NoDirtWeed's Dirt Grow

Here's another pic for you I think I am going to go to flower tomorrow.

Beautiful man, keep up the good work.
Alright I started 12x12 last night and it seems to have come throught it's first night cycle healthy and happy. I'm doing dark from 9pm to 9am. Sorry the pic is so washed out it's the best I could get it in PS because of how yellow the pic turns out with the HPS. :icon_roll

OK day three of flowering and it's really starting to leap in growth. 4-5 inches in the last 2 days. No preflowers yet and it's driving me nuts. I'm not sure I was this nervous when my kids were born!! Gimmee a GIRL!!!!


Ok here we are on day 39/Day 5 of flower and still lookin good bud no pre-flowers yet. I know the leaves look a bit droopy but that is just because I took the picture at the very end of the dark cycle just before the lights came on to avoid that wonderful color cast that the hps light give pics. As soon as the lights come on those leaves all perk right up.


Yeah it's crazy I go in to check on it and each time there is a recognizable difference. It's hard for me to wait 2 days between postings. I'm so proud. :goof:
I do rotate it twice a day. Seems to like that ok. I hope it starts slowing down with the upwards growth soon or I have might have to tie it over.
Flushed the plant last night and raised the light this morning. The getting close seems not to have harmed it. The fan was keeping the air moving accross it so maybe that helped. Anyways here's another update. :allgood:


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