OldMedMan Goes Indoors Part 2

Hey there OMM :)

Ahhh the girls are looking slendid my friend! I am still rooting for the SSOG, but that EJ is just great looking!

So nice to hear about doing so well with the addiction, I am super proud of you and rooting for you with all I have!

Love the stories of course and can't wait for the next installment! Toni sounds one of a kind my friend...

Hang in there and no heavy lifting!

:peace: to you!

I was a week behind and 11 pages back, took me two days to catch up...a little last night and some more this morning. Great stories, please keep 'em coming.

Really sorry to hear about all the health issues. It's great that you're quitting smoking tho...I should too, my husband quit cold turkey years ago, I've tried several times over the years but never been sucessful for very long. Good Luck, I'll send positive vibes to ya daily.

Your girls look really good. You said you top several times? Can you post some pics of that? Whatever the technique, it's really working for you. I had to kill my UBT victim this morning...hermied

Take care of yourselves... tell Jo Hi
All drugs have two names, a trade name and generic name.
Example, the trade name is Tylenol and it's generic name is Acetaminophen.. Aleve is also called Naproxen.
Amoxil is also called Amoxicillin and Advil is also called Ibuprofen.
The FDA has been looking for a generic name for Viagra.
After careful consideration by a team of government experts, it recently announced that it has settled on the generic name of Mycoxafloppin. Also considered were Mycoxafailin, Mydixadrupin, Mydixarizin, Dixafix, and of course, Ibepokin.
Pfizer Corp. announced today that Viagra will soon be available in liquid form, and will be marketed by Pepsi Cola as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer..It will now be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiff one.
Obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink, and it gives new meaning to the names of 'cocktails', 'highballs' and just a good old-fashioned 'stiff drink'.
Pepsi will market the new concoction by the name of: MOUNT & DO.
Thought for the day: There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today than on Alzheimer's research.
This means that by 2020, there should be a large elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no
recollection of what to do with them. :circle-of-love:
Hi All :love:

Here's is the Low Ryder Diesel Ryder Auto.

Well, she was another disappointment, as you can see 24 grams wet.

Two more Autos to go...Thank Goodness! No more after these. Don't think autos and I get along at all! :circle-of-love:
Did you just let the Autos grow naturally OMM? Just curious because I have one growing right now but plan on training it sideways and slowing flowering with abuse to the tips via fimming. Either way I would gladly except a quarter ounce for close to three months of growth. But I am not used to the home grown like you are so I am sure it is a drop in your sack for you. Still your plants sure do look purty. Keep up the great work:high-five:
I really did smoke some before going to the gym today!! This is the best exercise weed I have ever smoked. They should sell it at the gym along with the excercise drinks!!!:cheer:

Interesting story about living on the Mekong River! That will make growing it even more fun!!! :high-five:

Hey CF :cheer:

Maybe some day that will actually happen! :Namaste:

I can see where they could grow by river just fine. Tropical and wet. We lived in tents, with no lights at night...waiting for a signal. I think we were happy as the guys that came across.....We could get out of there! :high-five:
Hey there OMM :)

Ahhh the girls are looking slendid my friend! I am still rooting for the SSOG, but that EJ is just great looking!

So nice to hear about doing so well with the addiction, I am super proud of you and rooting for you with all I have!

Love the stories of course and can't wait for the next installment! Toni sounds one of a kind my friend...

Hang in there and no heavy lifting!

:peace: to you!

Hey MS :high-five:

I like them all right now.....we will know which is best in a few months. Watch out for the Moby....she should yield a ton.

I'm still doing pretty good with my quiting.....the Doctor was happy with the way things are going with my lungs today. :adore:

I should get back to the story now that my visitor is gone. Last night we had one hell of a smoke out before he left. He took a half with him......no phone call today, so he must have made it. :bravo:

Tony was one of a kind! :Namaste:

Poor THsea.....I have a ton of lifting I've saved for him. :thanks:
Did you just let the Autos grow naturally OMM? Just curious because I have one growing right now but plan on training it sideways and slowing flowering with abuse to the tips via fimming. Either way I would gladly except a quarter ounce for close to three months of growth. But I am not used to the home grown like you are so I am sure it is a drop in your sack for you. Still your plants sure do look purty. Keep up the great work:high-five:

Hi teiji :high-five:

I did just let them grown natural. No training at all. Kind of feel guilty that I didn't. Your right........I'm not complaining. If she smokes like the little Syrup I grew.....I'll be happy. She may have a good kick to her. Actually, I like to have a bit of this and that to smoke, the same strain over and over gets a bit boring.
Good Luck with yours! :cheer:
Did you just let the Autos grow naturally OMM? Just curious because I have one growing right now but plan on training it sideways and slowing flowering with abuse to the tips via fimming. Either way I would gladly except a quarter ounce for close to three months of growth. But I am not used to the home grown like you are so I am sure it is a drop in your sack for you. Still your plants sure do look purty. Keep up the great work:high-five:

Hi teiji2 - I have only grown one auto, but I have studied up on this quite a bit, and I wouldn't suggest any sort of topping on an auto. Unlike a standard cannabis plant, autos are on a timer from day one so to speak, and any cutting/topping will only result in loss of yield. You're better off with them to let them go natural and not top them. What I did is continuously "tuck" leaves beneath budsites when I could, and I ended up having a pretty good yield. LST, or low stress training is still a great thing to do - I just wouldn't cut it...

This is really because there is no "veg" time with autos, and they are on a limited time grow window anyway. I am not an expert by any means, but this is how I've been told by others who grow them more frequently. Hope you don't mind me chiming in, but I'd hate to see you lose some of your yield. Definitely train them with LST to open up budsites to light better. Topping/cutting is fine on regular Cannabis though!

OMM - I'm so behind! I might have to get caught up tomorrow. Soooo sleepy. Hope your well buddy, and hope the smaller yields are made up for by some killer smoke!
Hi teiji2 - I have only grown one auto, but I have studied up on this quite a bit, and I wouldn't suggest any sort of topping on an auto. Unlike a standard cannabis plant, autos are on a timer from day one so to speak, and any cutting/topping will only result in loss of yield. You're better off with them to let them go natural and not top them. What I did is continuously "tuck" leaves beneath budsites when I could, and I ended up having a pretty good yield. LST, or low stress training is still a great thing to do - I just wouldn't cut it...

This is really because there is no "veg" time with autos, and they are on a limited time grow window anyway. I am not an expert by any means, but this is how I've been told by others who grow them more frequently. Hope you don't mind me chiming in, but I'd hate to see you lose some of your yield. Definitely train them with LST to open up budsites to light better. Topping/cutting is fine on regular Cannabis though!

OMM - I'm so behind! I might have to get caught up tomorrow. Soooo sleepy. Hope your well buddy, and hope the smaller yields are made up for by some killer smoke!

Hi xlr8! :high-five:

Thanks for clearing up the info on the autos.....as I was answering teiji2....my mind was telling me I was not right and wasn't telling him what I should be telling him. Mind was in a fog as usual.

Then I wrote a long answer to sqwheels and lost my Internet connection and lost it. Frustrating! Think, I'll take a break and come back later.
Yep, if I get killer smoke from them like I did with the Syrup, I'll be happy.

I think we live behind right now......I'm doing good buddy....at least the Doctor is happy. Go get some sleep.....talk to you soon. :thumb:
Hi xlr8! :high-five:

Thanks for clearing up the info on the autos.....as I was answering teiji2....my mind was telling me I was not right and wasn't telling him what I should be telling him. Mind was in a fog as usual.

Then I wrote a long answer to sqwheels and lost my Internet connection and lost it. Frustrating! Think, I'll take a break and come back later.
Yep, if I get killer smoke from them like I did with the Syrup, I'll be happy.

I think we live behind right now......I'm doing good buddy....at least the Doctor is happy. Go get some sleep.....talk to you soon. :thumb:

Maybe give that Syrup another go, but do it outside. We got the same seed stock at the same time. Outside....watered and fed hard, I had a 6ft girl that gave a bit over 2oz dried . (it's a fav of my daughter as well. She grew several in the yard, up in PA., and had really good results) The smoke is pretty good, but it was the speed that impressed. Like 90 days from seed to jar (maybe it was 100) That'll plug a void! Nearly 4 turns a year
Peace Pa-pa
Glad to hear the Doctor is happy with you!! :love:

Too bad about the auto's. I was thinking about growing one myself but don't like the small yield.

I am really looking forward to hear and see how your Mekong works out. I think you will be happy with that one. Perfect plant for outside in HI! :circle-of-love:
This means that by 2020, there should be a large elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no
recollection of what to do with them. :circle-of-love:

Great News OMM!!! We all have a lot to Live For!!! I will keep a picture manual so I remember what do do!

I am a Huge Supporter of Perky Boobs!!! Not so much for saggy ass's!! :party:

I was a week behind and 11 pages back, took me two days to catch up...a little last night and some more this morning. Great stories, please keep 'em coming.

Really sorry to hear about all the health issues. It's great that you're quitting smoking tho...I should too, my husband quit cold turkey years ago, I've tried several times over the years but never been sucessful for very long. Good Luck, I'll send positive vibes to ya daily.

Your girls look really good. You said you top several times? Can you post some pics of that? Whatever the technique, it's really working for you. I had to kill my UBT victim this morning...hermied

Take care of yourselves... tell Jo Hi

Hey Sqwheels. :high-five:
I have to catch up too sometimes. I'm really worried I'll run out the story the journal is finished. Maybe I can think of another one. :love:

Thanks for the positive vibes...can always use them.Well, one thing is certain I have to quit.

Actually I topped two of them. The others were FIMed and FIMed again.
I didn't take any in detail photos, but I have two more that I'll do soon, so I will take photos then. Actually everything I do was in the "How Too" picture I posted in your journal a while back. I can post it again if you would like.

Jo said "Hi" :Namaste: back! :love:
Maybe give that Syrup another go, but do it outside. We got the same seed stock at the same time. Outside....watered and fed hard, I had a 6ft girl that gave a bit over 2oz dried . (it's a fav of my daughter as well. She grew several in the yard, up in PA., and had really good results) The smoke is pretty good, but it was the speed that impressed. Like 90 days from seed to jar (maybe it was 100) That'll plug a void! Nearly 4 turns a year
Peace Pa-pa

Think, I will giver her another shot. My Syrup was good smoke too. In fact I'm saving what's left of her for a special time. Have to add that to the bucket list, actually, it's like a barrel list.

Take Care Brother.:Namaste:
Glad to hear the Doctor is happy with you!! :love:

Too bad about the auto's. I was thinking about growing one myself but don't like the small yield.

I am really looking forward to hear and see how your Mekong works out. I think you will be happy with that one. Perfect plant for outside in HI! :circle-of-love:

Hi CF. :high-five:

I think outside they would do better. Truthfully I think I didn't grow them right, should have fed them better/more. Live and learn. Yep, I agree Mekong deserves to be outside. She will get out there, just a matter of time.

If the Doctor is happy...so am I. :thumb:
Hi OMM, as promised just got caught up. ;)

I'm really really glad to hear that your breathing is getting better and the doctor is happy. :) :yahoo: :party:

My doctor? Not so happy. I need to have more tests because I'm having a lot of difficulty walking and getting up/down right now. It seems like either the nerve damage, the meds for it, or both are causing problems for me. It's all a bit bleak right now, but I'm trying to keep my dauber up. There IS still hope, but it's not real optimistic right now. At least it's not life threatening stuff - could be worse no doubt. ;)

Tony sounds like she was a great lady and a special, important part of your life. I am still riveted by the story. I've always wanted to visit Rome. Some day!

Sending you positive vibes with hope that the breathing and smoking cessation both continue to get better/easier. Take care buddy! :bong:
Looking GRRRRREEEAAAAT!!!! Sorry bout the Auto's, your style of grow is more suited to the non autos. Chopper gives great advice for a panhandle salty dog, follow it and Syrup will fill a few jars. HI's light pattern will be the down fall though, stays near 12 year round, AUTOs love more, but you should still pan out well.

follow X's advice, feed heavy, and give LOTSA LIGHT!!! And Auto's will surprise you.

GRRRREEEAAAT advice buddy, and sorry bout your health.
12/12 Year Round! HI sounds like a true Paradise! No wonder OMM and all the other weed smoking celebrities live there!! :circle-of-love:
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