Obi's GSC, Soilless, 2021

I took two cuttings from each plant. 11 of 12 rooted. I really took a simple approach to cloning this round. Seeing how little I can get away with.
I took two cuttings from each plant. 11 of 12 rooted. I really took a simple approach to cloning this round. Seeing how little I can get away with.
Cloning is pretty easy if your mother plant is healthy. A good healthy mom and all you need to do is keep the cutting moist. Your plants look pretty healthy so I imagine they will root very easily. When's the smoke out? :yummy:
Healthy mom, healthy clones. Make sense.

Estimated chop date is about 4 weeks from today @ August 1. That would be on the long end I think.
I grew this strain as part of a multi strain grow last round. Grown in perlite hempy buckets the results were OK. I wanted to try a different grow media to see what difference it might make. The plants smell differently this run. More stink, pungent, weedlike. This could be from the switch to peat, different nutrient lineup and NPK values, the addition of microbes every few waterings or a combination of all. Either way, I feel like this peat base is a nice middle ground between hydro and soil. Versatile. I've been feeding at a pH of 6.0 and letting the root zone do the rest of the work. I might play with pH in the future however 6.0 has been a good set-it-and-forget-it target.
I pH to 6.0 myself, maybe 6.2 for flower but that's about as fancy as I get. I just got my bag of Jack's 20-10-20 and they had to ship it via LTL (I'm guessing because ammonium nitrate is one of the ingredients). Fertilizer was $43 for 25 lbs with a $15 processing charge and a $126 shipping charge. So all in all it was $185 for 25 lbs fertilizer. About $7.40 per pound so around what miracle grow costs in the store. Those hidden charges will get ya.
These pollen chuck plants are over-vegged. I cleaned up their legs and topped them to slow them down a bit. They are prime for flip.
I'll start a journal for the next batch when I get them moved into the bloom cab. I picked up some 5gal fabric pots. The 3s are too small for me. Looking at the 5s I'm wondering if I should have gone with 7s.

I might up-pot one plant and see how it looks.
Noticing how vertical some of the lower growth formed on that plant back there.
I ordered some 7gal pots. I don't think the 5s will cut it. They should arrive tomorrow.
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