8/6/16 Veg Stage Week 5 - So I decided to start watering my plants that are in the cococoir/perlite mix in air-pots more regularly. Up until now, I've been watering twice a week, once on Weds with Nutes and once on Sunday without nutes. After reading quite a bit it seems that cococoir needs to be watered more often since it's a hydro medium. I was watering it like a soil, letting it dry out before watering again, which apparently is not the greatest idea, supposedly plants will grow slow doing it that way in cococoir. Even though my plants look good.
I also think it makes since that my plants needs more regular feeding of nutes instead of once a week. Now it will get nutes twice a week. Once the plants are in flowering stage and buds form, I will start watering every day. I will still be giving plain ph water every other nutes day, this way nutes salts don't build up.
ph 5.85 in 5.93 out