you. :thumb:

Here is another view into your future as you two get older..........Jo and I just grabber each other today and had a big hug. She said now I have to go pee! I said me too! Off we went! :circle-of-love:
Memories.......She sounds like someone I waited in line to dance with! I was in the military the same time as you!! Late seventies!!

Glad to hear that you quit smoking for good. Yesterday was my first day without the patch!! :circle-of-love:
Memories.......She sounds like someone I waited in line to dance with! I was in the military the same time as you!! Late seventies!!

Glad to hear that you quit smoking for good. Yesterday was my first day without the patch!! :circle-of-love:

That's too funny CF......in line! :bravo:

Cool on no patch......we've done it Buddy! I still want to smoke, but it seems to be getting easier to change my mind now and say no. You probably feel the same way. I can feel I breath deeper now, without coughing. Oh! Yea! :thumb:
That's too funny CF......in line! :bravo:

Cool on no patch......we've done it Buddy! I still want to smoke, but it seems to be getting easier to change my mind now and say no. You probably feel the same way. I can feel I breath deeper now, without coughing. Oh! Yea! :thumb:

Yes...We have done it!!! I especially like waking up in the morning and not coughing up for 15 minutes!! It is much easier now. I enjoy my weed more too!! After quitting the smoking of cigarettes, I really believe they tear your body up much much more than cannabis ever would.:circle-of-love::goodjob:
Yes...We have done it!!! I especially like waking up in the morning and not coughing up for 15 minutes!! It is much easier now. I enjoy my weed more too!! After quitting the smoking of cigarettes, I really believe they tear your body up much much more than cannabis ever would.:circle-of-love::goodjob:

Me Too My Friend........no morning cough. :Namaste:
I had Bladder Cancer about ten years ago and they told me it was caused from smoking. Took two years to get rid of it. I kept smoking like an idiot. :hmmmm::smokin::smokin:
We all act and do idiotic stuff sometimes!! I swear I have a ton of idiotic things I have done in my life that sometimes makes me sick to my stomach when I think of them! We are a lot alike you and me!!!! :high-five:
Thats got to be the hardest thing to do, quit smoking. I have afew times, not by choice, but I found as long as I didn't smell one or have excess to them, it didn't bother me. But as soon as I smelled one upon release, man I about mugged someone for a smoke. Dirtiest habit there is in my eyes. Totally useless and extremely expensive.
I love the stance on that Moby Dick. It looks like a plant getting ready to carry some nice cola's for sure. It's sure a pretty hybrid. I just did the seed game and got like 10 different strains. And I sure kept going to that one. Well Pop's keep up the great grows, and stories. I'll be tuned in. Keep em Green
We all act and do idiotic stuff sometimes!! I swear I have a ton of idiotic things I have done in my life that sometimes makes me sick to my stomach when I think of them! We are a lot alike you and me!!!! :high-five:

Hey CF.:high-five:

Sure sounds like me........dumb and dumber...........then we live with it. :smokin::smokin:
Thats got to be the hardest thing to do, quit smoking. I have afew times, not by choice, but I found as long as I didn't smell one or have excess to them, it didn't bother me. But as soon as I smelled one upon release, man I about mugged someone for a smoke. Dirtiest habit there is in my eyes. Totally useless and extremely expensive.
I love the stance on that Moby Dick. It looks like a plant getting ready to carry some nice cola's for sure. It's sure a pretty hybrid. I just did the seed game and got like 10 different strains. And I sure kept going to that one. Well Pop's keep up the great grows, and stories. I'll be tuned in. Keep em Green

Hey There Sprout! :ganjamon:

Luckily I can't smell much anyway. Jo is in the next room puffing away and I can't smell a thing. Fear helped me quit. Not ready to check out just yet. It is a nasty habit.

Moby has aways struck me as a beauty. I have had good luck with her too.
Staying away from the seed banks for now.....got to grow what I've got. I have been looking for a good male to make some seeds with. I want a good indica, so I can make some sleepy seeds.

10 strains ! Getting all ready for the next one eh? Good luck as usual old friend. Stay Down Bud!:thumb:
I'll tell you what, I smoked them dirty things for 20 years or so and I was waking up with that smokers hack even a few months after I quit.. I can't stand the smell of cigs anymore..but I have to confess! I smoke an American Spirit or two when I'm at a concert or at my friends house.. I don't smoke more than 5 out of a pack before I give them away..

Go ahead and start pitching stones, but I tell you what.. I hate the light headed feeling I get when I do pick up a Cig. it only reminds me of how stupid I was when I smoked a pack or 2 in 24 hrs.

You just have to keep in mind all the trouble you first went through to get through your first few weeks and how hard it will be to un-do that again.b:

Sticks and stones will break your bones but cigs will kill you. lol

I'm glad you know that, so keep it up and don't look back!
I'll tell you what, I smoked them dirty things for 20 years or so and I was waking up with that smokers hack even a few months after I quit.. I can't stand the smell of cigs anymore..but I have to confess! I smoke an American Spirit or two when I'm at a concert or at my friends house.. I don't smoke more than 5 out of a pack before I give them away..

Go ahead and start pitching stones, but I tell you what.. I hate the light headed feeling I get when I do pick up a Cig. it only reminds me of how stupid I was when I smoked a pack or 2 in 24 hrs.

You just have to keep in mind all the trouble you first went through to get through your first few weeks and how hard it will be to un-do that again.b:

Sticks and stones will break your bones but cigs will kill you. lol

I'm glad you know that, so keep it up and don't look back!

Thanks Sisco:high-five: I've smoked for almost 50 straight years.....my lungs must be black.

I can safely say I will never smoke cigs again! :circle-of-love:
Das good and I'm real proud of you for doing it...or not doing it. :adore:

Thanks Sisco my old friend. I still want to meet your fine family for real one of these days. Staying alive will increase my chances! :circle-of-love:
The Story Continues..............................................................................TV

I haven't said much about home life with Tony. Actually we had been traveling so much
there wasn't too much to say. Now that time was getting short, we spent more time at home.

We really enjoyed playing with Pic until his bedtime. I was totally in love with Pic, he was a great young boy. He and I went walking/running allot. We found a little park to play in too. It was like the boys day out.

When it hit eight at night, he went to bed and the tv turned into a porn show. I kid you not....it was pure porn and the later it got the worse or more explicit it was. Tony and I never watched it. She said why watch it? When you can do it yourself. Of course, I agreed.
Tony's Mother didn't agree and was in front of the TV every night.. Probably thinking of the postman.

Tony and I sat on the bed and talked. It was hard for me to to do, she wore the most lacey outfits and I couldn't keep my mind on what see was saying. See had been all over Europe and was giving me her thoughts on each place.

The places she liked and didn't like were:

Amsterdam......too many floozies and drugs.
London too busy and too much smoke in the air. Nasty people.
Spain was great.
Greece.....bunch of idiots . but, Mykonos was good.
Egypt.....too dirty
Germany....clean and good people, .she would live there...cold
Paris.......great beautiful city....the people sucked.

The other parts of Europe were too cold for her.

One thing was very clear to me...I loved this long black haired beauty.

To be continued..................................................................................

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