Obama's Biden pick - awful!

"It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that can thoroughly understand the profitable way of carrying it on." ~Sun Tzu, the Art of War
We have two choices to evolve humanity, War, or Space.

To say you would never elect Obama no matter how bad it is, saddens me. It is that bad.

We should have let the financial markets fail. Then everyone would know what color this country is.. Green.. and not Cannabis green..

There is a single deciding factor for me as to why I simply will not vote for Obama. I cannot discuss it here, but I don't think I need to spell it out either for anyone to realize what that issue is. :peace:
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear
arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in
government." ~ Thomas Jefferson's Papers

And in contrast...

"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized
nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police
more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" ~ Adolph Hitler-1935

I wish it was just one or two key issues, but in my case there are at least 3. For one issue I can't vote for one party, and for the other two issues I can't vote for the other party. The only candidate that satisfies my moral compass is Ron Paul. I might consider Bob Barr...his hands-off approach may appease my concerns.
They cannot, and will not take anyones guns away.. unless they are machine guns :) Even the DC gun law was just overturned :)

I'm sorry but that is very wrong and somewhat naive.

Obama supported the handgun carry ban in Illinois, meaning he is against right to carry. Obama states, "I am not in favor of concealed weapons, I think that creates a potential atmosphere where more innocent people could (get shot during) altercations."

Licensed CCW permit citizens do not go around shooting innocent people. This is nonsense.

Obama supports a tax increase (as much as 500%) on ammunition. He also wishes to ban the sale and possession of rifle ammunition on the pretense that it is “armor penetrating”. These however happen to be the same calibers used for hunting. Obama states, “I would support banning the sale of ammunition for assault weapons and limiting the sale of ammunition for handguns.”

Banning ammunition is just as effective as banning the firearms themselves.

Obama also voted NO on a bill to prohibit civil liability actions from being brought or continued against manufacturers, distributors, dealers, or importers of firearms or ammunition for damages, injunctive or other relief resulting from the misuse of their products by others.

This means he would see no harm in holding the gun manufacturers liable for the violent actions and misuse of their products by criminals, thus attempting to bankrupt the industry with bogus lawsuits.

The DC vs. Heller case was a very close ruling, it was a 5-4 decision in favor of the 2nd Amendment. All the next party will need is a slight change in whose seated in the supreme court to overturn that same verdict or worse.

So much for not talking about this subject, because I could go on all day. I am a firm believer that the loss of your 2nd amendment right is a step in the direction of the loss of your rights entirely. The framers of the constitution knew this, and listed the amendments in the order of importance. Your first right to speak your mind is only defended by your second right to keep and bear arms. The framers express purpose of the second was that no law shall be constructed to infringe upon this right of the people... and this means NO LAW no matter how contrived.

There is a huge anti-gun sentiment in America today and all it will take is a shift to a government who knows nothing about firearms and believes that “guns are bad” to end up like the British… who by the way are all but pleading to have their firearms rights restored because violent crime is actually up and they are stuck with no means to defend themselves.

Meanwhile, in the USA, murder is at a 40 year low while CCW permit issuance and overall firearm sales are up demonstrating quite aptly there is zero correlation between the possesion of legal firearms by legitimate civillians and criminal violence with firearms. However, the anti-gunners would like you to conveniently ignore these facts. :peace: and MOLON LABE
Does anyone realize if it's legal, it's taxable...and couldn't the money could be used for anyone of our "main" issues?
They cannot, and will not take anyones guns away.. unless they are machine guns :) Even the DC gun law was just overturned :)

The DC gun law reversal was a straight vote - liberals for regulation, conservatives against.

Obama already said he's appoint judges in the vein of Suter, Ginberg, and Bryer. Your gun rights will not be protected under an Obama supreme court if follows through as promised.
With wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, with North Korea and Iran about to get their hands on nuclear weapons, with the economy a shambles, I do not think national drug policy (especially with respect to marijuana) is going to be a high priority for the next president, no matter which party he or she might come from. I think that those of us who wish to see the legalization of marijuana should continue to work toward our goals in the state and local political arenas.
Make no mistake, just because I do not agree with Obama on my own "key issue" doesn't mean I don't agree with him on others, or for that matter think McCain is god's gift to America.

As Boss pointed out, McCains views on things like abortion are downright insane and mostly driven by religious fervor. Roe vs. Wade needs to be upheld, it is a womans choice what she does with her own body. However, as much as you believe Obama will never be able to take our firearms, I believe McCain will never sucessfully make abortion illegal. Medical records are and have always been 100% confidential and any medical procedure, including abortion, would be between a woman and her chosen physician only.

One thing is for certain, this country is an absolute mess in more ways than one and at this point I highly doubt the ability of either candidate to clean it up. :peace:
Geez, I hope people do more than watch a couple YouTube videos before they make a choice.

McCain certainly is an a**hole. No doubt about it. And it seems like Obama is much less of an a**hole when he's all by himself. But this thread is about Obama's horrible choice of drug warrior Joe Biden--the man who literally invented the term "Drug Czar."

Here's what Tommy Chong has to say on the issue: "Joseph Biden comes off as a liberal democrat, but he's the one who authored the bill that put me in jail. He wrote the law against shipping drug paraphernalia through the mail -- which could be anything from a pipe to a clip or cigarette papers."

And what better expert could you want than Tommy? :bongrip:
No, I disagree..
I think those videos are as real about who we are voting for as you can get.....
Those videos show you what you will get...
You only have one choice...the VP is not the issue...unless we talk about Miss Palin..
And what would we say if we even could??????????? She has totally avoided the press..And the Public except when staged by the McCain campaign people.....
Obama is the most favorable of all because of he will not spend anymore federal dollars on Pot....Whats Biden too say????? Cats out of the bag..
Geez, I hope people do more than watch a couple YouTube videos before they make a choice.


How can you tell if a politician is lying?

His lips are moving
My favorite part of McCain's video, "...arresting the dead and the dying." :laughtwo:
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