NoobyMacDooby's Grow: Less Nooby More Dooby!

Lol. Is the Dooby about before, during or after attending to the ladies? Or all the way through

Dooby would be any smoke I manage to get out of this while plant care etc. is the noob part.....still 2 months for me to mess up, dont jinx me guys!

On another positive note seems like only one other plant is a boy so I have 6 girls in soil now! The boy is a Cuvee with almost no smell to it, least fragrant of the lot so no keeper there.

So turns out that male was kinda smelly, just blasted out by the other plants. Had they male standing near me while I was working and I kept getting wafts of smells from!

Got my 1st layer of net up, this is just for support mostly but I have started to spread the plants out a bit. Also not sure what's happening on that middle tall plant. It was a newer plant i put into an oversized pot. It was stretching so much I just figured it was a male but it's a lady. Smells much fruitier than the DWC one too

I'm just here for the money shot!!!


I'll hang around to see the end...:cool:
That was under my measly 3 x cobs and 2 x QB, so you could probably expect a bit more

Yeah I'm only running my cobs now but there's 12 of them at least. My mistake I made when buying my lights though was going for efficiency like the online guys showed in their videos so my lights could be more intense but they are running at low amps. I'm hoping that after a good grow or 2 I can afford some more lights to up the density of my nugs. The 1st grow I did had pretty ok sized buds but they where not very dense but they did foxtail from having the lights a bit too close

Will have to wait and see what I get from this run and the take it from there as far as possible yield go.

I'm also wondering about my feeding setup in the soil now that I'm in flowering. Apart from kelp, I haven't used any bottle nutes and the veg stage went pretty well imo. I am fermenting some banana and paw paw tomorrow for the soil but I still have bio bizz bloom and wondering if I should feed with that too. I did add rock phosphorous to my soil mix though.
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