Nobody's COB Perpetual: Various Strains & Some Edible Fun At Times In A Tiny Tent

Photos Flower
Unknown C99 @ 106 days @ 52 days flower
Greenhouse Seed Company Diamond Girl @ 90 days @ 52 days flower
Photos Veg
MMG Txaki @ 74 days
Humboldt Blue Dream @ 74 days
Greenhouse Seed Company Diamond Girl 1.1 rooted @ 62 days

2x Dutch Passion Auto Glueberry OG @ 52 outside
2x Dutch Passion Auto Duck @ 37 outside
2x Humboldt OG Kush Auto @ 25 outside
1x Dutch Passion Auto Durban Poison @ 15 outside
2x Humboldt OG Kush Auto @ 12 outside
1x Humboldt OG Kush Auto @ 6 outside
1x Barney's Farm Pineapple Express @ 5 outside

1x Barney's Farm Pineapple Express soaking

Nice Day today, so the autos got moved out of the garage for about 5 hours....I still feel like I need more light in the garage, something on the other side of the blurple since it has no spread really. Hmmmmm. But first I need more seeds to put under it.

I pulled back on N a bit in the tent and shit got yellow's ok, as I think I can slowly start plucking in there. Temps are ALOT cooler now that I moved the cit to the garage. The 2xvero light allows me to run a small dc fan sitting perfectly on the heatsinks. So even at 90% of max wattage, it's about 3-5 degrees cooler. This is going to be huge in the summer. I am loving these ACInfinity Airplates S9 on each of the lights. I might add a second ACInfinity inline 6" and put it on the tent intake, the controller running the inline can control 2. 2 of these running full on is still about 60w less than the old active air fan I had, and I don't run it past about 3.

The indoor veg trio under the single 4k vero look well. The Txaki tripod will get into bloom next. I will pull clones on the Blue Dream and Diamond Girl. I may hold off on flowering them. The DG (lowest) top two nodes were topped last night. Considering doing this to the outer nodes of the blue dream and giving her 4 more months.

Last photo are the autos in the garage. The last Pineapple Express has a tail. It's not very vigorous so who knows. I will prob 2 gallon soil this one tomorrow, have not washed perlite yet or drilled containers....still reading about see through buckets, might primer and rattlecan em.

RH in the garage is like 30 while it's 60 outside. Don't even have to run the heater tonight.

Moved the autos out today, and back in at sundown, got to turn lights off for a few hours. It's warmer out for a few days, so the garage is about 77 or so with the lights on high.

One of the ducks keeps pouting, it's annoying.

I peeked at the trichome on the c99 and the Diamond Girl. The c99 is looking further along with about 80% white, but the pistols are still pretty white. The DG is about 30% white.

Very tired today. Very stoned this evening.
Here is where we are today in the garage. As we get into the shitty overcast weather outside, and a low stash-I need more light. the MH fixtures I have in storage will just not work, was looking at a 600w on zon for 140bucks. Or I could add one of those ~300w daisies from Timber and expand if needed-those look really cool for light positioning.

Decisions. Got time to think as I wait for the seed orders to arrive.

On the far left we have the most recent seedlings on the stool, their getting about 15K-20K light wise, next in the tub we have the two ducks, on the right in the tub is the glueberry that is tall and long vs the one in the rear on the right (tallest plant), which is putting on weight but very leafy. The older OG kush are on the close right. There is a Durban Poison hiding behind the glueberry in the tub.

The tops of the plants under the blurple get about 80K, under the cits about 45K. Problem is the falloff under the blurple, where I am still getting a good 25K under the cits, the blurples drop off to < 10K.

Just thinking outloud.

You inspired my Seedsman order.
I ordered a Frisian Duck.
I'm gonna have one big purple duck. Make yours look tiny...who gonna have duck envy now???
I suppose that I have to get it up first, it may take awhile.....
I will admit, I am interested in seeing how a duck with the mutation grows without being crossed with the auto side of things.

In the tent the c99 is day to day. I have cut nutes back on both plants. Currently the c99 is looking pretty white all across the plant. I will probably take her when there is some amber. Never grown this strain, and really don't want weed that makes me jumpy.

The Diamond Girl is clear with maybe a third white mostly up top. This plant has a ton of trichomes, but their all small and very close....she will be very sticky.

So day to day on c99 and maybe 10 days or so on the DG.

I've started pumping the Txaki and Blue Dream with N in prep to the tent. Both have new growth and are settling in since their repotting back when. Afghani 1 is getting dropped next w something else.

The autos look fine, their inside 24/7 as it's not nice outside and will not be for a bit. I am going to drop a hindu kush auto and a G14 very soon. Also will be ordering a new light to help things out in the garage....maybe. I need Mo' Par....ha.

So that is whats going on....
I will admit, I am interested in seeing how a duck with the mutation grows without being crossed with the auto side of things.
I hope I get a purple pheno. I only bought one seed, so......
I think that the green is more common. Something like a 4:1 chance. I'm not 100% on that ratio.
Photos Flower
Unknown C99 @ 106 days @ 57 days flower
Greenhouse Seed Company Diamond Girl @ 90 days @ 57 days flower
Photos Veg
MMG Txaki @ 79 days
Humboldt Blue Dream @ 79 days
Greenhouse Seed Company Diamond Girl 1.1 rooted @ 67 days

2x Dutch Passion Auto Glueberry OG @ 57 outside
2x Dutch Passion Auto Duck @ 42 outside
2x Humboldt OG Kush Auto @ 30 outside
1x Dutch Passion Auto Durban Poison @ 20 outside
2x Humboldt OG Kush Auto @ 17 outside
1x Humboldt OG Kush Auto @ 11 outside
1x Barney's Farm Pineapple Express @ 10 outside

1x Barney's Farm Pineapple Express in soil, prob no go

Everyone is looking good over in the auto section, the OG Kush pair on the far right wilt everytime I water, or they get dry. Lol. Tallests in the tubs are the glueberry followed by the ducks.

Veg Area...Txaki at top (tripod), Blue Dream on right and diamond girl clone up front.

Tent is looking good, c99 is going to show some amber any moment now. Really liking the shape of this Diamond Girls buds (2nd photo), they filled out well, I hope this shit is dank. Smells wonderful. I figured both needed some pre harvest plucking and I had some free time.

I put the c99 in the garage to defoil her and get a decent look since she was in the back of the tent. Buds are nice, good weight to them, but not nearly as large as the DG. The c99 is pretty much day to day.

Here is the tent after clearing out. I think I may have another week + on the DG.

I have some autos in route. Think there is a G14 auto and some hindu kush and cheese that I wanna crack next. Over in the photos I might drop a G13 Hashplant and maybe a pair of Afghani#1. These will be vegged for a good 80 days.

We have some freezing weather coming, which means I will be running gas heat in the house and it will get pretty low RH for my dry times may only be a day or so. Going to plan on leaving as much stem as possible to help. But I may just have to get there and burp.
My to do list for this week:
-Chop c99 and hang.
-Clone the DG and possibly the BD. Doubt I will the Txaki, as I am awash with cbd bud. I almost thought of cloning it and culling the plant because of the tripod joint.
-Order another light for garage
-Drop at least an afghani photo tomorrow, few autos later in the week when they show.

We are about to get our first real cold front tomorrow-I hope my little heater with lights on full blast will cut it. I put the autos outside for most of the day today and they all seemed to like it, lux was about 90-100K.

This Glueberry auto looks like it wants to go 30 more days bud wise....ugh.
Photos Flower
Unknown C99 @ 106 days @ 60 days flower
Greenhouse Seed Company Diamond Girl @ 90 days @ 60 days flower
Photos Veg
MMG Txaki @ 82 days
Humboldt Blue Dream @ 82 days
Greenhouse Seed Company Diamond Girl 1.1 rooted @ 70 days
Afghani Numero Uno in water

2x Dutch Passion Auto Glueberry OG @ 60 outside
2x Dutch Passion Auto Duck @ 45 outside
2x Humboldt OG Kush Auto @ 33 outside
1x Dutch Passion Auto Durban Poison @ 23 outside
2x Humboldt OG Kush Auto @ 20 outside
1x Humboldt OG Kush Auto @ 14 outside
1x Barney's Farm Pineapple Express @ 13 outside

I think it's time to call the last PE seedling a no-go. Weather is getting crappier by the moment, so all the autos are huddled under the cranked lights and heater on standby. Erect ducks are in front.

Over in the tent we have more yellowing. I took a peek at both plants. I found a few amber on the buds not the sugars on both plants. I will let the DG get a little more amber than the c99, so cutting order should be c99 followed by DG.

I am guessing about 3 zips for each plant. Trimming should only be a couple hours since they got plucked good a few days back.

Truck needs a new front bearing, so guess that is what I am doing when it warms up. Dropping Afghani today/tonight.

For some reason it does not feel like a Monday. I think it's the shitty weather.
Welp, it's still freaking cold. But not near as windy. The plants in the garage made it fine overnight. The garage is attached to the rest of the house so there is some heat if I open the kitchen door, think it made it 69.8 or something on the low. They were pretty dry this morning, the rh was in the 30s, so they took up water like freaks. The pouter was back to pouting, my ducks are looking happy, and we all love happy ducks.

I need to order one of those wifi switches so I can turn off the lights before I open the garage door so the neighbors don't accidentally see my garage tanning bed.

My first order showed up. I promptly dropped:
1xFast Seeds G14 Auto
2xSeedsman Strawberry Cheese Auto (Freebies).

I thought hard about the Hindu Kush, but, I will wait till I can do a run of like 3/4 because I bought a few of those seed.

This morning I got stoned and lost in the tent plucking the c99 and some on the Diamond Girl.
All the autos sank this morning! I will probably napkin them tonight.

Tent is running along at 300w light wise....I might pull the c99 either tomorrow or friday. Saturday i have a day trip-so hopefully I see a little more amber by then.

The garage autos are doing fine in the weather. One of the glueberry is yellowing and you can see it behind the older OG kush. Both the Glueberry look like they have a good 3 more weeks. RH out in the garage is like 28.

Need to make a decision and order another light for the garage. Leaning towards another 2vl from Timber in 3500k.
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