Nutrient deficiencies or ph issues?


420 Member
Hello everyone this is my first grow and I’ve been having problems from the beginning of this grow I feel I made a bad decision choosing ffof no mix. Nutes are nectar for the gods. I have two viparspectures 600s and one ygrow 600. Initially when I first got the soil the ph tested at an even 7 before planting. And since it’s been 7.5 so I was have some deficiencies. I didn’t a lil research and it was said to change the ph instantly ammonium sulfate works to make soil acidic. So I used some of that a few weeks back and the ph barely moved in the soil. I’m looking to flower within the next couple of weeks so I’ve been trying to get my soil at the correct ph beforehand. However I got desperate and I just kept adding ammonium sulfate into soil and watering in the bath tub until I could at least get the ph to read 7. I ran ALOT of water through my plant so that the nitrogen wouldn’t build up and cause nitrogen toxicity. However I’m not sure if I flushed all the nutrients completely out which is making my plants look like this or what but I really don’t want to lose them after such hard work can someone give me a general please and thanks for taking the time to read my displeasure with my first grow. There is one before pic in there as well.


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I work in Coco mostly but....
flush the plants with PH'd water. Then refeed and leave them to recover some. If the PH is way off yes it will have all kinds of deficiencies. But set it and don't chase IMO.
The damaged leaves will not recover but look at the new growth to see if it is doing better.. Run it a little longer than you planned in veg and you can still get good results/ Yield.

Good Luck!


Improvise yeah man I was thinking grabbing some calmag but my nute line is a calcium base but I’ll still try it. And most four of them are cindy99 and one is Chemdog 4 one is 818 headband than the one I’ve been having the most problems with is the blueberry. I just gave the plant to a friend figured I wouldn’t just throw her out but she was a real headache. Far East man yeah I was thinking that I’m going coco my next grow the ph is supposed to be a lot more acidic or neutral. But someone was telling me it’s more complex than just soil but I’m not having the best results with ffof and don’t plan on using it again. Do you have to flush before using and is organic better for coco or synthetic? I was thinking of the coco tek px to run next. Has perlite in it already for better drainage. What would you recommend? Oh and yeah i flushed with tap water not phed so that could have been a big issue but they look to be coming back around now. Thanks
Both have pro's and Cons. Soil is usually already full of nutes etc and requires less feed... stays moist longer. Coco the way i get it is clean. Nothing.. I get the cheap compressed blocks. But this way it is a clean slate. I know exactly what goes in to them. But I will say some kits like doc's kit are soil and sweet!
So both are good...

If you think you are feeding correctly on the balance then it is PH.. On the plant intake chart certain PH's block absorption of certain nutes. So hitting that sweet spot on ph allows the full range of plant uptake.

Hope that helps some


Help, Day 50 of 70-75 day auto flower, in soil, have Heavily brown spotted yellowish, lime green leaves. Bn using GH flora series at 1/2 strength. On a Nutes, water, nutes schedule .Feel certain its a deficiency. Ph run off was 5, but did a heavy flush…like 20g for a 5g pot. used ph water in the 6ish range. Ph is up in run off now but plant got much worse after. Ppm runoff 2150. Started adding cal/mag recently, but worried I’m gonna over do it. Buds are sticky n hairs starting to amber, thinking bout early harvest. I don’t think I can keep it going another 3weeks as getting worse by day. I read, run off testing in soil doesn’t tell u much, others certain it does..idk. At this point idc if only get a once or so, just want to get something good off of it. As this my first grow and spent well over $2500 for my setup, to get nothing after 2-3 months wld be devastating. Lower side limbs not so bad, so thought maybe light to close?..moved it up some..just don’t know if shld give heavy Nutes, or stick to plan water,nutes,water,water schedule (tht be 2 feeds a week). Just trying to limp to finish line with something…




Help, Day 50 of 70-75 day auto flower, in soil, have Heavily brown spotted yellowish, lime green leaves. Bn using GH flora series at 1/2 strength. On a Nutes, water, nutes schedule .Feel certain its a deficiency. Ph run off was 5, but did a heavy flush…like 20g for a 5g pot. used ph water in the 6ish range. Ph is up in run off now but plant got much worse after. Ppm runoff 2150. Started adding cal/mag recently, but worried I’m gonna over do it. Buds are sticky n hairs starting to amber, thinking bout early harvest. I don’t think I can keep it going another 3weeks as getting worse by day. I read, run off testing in soil doesn’t tell u much, others certain it does..idk. At this point idc if only get a once or so, just want to get something good off of it. As this my first grow and spent well over $2500 for my setup, to get nothing after 2-3 months wld be devastating. Lower side limbs not so bad, so thought maybe light to close?..moved it up some..just don’t know if shld give heavy Nutes, or stick to plan water,nutes,water,water schedule (tht be 2 feeds a week). Just trying to limp to finish line with something…




If you get 2150ppm on the runoff she's overfed. That's 4.3 EC! With that high runoff it often also comes with pH related issues that often goes on the low side with overfeeding.

If it's a peat based soil it's even more important to combat low pH at the end of flower. Either by adding back Calcium and Magnesium or by compensating by feeding higher pH on the input feed. I often had to feed pH 7,5-8.0 in peat/promix to not experience pH related problems in mid to late flower.
Don't chop those early. Do you have any type of magnifying tool to check the trichomes. your plants don't look that bad. relax and see it through.
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