NYC Diesel Auto, Advanced Seeds & NL Auto, The Seedsman

I'd guess she has a couple days left to live...
@Emilya i saw your post on watering and someone suggested to me the plant is drowned and this is one of the first signs when the plant develops a phosphorus deficiency, can i ask your opinion? its in an 18ltr pot with coco coir. I water every 3 days with ph'd water between 6.5 to 5.8 and i manage to share about 2ltrs over all 3 plants, would this be a case of over/underwatering??
Okay so the purple plants pretty much fucked. Dry crispy the last leaves have gone brown and it's not gonna make it back. I was talking to the hydro guy and he said it should be bigger by this stage and because it's not it's been stunted so just chuck them outside in smaller pots and give them half nutes to see if it gets them going. Unfortunately the purple one is showing no signs of recovery however the other two have opened up a bit more, the other NYC diesel is going slightly yellow on the leaves since it's feeding yesterday so I'll continue to monitor but the NL seems to be blooming. At this stage I'm not sure if I'll continue it outdoors or back in the tent, it's too late to bloom another one so I'll leave it as is until these either blossom or die. I'll water it again tomorrow it still feels rather damp less than an inch down but it's about 35-37 today so I expect it to dry out after a few more hours of sunlight today. Maybe I'll bloom another one and keep it outside as well but I'm not too sure yet. That's all for today's update I'm just going to let them do what makes them happy and keep up with the feedings.
Sorry to hear that. When I start seeds I like to start them in solo cups with a clear solo on top like a diy humidity dome. I leave them in the solo cups till they get a root system established. Then they go into #1's. Just make sure you poke holes in the bathroom of the cups for drainage. Check out my journal and see my progress. I just popped 5 seeds
yeah it does suck I have them outside at the moment I'm just giving them veg and pretty much all the things needed inweek 1 of the hygen range I got told just to water them everyday or every 2 days with the week 1 veg and see how they go day I decided I was just going to do the week 1 series and then give them pH water and go from there do it every alternate. I am thinking of starting the last two seeds I have the man at the hydro shop gave me some little round Cork hockey puck things he said just put the seeds on top of that and put them in a tray of water and they will absorb and go up and he said keep them outside until their 2nd or 3rd set of leaves then transport them but he didn't say into what or what size like do I take it out of the little hockey Park do I plant the whole hockey puck thing in there with it into a coco peat mix I'm just not sure

So this is all 3 of them the other two are doing okay the first one idk if it's even still alive. The stem went from red to purple so that's a decent sign but I'm not sure what to do from here. I put them in 4 ltr pots and I'm watering them with 2 ltrs of water so there's a bit of overflow but the girls are loving it. I feel like I wasted money on a tent and what not now...

So this is all 3 of them the other two are doing okay the first one idk if it's even still alive. The stem went from red to purple so that's a decent sign but I'm not sure what to do from here. I put them in 4 ltr pots and I'm watering them with 2 ltrs of water so there's a bit of overflow but the girls are loving it. I feel like I wasted money on a tent and what not now...
keep on the same path mate. looking like they will pull through. Once they recover and settle in they will grow again.
They're going great atm with half nutes every 2-3 days depending on the outside temp. I gave them nutes today and will water through in 3-4 days but they're all going great and the purple ones recovering.
well done keeping them going. fingers crossed
not yet mate. wait till it is looking happier , there is lots of time to train , dont feel your up against the clock. Keep watering her little and often . If you feed them a very weak feed to keep her happy maybe . The 4 weeks includes seed growing which is a drawn out process and usually seedling stage is slow but with the issues you had, it can slow then down. keep up the patience and all will be good mate. They look to me to be about 3 nodes now so when you get 5 sets of real leaves. ( we dont count the little rounded pair as they are cotyledons and for her emergency feeding if she cant find food when she hits her growing period. She will cannibalize those two leaves before she gives up and dies.)
good luck mate , doing well to keep going with them . good job buddy
not yet mate. wait till it is looking happier , there is lots of time to train , dont feel your up against the clock. Keep watering her little and often . If you feed them a very weak feed to keep her happy maybe . The 4 weeks includes seed growing which is a drawn out process and usually seedling stage is slow but with the issues you had, it can slow then down. keep up the patience and all will be good mate. They look to me to be about 3 nodes now so when you get 5 sets of real leaves. ( we dont count the little rounded pair as they are cotyledons and for her emergency feeding if she cant find food when she hits her growing period. She will cannibalize those two leaves before she gives up and dies.)
good luck mate , doing well to keep going with them . good job buddy
I just gave them their week 3rd week nutes at full strength because iv done half strength 2x already with watering days in-between. I moved them back into the tent in some big drain trays but my other concern is the run off is sitting at the bottom and I'm not sure if the pots should be elevated above the plants or just sitting in it to soak it up if need be. The hydro guys advice helped and they took off outside I just don't want neighbours seeing it as we have had issues in the area with break ins and what not so hopefully they have recovered enough to cope inside and now with nutes it seems every 2-3 days there's a new set of leaves so it's going crazy quick.

I gave them week 3 because looking at other auto guides they look to be about 2/3 week so I'm just starting at 3rd and seeing what happens and if it goes bad by tomorrow I'll flush and start over in a few days. Note this is the first full strength nutes IV given so fingers crossed
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