NTH’s Grow Corner

Left foot. Second toe. Blown off by a 12 gauge. Good times! 😛

Always makes me lol!

As my old nan used to say “it’s all fun and games till you blow your second toe off with a shotgun…”
My outdoor gas lantern grow :) preventing flower with 2 minutes of light every 2 hrs after sunset until sunrise ;)

Nar if flowering had begun already and you start interrupting the night like that periodically then maybe. This is a proven method from Ed Rosenthal to keep a vegging plant in veg . And the consistentcy is accurate every night . On a timer set for Exactly the same times every night. Hermies are more caused by bad genetics anyway and exist in the genetics rather than caused by light interruptions.
Why so often? As long as there's no one stretch longer than 12 hours you should be good, no?
Plants can flower in 14hrs of
And the original method would seem less likely to produce hermies. I'd worry about the very short interruptions.
Why so often? As long as there's no one stretch longer than 12 hours you should be good, no?
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