OG Kush Auto: Deep Water Culture, DWC, 300W LED Journal

Hi guys!

Checked in on the lady this morning and everything is looking so great ! I have not grown DWC for a few years as I have been busy with work and business travels. This quarantine made me motivated to start again.

Morning stats:

Temp: ~ 26c
Water: 20.5c
PH: 5.8
EC: 0.5

Seeing lots of roots now all over the net pot, should really start growing fast in the next week or so. Here's the photo update from this morning.



Busmaster 2, which is now running with full power:


In case anyone is wondering, I'm using a pair of glasses that neutralizes the LED light, bringing it back to normal light and makes it easier on the eyes to view the plant.

Anyways folks, that's it for todays update. Planning on changing the res on Sunday, giving it 10 days between bucket changes I figured would suffice.

I also want to add that I really love reading all your comments and seeing all of your grows.

Thanks for all the support so far! :Namaste:
Quick update:

Decided to pull some branches that were shooting out from the single fingered leaves. I usually take those and the next set right away on autos. I have found that it creates way less popcorns for me in the end without impacting overall yield. Sometime I also FIM the plant at about week 3 - 4, not decided if I will do that yet on this lady.

I didn't take any photos, but I got some from a previous grow that demonstrates what I did:

Good day folks!

Coming at your with another update. Today I have done a res change. Noticed some algae growth on some of the airstone tubing, don't think it is a major problem as I clean all the tools during res change every 7 - 10 days. I wouldn't let my res go longer than this though (was 10 days this time, I think I will stick to 7 days from here on).

Anyways here's the new stats:

Tent temp: 27.2c
Water temp after res change: 16c
EC: 0.7
PH: 5.8

Looking really good right now! Lots of white roots shooting out from all over the netpot.


The plant is coming along nicely as well.


I was hoping my silica would have arrived for this res change, waited 3 weeks already for it. If it arrives this upcoming week I will probably add some, I want it to be a part of the veg process (which isn't long for an auto). I am also waiting for my hydroguard to arrive.

That's it people! Let me know what you think and thanks for following! :Namaste:
Good news!

So much Hydroguard arrived this morning. This is great as our ambient temprature is now at around 28 - 32c daily where I live. My water cooler is doing a great job keeping the res temprature at 19 - 21.5. However, I think with hydroguard I could easily go up to 23c and still be ok (minus the lesser amount of dissolved oxygen.)

Anyways, added 5 ml per 10/l of water.

Will be back with photos in the next few days!
Sad to update I am having some Ph issues I think.

I have noticed some of the older leaves getting rusty spots on them. I run R/O water, calmag, + tripart flora series so I know there is cal and mag available to the plant.

I relised my Ph pen was 5 years old ( I calibrated it before the grow). I took the pen and checked it towards a ph 7 solution and the pen read 8.8.

Calibrated it once more to 7, took a res reading and the ph stopped at 3.9. I adjusted the solution to 6.0 hoping it will be ok now.

Ended up buying a new Essentials pen on Amazon as I really want to be able to make accurate readings.
Short update.

Seem to have gotten the PH and rust thing under controll. Only the pair of 3-fingered leaves seems to be affected.

Roots are growing exceptionally fast, and man is it hot here now. We have 33c outside and my ambient indoor temprature sits at 30 in the tent. The cooler is really trying to hold the temps down but only manages to hold it to 23c. I'm happy with it either way. With hydroguard I doubt I'll run into any root problems.

Ph has been sitting for 2 days now at 5.7 - 5.8. Seems quite stable overall. The plant has taken about 3.5-4l liters out of the tank since sunday, so she is drinking! :)

That's it folks, pictures will follow.
Bucket change update!

Man, it has been HOT where I live, yesterday the temprature indoor was hitting 33c, ambient temp in the tent was about the same pushing the tank temprature to 24c, with the cooler running on max. A little too hot for my taste but the plant seems to do well now. I think the hydroguard really helps keeping the bad bacteria in check when the res temp goes up.

Anyways morning stats:

Ph: 5.5
EC: 1.0
Temp in tent: *Only* 29c
Res temp after change: 18c

The rust that happened early on in the grow I'm pretty sure had to do with the fact that I was using a faulty Ph meter. Now I got a newer one and the rust seems to have stopped at the lower leafs.

Here's some photos from today:


A photo of her structure, you can spot the rust burnt leaf at the bottom:

Roots, not as white as I would like but I think it is due to the fact that we have had such hot days here where I am lately.


Anyways, she is doing fine and for some reason every OG Kush plant I have done in hydro I have had rust problems. Not sure if it is the strain itself being super calmag heavy or if I'm doing something wrong. None of my other strains ever get like this. I have no doubt she will pull through just fine in the end. Growth in general does not seem to be inhibited at all. She is on day 24 since seed germinated and I'm overally happy with the progress so far.

Over and out! :)
Good Sunday to everyone!

Res change today and things are looking great! She has been drinking about 2 - 3 liters of water every 24h and seems to be accelerating her water uptake.

I finally received my advanced silica this last week that I order 7 weeks ago so the lady has been getting that since Tuesday at 0.1ml/l.


EC: 1.1
Ph: 5.5
Temp: 19c
Temp in tent: 28.8c

Mix today:

Grow: 2ml/l
Micro: 1.5ml/l
Bloom: 1ml/l

Calmag: 2ml/l

Advanced Silica: 0.1ml/l

Hydroguard 0.8ml/l

Rust is completely gone, but you can still spot the affected leaves in the photo below, it never continued past the second set of true leaves.


The roots are also looking super white and healthy.


This upcoming week I will switch to complete flower ratios for the nutes. I will start filling the res with nutes for flowering and by the end of next week the new res change will be with flower ratios. She is currently just in preflower mode so I figured it was good to make another batch of veg nutes.

That's it folks! :Namaste:
Hi guys!

Water change yesterday, things are going fine. Plant is growing and so far no problems. She is packing on weight and I imagin she has 4-5 weeks left to go.

Here are some pictures from yesterday, she is currently standing 132 cm tall from lid to top:

Nugs are shaping nicely:

Also the root ball keeps doubling in size every week:

I imagin the next few weeks will be more interesting as she keeps filling out. That's it for this update, ask me anything if you have any questions.

Thank you for reading.
Hi guys,

Water change yesterday as always, things are looking great. At this point I'm updating here more for myself to track my progress than anything else. If there are readers out there, feel free to drop a line.

Anyways, start of week 8 - 9, I reckon I got another 3 - 4 weeks of life in her at least.

The top cola is growing together really nice. If anyone is wondring, I over did it a littlebit on the "N" side of things, thus you can see some clawing going on. It has happened to me before and usually don't interupt the plant in any serious way.

And full plant photo:

Hi all!

9 weeks and 3 - 4 days into the grow, another res change today!

This last week she has put on a lot of weight, I have had to tie up branches every day.

For the res this week I'm only running the flora series as well as hydroguard. Usually around this time I like lowering the EC over time (the next 2 weeks or so) and after, I will run her "flush" with only seedling nutrient dosage.

I had to add a large rock on the lid as she kept falling over by her own weight. Her top cola looks massive and pictures does not justify her greatness. :yummy:


Some nug porn:


That's it for this week. We are probably looking at another 2 - 3 weeks before chop.

Later folks!
Hey guys!

Starting the last week of growing this wonderful plant. She is doing really good. I'm not changing the res this week as I like to flush her by just water her down over the next 5 - 7 days. I reckon the plant still need vital nutrients while ripening. Usually works out fine.

Some pictures from today:

Some of her side branches were hard to capture.

Nugs are looking mighty fine!



This time next week the chop party will have happened.

Later folks!
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